Hello all,

As the shoulder season approaches I remind myself that I never purchased a down vest for this coming fall/winter. I run warm/hot so I take that into consideration, I have a Rab synthetic vest that I like but need the warmth for when I am not moving. I am down to between the:

A) Montbell Alpine Light vest for $108,800 fill, http://www.montbell.us/products/disp..._cd=1&fo_flg=1

B) Feathered Friends Hyperion Vest for $189,850 fill, http://featheredfriends.com/hyperion-down-vest.html (this makes me go "ohh" as I have never had 850 fill)

C) Pataguchi Down Sweater Vest for $180, 800 fill, http://www.patagonia.com/product/men...-vests#start=1

Having looked for reviews it appears that the Pataguchi does not loft as well as my other two options which has me leaning towards them.

Any help and opinions is appreciated