Yes and no. I made the mistake of getting to the Madison hut here around 1 and didn't want to move on because of a storm coming but was told to. I hadn't passed any NOBOs the prior days so I stayed figuring I could go to the nearby campsite if necessary. When no one else showed for work for stay that night they let me stay. I didn't bitch at all, did what they asked and when I left one of the guys said I could stay at Carter hut since he'd be there the next night. The storm came both days, there were cancellations at Carter and they let me stay in a bunkroom.

From talking with the croo, its a job that is easy to cause burn out and most don't stay for more than a few years. Between hikers showing up with the expectation that no matter how many of them they are they all can stay, families that spent a bunch of money for a night and expect five star accommodations, having to account for everyone hiking between huts in bad weather and the low pay, its easy to see how they may be in a pissy mood if you or the group the day before you came in with an air of entitlement.