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  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by tawa View Post
    Yep----your crazy all right!!** But relax ---you could be normal ---work a stressful job in a cubicle from 9-5 each day, drive in heavy freeway traffic for an hour each day, live in a suburbia USA on a culdasack with fifty other look alike homes, go to Walmart three-four times a week, have and use several technological gadgets which make you totally accessible and unplugged from the mainstream and be hooked on watching CNN news and ESPN sports several hours a day ---all while seldom exercising and hiking away from the couch and remote to either go to the refrigerator or bathroom!!** lol
    Sure glad were crazy! Sure glad we took the other fork in the road and choose to travel the path less travelled. Actually hope we can keep it a secret because the mainstream would find a way to screw it up and for the government to either own or control it!
    Just keep on hiking.

    This is my favorite response thus far!...
    I also will take the comments regarding the trail not solving my problems. Youa re right I should not have any expectations so far as what to expect on the trail. Just letting things happen would be the better way to approach things.
    What I like most is the over-all approach that everyone has had to break from the mainstream and do what I feel is best for me. Breaking my old train of thinking is a constant struggle but I can do it. BTW...Where do I find people like all of you in my own area?? Hikers, rebels, whatever you wanna call it...where are you?

  2. #22
    Registered User hobbs's Avatar
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    now that you know we exist.You have to hike for you and you know where will all be this spring! On the trail!!!
    My love for life is quit simple .i get uo in the moring and then i go to bed at night. What I do inbween is to occupy my time. Cary Grant

  3. #23
    Registered User 4eyedbuzzard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by davenc View Post
    BTW...Where do I find people like all of you in my own area?? Hikers, rebels, whatever you wanna call it...where are you?
    Mostly, we're institutionalized.

    Seriously, join a local trail club and you'll meet others. Lots of clubs organize group hikes / weekenders / short section hikes.

    Also, just go start hiking. Especially on weekends during good weather there are usually others out hiking. If you camp at or near shelters you'll often get to socialize a bit and get to know some others there too. Most people hike somewhat locally, so you'll often meet people that you'll see again. Sometimes there are more than you'd even like - the woods can sometimes get crowded in popular spots.
    "That's the thing about possum innards - they's just as good the second day." - Jed Clampett

  4. #24
    PCT, Sheltowee, Pinhoti, LT , BMT, AT, SHT, CDT, TRT 10-K's Avatar
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    Not to be a stick in the mud or anything but once you start hiking this romanticism will quickly wear off. It's a LOT of work.

    I really like your idea of a few section hikes before taking the plunge - that's pretty wise.

  5. #25
    Registered User Mountain_Goat's Avatar
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    wow,alot of what you said i can relate to.I'm 34 years old..landed in a career by default.Not happy.haven't been for about a few days after i graduated.Ended up staying because it paid the bills.I finally made the decision to thru hike the trail starting march 1st.I feel as though i need a break from the "normal" day to day life.I have a fiance and if it wasn't for her and her ability to "cover my ass" i definitly would not b able to fullfill this need as well as desire and dream i have had my entire existance.I am enrolling in school and when i return i will be starting over basically.It took me 34 years to finally decide where i feel as though i belong in this world.Outdoors.
    goodluck and hope to see you on the trail.

  6. #26
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    I broke it down to 2 choices...

    Choice1. Stay home.
    I will feel: bored. I will do the following: go to work, eat, sleep, repeat. I will think: should I do the thru-hike? Where the hell is the remote? Is this all there is?

    Choice 2. Do the thru-hike.
    I will feel: tired, hungry, hot, cold, happy, sad, challenged, discouraged, sore, encouraged and homesick. I will do the following: walk, camp, sleep, repeat; meet people, be dirty, stink, worry about food water and weather, see many sunsets, lose weight, get wet, get eaten by bugs and be uncomfortable. I will think: this is awesome, this sucks, this is where I belong, I just don’t want to do this, I’m glad I’m doing this now, I wonder if my wife left me, do I have enough food and water?

    I'll let you guess which one I chose .
    Simple is good.

  7. #27
    Registered User Big Dawg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by davenc View Post
    Im glad I found this site. I am sure others have posted the same story Im about to post but this one is mine and would really like some feedback.......
    Welcome to WB!! YES, you're crazy. Congratulations! Welcome to the club. A lot of good responses so far. Question... have you ever done any hiking/backpacking? As 10K says,, "it's a LOT of work". But obviously work that's VERY rewarding. If you don't have any gear, then take the time to do research here, and make a list of the items you'll need. Many of us could send you a spreadsheet of our gear lists to give you an idea of a typical "kit",, ie.. all your gear. As far as finding yourself,, you'll have plenty of time in the woods to reflect, which can give clarity on what you really want to do in your future. Ultimately... go walk in the woods, and have a great time, and figure out what you want your experience to be. Oh, and while perusing here, sometimes you'll have to ignore the bickering, which accompanies any online forum. I sift through the crap and find the nuggets of gold. WB has many of them!

    Quote Originally Posted by tawa View Post
    Yep----your crazy all right!!** But relax ---you could be normal ---work a stressful job in a cubicle from 9-5 each day........ etc.
    one of my favorite responses too!

    Quote Originally Posted by hikerboy57 View Post
    You're not crazy unless you eat the wild potatoes!
    or the yellow snow,,,
    NOBO section hiker, 1066.4 miles... & counting!!

  8. #28
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    The journey is the destination, regardless of how long that journey is. What you seek may be found closer to home. State parks have hiking trails and campgrounds. Being on an organized trail for 6 months can give you a sense of accomplishment, and having it defined for you can give you a sense of direction and a stopping point. But never let Katahdin be your goal! (or Springer if SOBO). Enjoy each day you're in the wilderness whether on the AT or 20 miles from home. If you hike 20 miles today or two, take time to look around you, smell the air, hear the breeze in the leaves,... experience the solitude and make yourself whole. Let everyday be a pilgrimage. Your path will come to you.

  9. #29


    Quote Originally Posted by davenc View Post
    So what about family that thinks I'm crazy? how do I answer all of the questions??
    That's a good question. For 25+ years I have been hearing how crazy I am for running every day. When I announced my plans to thru hike, well. Just tell them that if they have to ask the question, they won't understand the answer. I'd much rather be the way I am than be normal. Wouldn't you?

    litefoot 2000

  10. #30
    trash, hiker the goat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by davenc View Post
    Im glad I found this site. I am sure others have posted the same story Im about to post but this one is mine and would really like some feedback.

    Im 33 and recently left a very unhappy job. I started back to school this month. I have been searching for "something" for my whole life I guess. I come from a Broken family, etc..etc...etc.. and it seems no matter what I do I just can't find it. Even having started school I just feel like Im crawling out of my skin. School is important to me but I have spent so much time f-ing my life up I just feel like I want to spend some time away from the craziness of it all. Im single, no kids...really nothing to keep me away from the trail. For a long time I just felt like i didn't have permission to do anything that was out of the "norm". Then I watched "into the Wild". Yes I know that movie ended with death and I don't wish that on anyone but I fell in love with Alexanders passion for life and also with his rebellious spirit.

    I'm not sure where I'm going with this other then to say I HAVE to do something. I have to walk, I have to prove something to myself. I have to start somewhere!!. I have to get away from the madness. I have to just be with myself, and with other kindred spirits.
    I feel very unprepared because basically I am. Would doing maybe a section of the trail this summer be a smart thing? I live in NC so getting to the trail is just a few hours. I almost feel like not doing something is much more dangerous then doing it. Sounds crazy but it's how I feel.
    Can any of you relate to my babbling? If so let me know if I just need to up my prozac...lol...or if you think Im not really crazy at all. Thanks!!
    when you boil it down, it's just going for a walk. nothing crazy about that.
    "The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions, that I wish it always to be kept alive." -TJ

  11. #31
    Registered User Storm's Avatar
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    I've done the 9-5 so to speak for 47 years. Started working when I was 17 and have provided a decent life for myself and my family. When I announced a little over a year ago that I was going to go backpacking with the ultimate goal to attempt a thru hike my entire family thought the old guy had finally lost it. Now that I've lost 40 pounds and can out walk my grandkids their change in attitude has been dramatic. Now they ask reasonable questions and understand this isn't a suicide mission.

    If you want to talk crazy then wait until you've been on the trail for several days without a shower or shave, haven't combed your hair, you've slept in you clothes, walked 30 or 40 miles in 90 degree weather and run into a group of pretty smelling day hikers. The looks on their faces will let you know that they have little doubt that you are crazy. That's when you will know the ultimate truth. What they think doesn't matter. Do what you feel is right for you.
    "The difficult can be done immediately, the impossible takes a little longer"

  12. #32
    Registered User TheYoungOne's Avatar
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    I mention this in a previous thead about the age of thru hikers. I'm 40 with a wife and kids, I will probably never thru hike, unless I stay healthy and wait until the kids are out of college and I'm retired. I felt those years in my late teen and early twenties, before I met my wife was wasted.

    You have no wife, no kids, and you don't have a job. You have nothing tying you down. Also everyone I know right now who is unemployed is having a TOUGH time finding a job.

    If you have the money and the equipment to do it, just do it. Like Carbo said, Its better then sitting at home, with no job, draining youre nest egg, drinking and watching TV come July or August and saying, " I wish I went"

  13. #33
    Registered User TheYoungOne's Avatar
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    Also, who is to say you cannot still do school then do the AT. You can either start late , after the Semester is over, or talk to your teachers and ask if you can leave early.

  14. #34
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    Red face

    youve all given me lots to ponder.

    I like the vibe from all of you. Honest but supportive. After thinking about the responses I have a tentative plan.

    1. Enjoy this semester at college(as it's the first time I've been in school in 15 years)
    2. Work as much as possible and begin saving money for the thru hike.
    3. Start hiking and backpacking on a local and state level.
    4. Begin investing in equipment.
    5.Move to the Asheville NC area after school is out in May this year. I have been longing for the Mts most of my life. After spending a week in Valle Crucis NC this past september I knew it was time for me to make the move.
    6. Keep reading this site for advice and start making real contacts with other hikers.

  15. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by davenc View Post
    youve all given me lots to ponder.

    I like the vibe from all of you. Honest but supportive. After thinking about the responses I have a tentative plan.

    1. Enjoy this semester at college(as it's the first time I've been in school in 15 years)
    2. Work as much as possible and begin saving money for the thru hike.
    3. Start hiking and backpacking on a local and state level.
    4. Begin investing in equipment.
    5.Move to the Asheville NC area after school is out in May this year. I have been longing for the Mts most of my life. After spending a week in Valle Crucis NC this past september I knew it was time for me to make the move.
    6. Keep reading this site for advice and start making real contacts with other hikers.

    A reasonable plan, grounded in reality. Doable.


  16. #36
    Registered User Old Hiker's Avatar
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    What if you turn out to be the only sane person there? You have a plan - try it out. If it doesn't work the first time, re-think it and try again.

    Wait......... wild potatoes???
    Old Hiker
    AT Hike 2012 - 497 Miles of 2184
    AT Thru Hiker - 29 FEB - 03 OCT 2016 2189.1 miles
    Just because my teeth are showing, does NOT mean I'm smiling.
    Hányszor lennél inkább máshol?

  17. #37

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    Quote Originally Posted by Old Hiker View Post
    What if you turn out to be the only sane person there? You have a plan - try it out. If it doesn't work the first time, re-think it and try again.

    Wait......... wild potatoes???
    read "Into the Wild"

  18. #38


    define crazy................life is 2 short....nothin left to do but smile,smile,SMILE.....mile per mile.

  19. #39
    Registered User Penn-J's Avatar
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    Default Not crazy

    I would suggest reading as much Thoreau, John Muir, Ed Abby, Colin Fletcher etc.. as possible!
    "The wind that blows, is all that anybody knows"


  20. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Penn-J View Post
    I would suggest reading as much Thoreau, John Muir, Ed Abby, Colin Fletcher etc.. as possible!
    Thanks... Im really excited for those of you hiking the AT this year. I was out walking today at the local park and there was virtually noone there due to the recent ice...supposedly the trails were all closed due to the ice..even though there really wasnt any. Anyway was out walking and my inner voice was just like "what are you waiting for"? And I almost answered back with 'what AM I waiting for"? What is it thats stopping me? What am I so afraid of? I don't want to be 60 and wondering what it would have been like if I had done a,b,c...etc...
    I dont know where things are headed for me. but I just feel like once I put some action behind all of my talk this ball is going to start rolling at crazy speed.!! It is exciting and scary all in the same!.

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