Hey all,

Lighthouse here, and I completed my thru hike in late September this year. It was the absolute time of my life, and it was seriously the best thing decision I ever made. I am off the trail now, and I am struggling hard to figure out what path I should take with life.

I was an electrical engineer before I left the trail, and I was working my butt off. I was working 60-70+ hours a week in a warehouse programming robotic forktruck vehicles. It was pretty cool I guess, but working that much just sucks. I knew I needed a change, and after my sister passed away from cancer in September 2012, I knew that I was going to stop everything and hike the trail this year.

It was a blast. Every day out there was amazing. I loved being out there. Even the crappy days weren't so crappy in my eyes. I would say that when I was working, I had at least 2 crappy days a week! I had no prior hiking experience before this, but it sounded just so cool. I was so right in my decision, if anyone else is in my shoes, do it!!

Well the trail is over, and readjusting back to society has been hard. I didn't think it would be this tough. Honestly, hiking the trail was easy in my eyes, but figuring out what to do next has been a super challenge. I am working in a warehouse part time now just to keep myself active and earn some money while I look for a "professional" job again. The job I do pretty much sucks...I am just finding stuff, and putting it in boxes, and shipping it out. It can get real busy at night, we have to finish whatever gets ordered that day, so that gets 'stressful' when you have a lot of orders that you have to complete at the end of the night. I don't know how I can complain because I only work 30 hours a week, but I still do. I am fortunate enough to live back in my parents house, so I am not paying for rent at the moment.

I have spent a lot of time trying to find another electrical engineering job, but I just have no clue if that is the right path for me to take. I would say I am the "worst" electrical engineer, I don't spend any of my free time tinkering with electronics or building robotics like most other engineers do. I usually just play guitar. That is my big passion. Although guitar is my passion, I don't think there is any way I could make a career out of it. Should I even go down the route of getting another electrical engineering job? After the trail, I even feel more of a disconnect from technology. Am I just feeding into the machine of overexposure to technology by getting an electrical engineering job?

I have been searching a lot for engineering jobs, and it is getting me down that I haven't heard back from many of the companies. I have had one promising interview, but the job entails sitting at a computer coding for the entire day. I have my doubts that I can get used to that all day! My parents (especially my mom) are telling me that vacation time is over, and it is time to grow up and get a job. I never like to disappoint them, so I am trying to do that. I have only had one electrical engineering job, and if I don't get another one now, I think all of the programs and skills I learned in college will be obsolete, so that is motivation to get another engineering job right off the bat. But I have this fear that I will get another "professional" job and life will just be..."meh"...every day, and it is tough to imagine living like that again for the rest of my life. I am not sure if I should go for an engineering position, or try a sales position, or do something completely different. I do feel like we are overworked as a country, but how do I get around that? Sure, if the work is satisfying, then it shouldn't be a problem, but I am having trouble picturing what would be a good job that I can work.

I am fortunate enough to not have any student debt from college, and I have never been a very materialistic person. The trail also cemented that, I was totally fine with just having my gear, guitar, and good company. So, should I ditch a high paying engineering job to try and focus on something that pays less, but is more satisfying? I think America is overworked and we hardly have enough time for anything, so we resort to quick and easy meals that are destroying our bodies. Should I be looking at getting a job that provides healthy food, or that promotes exercising in some sort of way?

I am just so lost...I didn't think it would be this tough! I am almost looking forward to going to bed every night, just so I can get away and dream. I am having lots of dreams about mountains, which is strange. I know you all at whiteblaze are a great community, and you guys helped me out immensely for planning out my AT thru hike. Now, can any thru hikers give me some advice on what to do now with my life? Am I just worrying about everything too much? Do I just need to get another "professional" job and hope that it won't be so bad?

Thanks a million,
