On a couple of rare occasions I shuttled a couple of hikers and had promised to shuttle another one late this month. I only did it when it was convenient for me, they were having a hard time finding anyone else, and the shuttle was in the area (between Pen Mar and Harpers Ferry). Yesterday I was sitting at a stop light, last car in line, and when I looked up in the rear view mirror I was horrified to see a Humvee hurtling at me and not slowing down at all. I had no way out and had to take the hit. Needless to say when Humvee meets Chevy Astro van, the van loses. Big time. Blew out my rear window, crushed the rear doors, and wracked the body pretty badly. The other doors can't close now. It was a fabulous vehicle and a real work horse that had reached an age (10 years) where filling it with stinky hikers was no longer a big deal. I often carpooled a whole van load for my hiking group. And it towed our tent trailer for the past 6 years. It did a 3 month cross country road trip from Maryland to Alaska and back in 2007. It was still in excellent running condition, nothing wrong with the exterior, and the upholstery was still in great shape. We had planned to keep it at least 5 more years - as long as it kept running. I have lost a great friend and buddy.