I just have to share this embarrassing moment I just had, as I believe a great many of you will be able to appreciate it. I saw the movie and I liked it. It was entertaining to me. Obviously, not a documentary. I have just now gotten around to starting the book though... so I'm sitting in my local Zaxby's on my lunch break, all by myself, eating and reading and I'm no farther than the 2nd chapter in and I am seriously struggling not to choke on my food because I am trying desperately to chew and stifle an attack of really loud obnoxious gut laughter. My eyes were watering and I was giggling a little out loud because I couldn't help myself but my face had to be purple, while I was trying not to just bust out laughing. This book is hilarious!

For any late bloomers like myself that haven't read it yet, and I doubt there are many here, make a point to read this book. I'm barely into it and it's better than most of the books I've read in quite a while, and I am an avid reader. Totally worth your time, but the warning label should read: only read when alone or people will think you are a psycho.