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  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Default Lower back Fused question

    I'm curious if anyone has experience with long distance hiking or thru hiking with l5/s1 disc fusion and lots of stenosis specifically. I haven't had the procedure yet but I'm being told by some doctors my days of this type of activity are done. In 2021 I hiked 1900 miles of the AT until my back issues progressed to the point I couldn't feel my ankle/foot and lost all strength in my left leg. I got home and my Doctor ignored my back issues and sent me to pt for my ankle. I got angry and ignored my problems until recently. Basically long story short I want to thru hike in the future and I'm not sure even if I put all my effort into loosing most body fat/strengthening my core would still be possible or remotely realistic. I'd appreciate any feedback from someone who has similar issues and how there story has progressed and turned out. Thank you for taking the time to read and provide input. Cameron

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    After you have the procedure do as the doctor/therapist prescribes for you. Eat healthy and excersise and go easy getting back on a local trail in the park.

  3. #3


    I didn't have my disc's fused, I had/have stenosis that progressed from not being able to get out of a chair to being sprawled out on the family room floor all day, using a walker to get to the bathroom. I weighed about 260 at the time. My doc had me get the steroid shots to the spine to relieve the pain but that made it worse. Finally had surgery. Procedure basically cleared the impingements where the nerve exits the backbone. I walked out of the surgery with no pain. Doc told me that it would happen again if I didn't lose weight and strengthen my core. He said the best way to do both was to walk.

    I started stretching and walking every morning before work. first 1 mile then 3 then 7 miles. I got up to 25-35 miles a week. I bought an inversion bench and started using it daily to decompress the disks and stretch.

    Took a couple of years to really feel like my back was healthy. Never really had any plans to do any long distance hiking, but soon I started to feel like I could. In 2019 I started hiking the PCT. I've hiked 2100 miles so far. Hope to finish the trail next summer. I thought I was interested in a thru-hike, but have decided that its not for me. My limit is 6-9 weeks at a time. After that it isn't fun for me anymore.

    Ditto on Zelph's advice, Once you've had your procedure, follow your doc's advice, go walk, build up your time and distance. Get healthy and figure out what your goals are.

  4. #4
    Registered User JNI64's Avatar
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    Have you looked into titanium disc replacement as opposed to disc fusion? It's a new alternative and provides people with more flexibility and faster recovery.
    And for sure lose weight eat healthy strengthen your core and stretch .

  5. #5
    Registered User
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    Thank you for the feedback! I'm defiantly going to follow all instructions provided! My success won't be from lack of effort on my part. I'm losing weight fast and working on my core strength. Thanks again.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by JNI64 View Post
    Have you looked into titanium disc replacement as opposed to disc fusion? It's a new alternative and provides people with more flexibility and faster recovery.
    And for sure lose weight eat healthy strengthen your core and stretch .
    I would love to receive a disc replacement. Unfortunately unless insurances covers this procedure I'll not be able to afford it. I'll keep this info in my back pocket! Thanks for the reply! Cameron

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nanatuk View Post
    I didn't have my disc's fused, I had/have stenosis that progressed from not being able to get out of a chair to being sprawled out on the family room floor all day, using a walker to get to the bathroom. I weighed about 260 at the time. My doc had me get the steroid shots to the spine to relieve the pain but that made it worse. Finally had surgery. Procedure basically cleared the impingements where the nerve exits the backbone. I walked out of the surgery with no pain. Doc told me that it would happen again if I didn't lose weight and strengthen my core. He said the best way to do both was to walk.

    I started stretching and walking every morning before work. first 1 mile then 3 then 7 miles. I got up to 25-35 miles a week. I bought an inversion bench and started using it daily to decompress the disks and stretch.

    Took a couple of years to really feel like my back was healthy. Never really had any plans to do any long distance hiking, but soon I started to feel like I could. In 2019 I started hiking the PCT. I've hiked 2100 miles so far. Hope to finish the trail next summer. I thought I was interested in a thru-hike, but have decided that its not for me. My limit is 6-9 weeks at a time. After that it isn't fun for me anymore.

    Ditto on Zelph's advice, Once you've had your procedure, follow your doc's advice, go walk, build up your time and distance. Get healthy and figure out what your goals are.

    Thats some real inspiration there!! I'm proud of your commitment and the work you put in to get healthy! I'm not ready to give up on my dreams of Thru hiking many trails in the future. If it takes being a skinny minnie and abs of steel then thats my current goal. I started off at 230#'s a little over a month ago. I'm down to 210 and hope to drop anther 25#'s. Thats pretty skinny for me. Here's to putting in the effort to achieve our dreams. Just reading these post's have lifted my spirit a ton. Thanks again! Cameron

  8. #8



    You certainly have the proper spirit, will leave the exercise advice to your doc and PT. Other than do the high range of what they suggest.

    On another angle, on a per day basis, hiking is pretty inexpensive, compared to a lot of pursuits like golf. Getting good quality, lightweight gear after thorough research is worth it. Sometimes it isn’t expensive at all, for instance using a trash compactor bag inside your pack instead of buying an heavier less effective rain cover for the outside.

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