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  1. Site Related to Trail Foods
  2. Trail Meals - What Works, What Doesn't
  3. Densest" Foods For Food Value
  4. Powdered Milk
  5. Best place for oredering freeze-dried food
  6. Pemmican
  7. dehydrating your own
  8. Coffee
  9. Ramps
  10. Hoe Cakes a.k.a. Fried Cornbread
  11. Bannock Bread (Fried Breads)
  12. Hey wacocelt, I made that recipe you posted...
  13. Post Recipes Here!
  14. staying hydrated
  15. Adding calories
  16. do you think you food is save hanging under a tuna can in the shelter?
  17. My trail beer of choice is?
  18. Dehydrated meals stored in ziplocs vs vacuum sealed bags
  19. cleaning cookware...
  20. 4 ounce diesel fuel stove?
  21. Gorp?
  22. Cost /Availability of Fuel
  23. Cheese
  24. Methyl Hydrate as stove fuel?
  25. how much?
  26. rehydrating issues
  27. Snacks
  28. You have options
  29. What is in your kitchen?
  30. Can I use my oven to dehydrate?
  31. PB Max...
  32. Alcohol chemistry
  33. alcohol and trioxane gell?
  34. Powdered drink mixes. What's your favorite?
  35. Storage of messy stuff?
  36. Tiny containers for lil' bits
  37. Great source for trail foods
  38. dehydrating food, Your Thought?
  39. Stoves
  40. Help dehydrating chicken!!!!
  41. From scratch pan bread
  42. oatsoats oatsoats oatsoats ahhhhh oats!!!!
  43. GORP on the AT!?!?
  44. Alcohol stove
  45. Garlic
  46. The Spice "RacK"
  47. What do you carry / hang your food in?
  48. Pepsi or Coke?
  49. low sodium foods for hiking
  50. tortellini
  51. How do you clean your kitchen?
  52. Panni Bavarian Potato Pancake Mix
  53. Leave the stove behind?
  54. ursack
  55. butane/propane cannister availability
  56. The One True Way of Making Oats/Proddige on Trail??
  57. Hot chocolate
  58. Cheap source for Mountain House?
  59. Lipton soup
  60. Not sure if they make this
  61. tofu
  62. Do you hang food back everytime?
  63. inspired!
  64. Max Days worth of Food in Shenandoah
  65. Why is beef jerky safe?
  66. Food For 11 days
  67. Fueling up for 30+ mile days
  68. Celiac hikers
  69. Ealingbars
  70. Pine Nuts
  71. Miso
  72. Fully Cooked Ground Beef in a Foil Pouch
  73. vacuum storage system (Food Saver)
  74. pancake mix that only needs water?
  75. What's the worst trail meal you've ever made?
  76. What was the BEST trail meal you ever made?
  77. "IDAHOAN" Instant Spuds
  78. Dried Hamburger
  79. Needed: Winter Menu Ideas
  80. lets talk COFFEE!
  81. lets talk TEA!
  82. zipsticks - beef jerky
  83. garbage; or pack it in, pack it out
  84. stoves
  85. New Snickers Marathon bar!
  86. My new favorite HOT SAUCE!
  87. frying pan
  88. How to hang food
  89. Lost weight on the trail? Added more muscle?
  90. Rice Drink mix???
  91. Dehydrater
  92. Breakfast Problems
  93. mental run through of resupply
  94. cooking under rain
  95. Black eyed pea recipe ideas
  96. Dehydrating meats?
  97. What do you mostly eat on the trail?
  98. What constitutes a 'portion' ??
  99. vaude hot rod
  100. What do you eat when it's hot?
  101. Best stove w/msr type refilable bottle
  102. Hummus
  103. No cook meals?
  104. Chi Chi
  105. Cozy Recipes
  106. South Beach Diet and LD hiking...
  107. Boil resistant bags
  108. 1 pot and 2 cups of boiling water
  109. Food from the trail?
  110. carry 10 days of food?
  111. What happened to Mexicali Rose??
  112. I'm playing with my alky (cat) stove...
  113. Wild Mikes chicken wings
  114. gorp or trail mix
  115. Is no mail drops possible?
  116. Powdered cream?
  117. Tofu
  118. Dehydrating spaghetti sauce
  119. Dehydrate your own cheese?
  120. Mogo gear go torch?
  121. Your Special Trail Recipes
  122. Longest lasting cheese
  123. protein shakes
  124. Dehyrdating, refrigerating, baggies, and vacuum sealing
  125. Free Mayo and Relish
  126. Lets Share Trail Receipes...
  127. Esbit tabs and aluminum
  128. vegetarians...any suggestions?
  129. energy bars... homemade
  130. Pepperidge Farm Goldfish
  131. Appetite increase
  132. Trail food - after the trail
  133. Storing fruit rollups
  134. Chorizo-A Tasty, Easily packed sausage
  135. My Pot Runneth Over
  136. no nuts
  137. Morel mushrooms
  138. Dehydrators
  139. Food Volume
  140. Mountain House Storage/Emergency Food
  141. Dehydrating disasters...
  142. cicada a la mode?
  143. Health foods/Super foods
  144. Do you use a vacpac?
  145. Anybody use MREs?
  146. Adventure Foods....
  147. Is this worth it?
  148. I want your in put
  149. Peanut butter honey treats
  150. Protein powder/MRP on the trail?
  151. Food weight in pack?
  152. Hiker diet
  153. Hydrogenated oils
  154. what's for lunch??
  155. Good Article on Trail Meals
  156. An idea on how to "yogi" more effectively...
  157. Do you discard food on the trail?
  158. Save weight: rehydrate with urine
  159. Hanging food?
  160. Baking and frying breads?
  161. Blueberries in Maine
  162. After hike physical recovery
  163. food storage
  164. Why cook?
  165. nutrition, protein, energy bars
  166. No-Cooking Backpacking??
  167. multi-vitamins
  168. Food on the A.T...
  169. Trail Dinner Recipes
  170. Food Saver
  171. vacum sealer
  172. SnowPeak vrs. Evernew?
  173. Cooking in a vestibule and potential bear issues?
  174. What's the lightest and most calorie dense food?
  175. Coke can stove...
  176. section hike menu
  177. Foil Wrap Cooked Ground Beef
  178. How about Sterno stoves
  179. convert Sterno to alcohol?
  180. drying turkey
  181. dehydration basics
  182. cooking trout
  183. coffee can stove?
  184. Getting out there...eliminating excuses.
  185. Not for Vegetarians!
  186. Reds Infamous burritos
  187. Denatured alcohol......
  188. food planning
  189. Supersize Me!
  190. Crab And Shrimp
  191. Fondue? Well maybe not on the trail...
  192. Affect of change in diet on body
  193. most common breakfast food on trail
  194. Vitamins while hiking
  195. Food suggestions and reviews:
  196. Cous-cous
  197. Sushi
  198. alcohol on the trail
  199. Cheap Food 1/9/05 for one week
  200. Nutrition
  201. bean soup
  202. milk and tuna...
  203. Sedona Trading Company Seasoning
  204. Cheapes MRE site I've Found Yet
  205. Freezerbag cooking
  206. Wild Plants added to the Diet
  207. So, where does the "two pounds a day of food" come from?
  208. Containers and Packaging
  209. pasta cook time
  210. Dried Ham
  211. msr whisper light shaker jet stove
  212. Dummy load for 5-day hike...
  213. Resupply Info for NOC?
  214. Please help me build something!
  215. lunch?
  216. MSR Windpro
  217. Growing sprouts on the trail
  218. Goodbye Pepsi Stove
  219. easy to cook meals
  220. Help me understand energy foods
  221. Old Elpaso Precooked Taco Meat
  222. Denatured Alcohol Cost
  223. Hey DudeQuick Foods
  224. Hiker trash mix #13
  225. Solar heating meals while you hike
  226. Gear Testing Possibility:
  227. Boil in a Bag Cake Recipe
  228. Home Made Steamer Pics
  229. Keeping stuff from getting crushed
  230. All You Can Eat places
  231. how to get fuel bottle to trailhead
  232. Food ideas for section- and thru-hiking
  233. Request for Product Testing
  234. Flavor Survey
  235. Powdered eggs
  236. The Breakfast Monster
  237. Isopropyl or Ethyl ?
  238. Average length of time fuel canister lasts?
  239. Turbo's tortelinni's
  240. What "refrigerate" after opening products hold up well on the trail?
  241. Lactose Intolerant Hiking foods
  242. ramen recipe
  243. Denatured Alch: How available and how to store it?
  244. Self-Starting Pepsi Stove?
  245. Cooking rice with alchohol stove?
  246. How much food is in YOUR pack?
  247. Is this place near the Trail?
  248. Freeze dried bulk meat (versus dehydrated)
  249. 15 lb burger???
  250. Flavored Tuna anyone?