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  1. #1

    Default Smokemont to the tunnel three nights

    Southbound. Campsite 52 is first night. Looking at Campsite 57 Bryson Place or 56 Burnt Spruce for night two. Looking at 64 Mill Creek and 65 Bear Pen Branch for night three. Any feedback about these sites and this section in general including creek crossings would be much appreciated.

  2. #2


    Did this section in Oct, but went south to north with one night of camping (I hitched to Clingman's from Smokemont in the second afternoon and camped just below the summit on Forney Creek). Anyway, I camped at Burnt Spruce as Bryson Place was closed for bear activity. They both are fine sites from what I could see. I don't recall meeting any other BMT hikers on those days. I didn't think the trail was particularly difficult and not many views.

  3. #3


    I really like campsite 52 on Newton Bald, its got a great vibe to it. It gets a lot of day hike traffic from Thomas Ridge so if you want to avoid that arrive later in the afternoon. This section has several wet crossings along Pole Road and the upper part of Noland. Outside of a big rain event they aren't very deep but if there is heavy rain the upper Noland crossing can be tough. In cold weather I sometimes bring Crocs and a small towel to keep my hiking shoes dry. I prefer 57 to 56 but both are nice. 64 is more open and has a horse camp area as I recall ( and maybe some picnic tables?). 65 is a bit off the trail, more closed in, and feels more private. If you get time and don't mind tourists, maybe go drive to Deep Creek trailhead in Bryson City and day hike the water falls (Indian Creek, Juney Whank).

  4. #4


    Thanks Guys, I appreciate your input. If either of you want a free Packa, shoot me an email through my website. We are set for starting at Smokemont on the 24th.
    First night at 52, then 56 and finally 64 finishing at the tunnel. I received an advisory when I got my permit about a creek crossing between 54 and 55. Is this the upper Nolan Creek crossing? Is the tunnel a moderately safe place to leave a car?. Any new and current information about this section would also be appreciated.
    Cedar Tree

  5. #5


    Thanks for the offer, Cedar. You are probably aware, but there was a fire in this area in the last three days. As I recall several of these campsites might have been closed. There might be some burn damage and overall dead timber issues on some of this stretch for you. GSMNP website probably has the latest. Have a good hike.

  6. #6
    GSMNP 900 Miler
    Join Date
    Birmingham, AL
    Journal Entries


    The recent fires were just "brush" fires and didn't greatly affect the park.
    However, there was a major storm that same week that brought down many trees and limbs down.
    Consider bringing along a small folding saw if you need a little extra help getting around downed trees.
    Parking at the tunnel is relatively safe (just had my car there for 4 nights).
    As for the water... just be prepared to ford a creek and you'll be fine. I've not been in this specific area recently, but my guess is that I recall an area where the trail was practically collapsing into the creek. So by now, there might be a section of trail that is 10' to 20' long where you actually might have to walk in the creek to get to the next spot on the trail.

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