Having your dog along on your hike is a great bonding experience for you and your four legged friend, but they add to the gear you have to carry. I have a square of sleeping pad for my dog, but since he is an indoor pet he still can't handle the cold nights and sleeps in my bivy with me, but at 70lbs that isn't the best option. I have been bringing an extra jacket for him to wear, but it doesn't keep him as warm as a blanket. Any UL ideas for a doggy sleeping blanket. I was thinking if there was an insulated poncho with a hard shell it would work great. Then if he moves it will stay on him. Also, what kind of food do you bring for them. I feel that six cups of dry food a day is going to take up a lot of space on a 7+ day stretch without resupply. What do most people do for feeding while out on distance hikes?