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  1. #41
    PCT, Sheltowee, Pinhoti, LT , BMT, AT, SHT, CDT, TRT 10-K's Avatar
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    Don't know if you're interested or not but I made a GPS track of the hike back from where the AT crosses at that rock foundation back to my house.


    The track starts at the rock foundation - you can see where, going up, I made the hard left through the bushes and went up 200 or so yards to the AT and you can make out where I made the right off Martin's Creek Rd.

  2. #42
    Registered User Old graymare's Avatar
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    I was at NBK a couple of summers ago, and while I was down getting water, that bear raided my food supply and drug my food bag into that ravine in the woods in front of the
    shelter. It did leave me some bits and pieces for supper and breakfast, but not much more.
    And sleeping that night was definitely creepy.

  3. #43
    Registered User John B's Avatar
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    Is No Business Knob shelter the one just north of Hogback Ridge shelter? If so, I stopped there for lunch and don't recall thinking it was creepy. What did I miss?

    You want to talk creepy, there's nothing worse than Wapiti (or at least I think that's the name -- north of Dismal Creek Falls). Reminded me of the scene in "The Shining" when Scatman Cruthers is explaining the bad vibes in the Overlook -- lots of bad things have happened over the years; it's like when you burn toast, it leaves behind a smell.

  4. #44

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    Quote Originally Posted by John B View Post
    Is No Business Knob shelter the one just north of Hogback Ridge shelter? If so, I stopped there for lunch and don't recall thinking it was creepy. What did I miss?
    Hogback Ridge Shelter is a couple of shelters back, just south of Sam's Gap. Bald Mountain Shelter is between them.

    Quote Originally Posted by John B View Post
    You want to talk creepy, there's nothing worse than Wapiti (or at least I think that's the name -- north of Dismal Creek Falls).
    I was there in November, but Wapiti seemed a very nice place to me. But too bad it's so close to easy access by ne'er-do-wells, that's true.


    [I]ye shall not pollute the land wherein ye are: ... Defile not therefore the land which ye shall inhabit....[/I]. Numbers 35



  5. #45
    PCT, Sheltowee, Pinhoti, LT , BMT, AT, SHT, CDT, TRT 10-K's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fehchet View Post
    You will come out onto the trail that leads back to the forest serviced road. The one you went a few feet too far on.


    I drove up to Indian Grave Gap this morning and hiked down to the turnoff and headed back down towards Martin's Creek Rd. When I got to the place where I bushwhacked instead of cutting off I stayed on the old road.

    In less than 100 yards there was a switchback on the road that doubled back right to the point where I bushwhacked going up.

    Anyway, your directions are perfect and now I can make it up there without bushwhacking at all.

    Here's another question... When you get up to the rock foundation and the AT goes to the left and right - where do you go if you keep going straight? I walked down the hill about a quarter mile and it was apparent that it probably goes somewhere and doesn't just peter out.

  6. #46
    Registered User fehchet's Avatar
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    Yes, that leads to a cornucopia of trails, mountain roads, private game clubs, swimming holes, the Nolichucky River, and North Carolina. I spent a whole winter once exploring that area. With no leaves on the trees, you can have an idea of the ridges as you walk along and fairly well keep yourself from becoming disoriented. Sometimes the trails are heavily overgrown and impassible but can be accessed from another direction by noting the ridges.
    I'd say you can work out from the AT there at the foundation knowing that if you keep taking trails to the right, you actually will be walking away from the AT but if you circle to the left after a bit, you will be able to get back to the AT by simply walking WNW down hill. I always thought I could get back to the AT if I kept going right but soon discovered you will see that the land drops off down to the Nolichucky making it not worth bushwhacking. You can also get to the area by walking in on the road from Indian Grave Gap. The road runs just east along the ridge above the AT.

  7. #47
    PCT, Sheltowee, Pinhoti, LT , BMT, AT, SHT, CDT, TRT 10-K's Avatar
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    I have walked down the gravel road at Indian Grave Gap and took a fork to the left and hiked the 8 mile loop (Shinbone trail) and checked out the Eagles Nest vista - that view of the gorge was worth the walk.

    I'm surprised at what good shape those old trails are in....the trails on the other side of the river are much more overgrown.
    Last edited by 10-K; 01-01-2011 at 15:13.

  8. #48
    Registered User Amberchime's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 10-K View Post
    I have walked down the gravel road at Indian Grave Gap and took a fork to the left and hiked the 8 mile loop (Shinbone trail) and checked out the Eagles Nest vista - that view of the gorge was worth the walk.

    I'm surprised at what good shape those old trails are in....the trails on the other side of the river are much more overgrown.
    I forgot the name of the Shinbone Trail it takes a nice dip down as I recall and yes the views east are quite nice. I found the trail from Curley Maple several years ago. I had directions though. Erwin's a great area for 8 to 15 mile day hikes.

  9. #49
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    Sure is.....

  10. #50
    PCT, Sheltowee, Pinhoti, LT , BMT, AT, SHT, CDT, TRT 10-K's Avatar
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    Today I parked my truck at Uncle Johnny's and walked down to the Temple Hill Trail and took it up to the AT. When I got to the AT, I went south to No Business Knob shelter. About 200 or so yards north of the shelter is an unmarked trail that I took about .5 mile down to forest road 107 and walked it 6 miles back to Uncle Johnny's.

    The views from the top of the mountain all the way back to Uncle Johnny's were awesome and I was very surprised to find a road that close to the shelter.

    Here a GPS track of the entire loop:

    Great day to be outside and like was mentioned a few posts up - Erwin is paradise for 10-20 mile day hikes. I can't believe I live here............. In less than 4 hours I hiked 11.45 miles and was back home!

  11. #51
    Registered User LoneRidgeRunner's Avatar
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    Maybe it has a "booger"...I have read somewhere about some of the trail shelters being "haunted". Mollies Ridge is one I think...Supposed to be haunted by the ghost of a young maiden who froze to death up there looking for a lost hunter..Anyone believe in "boogers"? At the risk of being labeled a "nut" I do..lol...My house has a "booger"...

  12. #52
    Registered User LoneRidgeRunner's Avatar
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    Just remember that "boogers" can't hurt you..They are dead...

  13. #53


    Quote Originally Posted by John B View Post
    You want to talk creepy, there's nothing worse than Wapiti (or at least I think that's the name -- north of Dismal Creek Falls). Reminded me of the scene in "The Shining" when Scatman Cruthers is explaining the bad vibes in the Overlook -- lots of bad things have happened over the years; it's like when you burn toast, it leaves behind a smell.

    I second the Wapiti Shelter being creepy. I guess just because I know about the bad things that have gone on in the area. The last day I visited the falls, there were beer bottles smashed all over the place and two guys were up to something when I arrived. They were drinking and stopped whatever they were doing, they were also carrying handguns. As I was at the falls someone stopped at the pull off and tried to get into my car. I could see their hand prints where they pulled on my handles and leaned in to look in my windows. They eventually peeled out and left.

    After this I went upstream to fish and the stream was a murky deep red tint from all of the iron oxides and low water levels. Heard gunshots all afternoon up the valley from the campground. You could also see on the trail where people had crapped in the middle of the trail and wiped themselves clean while camping out.

    I never feel uneasy in the woods, but I was creeped out that entire day and left early. When I hike that section I stay up on the mountain a couple miles away from Wapiti and fly by to Jenny Knob in 1 day.

    Too bad the guys at the store right near here are nice and make some good burgers.

  14. #54
    Registered User Stumbler's Avatar
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    Reading the notes from your adventures sounds great. I've been up Martin's Creek Road many times, mostly running, esp last summer. Great run to the top of the road, at a dead end, but I was hoping to get to Curly Maple Shelter. I know you guys like to hike alone, but I'd enjoy some company until I learn the way.

    Send me a note, and I'll meet you there. Cheers.

    PS: there is a nice little falls just off the trail on the right going up the road. Nice place to cool off during from a noon-time run up the mountain from the YMCA.

  15. #55
    Springer to Elk Park, NC/Andover to Katahdin
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    Quote Originally Posted by DLANOIE View Post
    I get the same feeling from chairback gap lean to in Maines 100 mile "wilderness". Just a feeling I got when I was there last. If walls could talk.
    Me too....
    I am not young enough to know everything.

  16. #56
    Registered User Stumbler's Avatar
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    Correction, Martin Creek Falls is on the left as traveling up Martin Creek Road. Went up today and found the pipe spring on the right across from the 2nd trash barrel (and burn pit) and the side trail leading to the right into a clearing, just past the large pipe carrying stream water. Beautiful today! But I did not remember any more directions up to Curley Maple Shelter.

    Sorry for my error on the falls' location.

  17. #57
    Registered User RGB's Avatar
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    It was probably just the Jersey Devil...

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    "A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and gets to bed at night, and in between he does what he wants to do."

    -Bob Dylan

  18. #58
    Registered User RGB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by redeye View Post
    I second the Wapiti Shelter being creepy. I guess just because I know about the bad things that have gone on in the area. The last day I visited the falls, there were beer bottles smashed all over the place and two guys were up to something when I arrived. They were drinking and stopped whatever they were doing, they were also carrying handguns. As I was at the falls someone stopped at the pull off and tried to get into my car. I could see their hand prints where they pulled on my handles and leaned in to look in my windows. They eventually peeled out and left.

    After this I went upstream to fish and the stream was a murky deep red tint from all of the iron oxides and low water levels. Heard gunshots all afternoon up the valley from the campground. You could also see on the trail where people had crapped in the middle of the trail and wiped themselves clean while camping out.

    I never feel uneasy in the woods, but I was creeped out that entire day and left early. When I hike that section I stay up on the mountain a couple miles away from Wapiti and fly by to Jenny Knob in 1 day.

    Too bad the guys at the store right near here are nice and make some good burgers.
    That's one of those situations where I don't know if I should put my pack cover on so people can see me or wish I had camo so I could stay under the radar. I've met some of the nicest hunters on the trail that know a lot about the area and are happy to give me weather updates, etc. Also I've seen moronic hicks engaging in jackassery such as shooting at random trees in the woods, while drinking. Didn't take me long to inform the proper authorities. That's the cost of a free trail open to the public, dealing with all flavors of people.
    "A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and gets to bed at night, and in between he does what he wants to do."

    -Bob Dylan

  19. #59
    Registered User d.o.c's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jennyjoseph713 View Post
    I also felt like there were eyes on me - but maybe that's because I shared the shelter and area around it with about a dozen hikers since I was there in thruhiking season.I was on a long section hike.
    those people rent thru hikers till they finish they are just long section hikers.. just look back with the same im better than you look.

  20. #60
    Registered User sdisser's Avatar
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    For those of you who felt you were being watched at NBK, I'll just say that you probably were. Yes, maybe by a bear and maybe by a bunch of other little furry creatures, but possibly also by something paranormal. I hesitate to tell this story because I realize people probably think I'm crazy, but here goes.

    On my 2013 NOBO thru, one night I hiked into the darkness in the rain and the fog, ending at No Business Knob shelter after 10pm. First, I was definitely a little creeped out by the appearance of the shelter right off the bat, filthy, covered in graffiti. But I was even more creeped out by this dude that had been hiking with me. As we were hiking the last mile he kept telling me that he thought he was hearing voices in the woods. I didn't know this guy hardly at all and I thought he might be crazy and could possibly murder me in my sleep.

    After I set up camp in the shelter and built a fire, I walked back into the woods to find a tree to hang my food on. I had to walk probably 50 yards back to find a good sturdy branch. As I walked back to the shelter, without my headlamp on, using the light of the distant fire to guide my direction, I stopped dead in my tracks, frozen in fear when I heard the terrifying sound. It was the sound of multiple female voices speaking in reverse (exactly like if you play a tape of someone talking backwards). It was all around me and circling around me for about 10-15 seconds. And then it just stopped.

    I slowly walked back to my camp, shaking from what just happened. I asked the guy what he meant when he said he was hearing voices. He said, "I don't know dude, it was like a woman or something." I asked if it sounded like she was speaking in reverse. He said "YES, that's exactly what it sounded like."

    We decided to stay at the shelter regardless of the sounds. We would have to hike another 7 miles to get to town and we'd already hiked 20 that day, mostly in the rain. We heard unexplained noises in the woods all night. I didn't sleep much.

    The next day we hiked down to Uncle Johnnys. The caretaker there greeted us as we arrived. Without me telling him anything about my experience, he asked if I was familiar with the history of those woods. He then proceeded to tell me that the Cherokee never stepped foot in those woods because they believed "the spirit that makes you insane" dwelt there. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I told him what I had just experienced the night before. He just shrugged and said "yeah, that's not the first time I've heard that one. I'd tell you some other stories I've heard from hikers coming out of there but you probably wouldn't go back in the woods."

    I took three days off of the trail after that as I was definitely a little freaked out. Anyway, enjoy, folks! If anyone else has a similar story, I'd love to hear it.

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