Sorry to make yet another water filter thread, but I'm quite confused here.

This was my first choice. I don't mind the taste, and the crystal form of it will last forever for a cheap price. But I'm often lazy about it, and don't use it, or drink too soon in colder temperatures. The only thing it really helps against is Guardia, as well.

Fabric fiters:
I've owned a bunch of fish tanks growing up as a kid, and the thought of a standard filter sounds scary to me. The slightest bump in the filter will release months of bacteria and dirt that's been trapped back into the water. Not to mention the extra weight,and another 'monthly fee' for the trip.

Ceramic filters:
I don't know anything about these. The Katadyn Mini seems to cost about the same as a normal filter, but lasts 10x longer. But it seems to have a frustratingly low pump rate.

The chance of catching Guardia is slim, and even if I catch it, it's likely to go away on it's own. The threat of farm runoff, and other nasty things will still be there no matter what else I use.

Debate? I'm not even sure I have a question. Maybe there's something out there that I've missed.