View Full Version : Dogs on the Appalachian Trail

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  1. Dogs on the trail (how do you really feel?)
  2. Trailhounds
  3. Dog Forum: This is not a debate forum. Read before posting.
  4. Dog hikers: What equipment do you need? And, who is going to carry it?
  5. Dog Trail Training
  6. Funny Dog Stories from the Trail
  7. Rhetoric
  8. Behavioral Issues and Rehabilitation
  9. Trail Specific Concerns for Dogs
  10. Dogs getting giardia?
  11. Packs?
  12. Doggone Doubts
  13. Realistic DogDay Mileage
  14. Hiking alone w/dog?
  15. after dog's been skunked, how to get rid of smell?
  16. Car Camping with Dog near the AT
  17. Dogs and Weather: Experiences on the Trail
  18. external parasites
  19. Hiking Tags?
  20. Dogs and the Gathering
  21. help with thru hiking with dog
  22. there will be dogs!
  23. Sorry I was gone so long.....
  24. boxers
  25. Taking care of dog while on thru-hike
  26. my dog on hikes
  27. should I take my dog???
  28. Dogs and Cold Weather Camping
  29. Thru-hiking with my dog-2008
  30. Arlo - Rest in Peace
  31. Hiking with a dog..a great article...
  32. Dog in a hammock
  33. 2007 Dog Thru Hikers
  34. Dogs in Smokies?
  35. Pet Food Recall
  36. Kennebec Ferry
  37. Dog Food Volunteers - Need 5
  38. I need help with tick repellent for dog.
  39. Hiking w/ family and dog - Bear's Den to Harper's Ferry
  40. Good tent for myself and dog?
  41. AT inspired dog names
  42. What to do with the dog?
  43. Need Help with large dog when backpacking
  44. Jones & Phil
  45. Dog Boots
  46. Hiking with two or three dogs
  47. Pet Sitting Needed - Strictly On Topic
  48. Water intake
  49. Dog breeds
  50. Sams Gap to US19 - Will my dog be okay?
  51. Going Off-Leash ...
  52. Dogs Found near Asheville, NC need home
  53. 10,000+AT miler has passed...
  54. Dogs and mice
  55. Dog Photos
  57. "Headlamp" for dogs
  58. Dog tent ideas
  59. DOG & BEAR- hang your food?
  60. Thinking about getting a bloodhound. Any advice? Good/bad?
  61. Birthday announcement
  62. Lyme disease in dogs
  63. Vent Zone
  64. Thru-hike with dog?
  65. HHmm, doggy snow coat
  66. Books about hiking/backpacking with dogs?
  67. lost dog near duncannon
  68. Dog and Hiking (Trek) Poles
  69. Dog gear
  70. Food on the trail - idea
  71. Bear turned 14!!!
  72. Dog Backpacks
  73. Adjusting type leash?
  74. Treats for day hike?
  75. Approach Pack II
  76. Things I have learned while hiking with a dog.
  77. pooch on the at
  78. Dog Backpacks-whose you do like best?
  79. Beagles and Hiking the AT
  80. Staying in hotels/motels etc. with your dog?
  81. Dog Safety Issue
  82. Dog shoes
  83. Large dogs on the trail
  84. Dogs and Coyotes
  85. Hiking with a Basset Hound type Dog
  86. Hiking for one month with dog in May
  87. Hiking for one month with dog in May
  88. BRP Cracking down on Leash Laws
  89. support animal rescue
  90. Pitbull
  91. Dog Boots
  92. CNN -Wolf's in Alaska attack dogs-Owners
  93. A very interesting tool that really works when Hiking.
  94. When is it time to say goodbye?
  95. Ruf Wear Question
  96. Damascus Dog Day - April 12
  97. Dogs and water sources
  98. tents
  99. Found dog at Woody Gap Sunday 4/6/08
  100. A beutiful Alaskan Malamute, is he yours?
  101. saying goodbye to my best friend
  102. Granite Gear Question
  103. suggestions please.
  104. dog training
  105. Beautiful Hiking Dog
  106. Leaving the dog : (
  107. Any advice to someone hiking with a dog
  108. A springer named katahdyn
  109. Close encounter of the four legged kind
  110. Breed best suited for AT
  111. Border Terrier
  112. those difficult stretches
  113. New Thread In The Subscription Forum
  114. Terriers
  115. So you "think you are allergic"
  116. Diet on the trails
  117. FYI folks I tought this would be of interest
  118. Adam & Eve's Pets
  119. Doggie Recipes
  120. Lost my dog Bittle today
  121. Favorite moments with your dog on the trail
  122. Unbelievable energy
  123. Keeping fleas and ticks of dogs on the trail
  124. Just one more thing to deal with....
  125. Wet Dog? what do you do....
  126. Dog booties
  127. Dogs and Shelters
  128. Unusual commands?
  129. Dogs and shelters
  130. Hiking hound hospitalization
  131. Dog Food Resupply
  132. Finding a Good Trail Dog
  133. Dog hiking books?
  134. Dog Friendly Hostels?
  135. Please pray for our beagle
  136. Canine Appalachian Trail?
  137. Good-bye to our beagle Lady
  138. Merry Christmas
  139. Traveling to trail with dog
  140. Noob looking for training techniques/advice
  141. kennals for the smokies
  142. Are you hiking with your dog this year?
  143. What to do...geez...
  144. How young to start hiking?
  145. Leashes on trail
  146. Small hypo-allergenic breed.
  147. What are some trails near knoxville that a dog can go on?
  148. Tent Recommendations (for hiking w/dog)
  149. Getting around the Smokies
  150. Theobromine, a chemical found in cocoa mulch, can be harmful to pets
  151. Cats?
  152. Best place on trail for dogs
  153. Feeding the Trailpup
  154. Dog Food
  155. Dogs and Ladders
  156. Too much for a newbie dog?
  157. Dog in a Thunderstorm
  158. Flea and Tick Treatments
  159. Thru hiking with dogs
  160. New hiking buddy
  161. Help: Dog-Sit while we thru the Smokies next week?
  162. Missing Dog
  163. Snakes and Dogs
  164. Probably not a good trail dog.
  165. Difficulty?
  166. A new trail with a new dog
  167. Walking around the smokies
  168. Need dogsitter May 28-June 2 in Harper's Ferry
  169. Teaching the dog not to bark and when to bark.
  170. Off!
  171. For those with beagles and beagle mixes(Phreak and others)
  172. Leash & Bed Recommendation
  173. Small dog carrying device
  174. AT Dogs
  175. How do you know if a dog is ready for a long hike?
  176. how much food on the trail?
  177. Comedy Central - Skunk, Mud and ....You guessed a Sticky Bug Trap.
  178. Phoebe loves her pack!
  179. Packing the Dog Back Pack
  180. What makes a dog wonderous?(wonder worthy?)
  181. Boarding near Baxter?
  182. Vermont transportation W/ Dog
  183. Pack Recommendations
  184. found dog
  185. Me and my dog
  186. AT hostels and other trail stops that do NOT allow dogs?
  187. Dog Hospitals What are your thoughts?
  188. Is your dog addicted to (h-i-k-i-n-g)?
  189. dog sleep requirements
  190. Keep your dog clean on the trail...
  191. Just the Facts: Data about your hike with your dog
  192. Unexpected K-9 comes to rescue of 2-year-old boy
  193. Dog packs
  194. Dog boots
  195. Impossible Sections?
  196. Assist/Service Dogs
  197. Great Dane on AT possible?
  198. How much different is the Thru-hike with a dog?
  199. I need some advice
  200. Anyone feed their dog TVP?
  201. Any section hikers feel guilty at lunch?
  202. This could be your new hiking pal
  203. Cold Dogs
  204. Lost Dog Near AT/Southwest Virginia
  205. Freeze Dried revisited
  206. to the dog of the A.T. 2009
  207. Has anyone started with their dog later?
  208. Dog Pack Fit?
  209. Princess
  210. What Dog Breed To Carry?
  211. dogs in the 100-mile wilderness
  212. Dealing with aggressive dogs
  213. Dogs and Leashes:Split from Dealing with aggressive dogs.
  214. Dog waste/pollution
  215. Ideas for what my dog should sleep on
  216. Ceasar Milan - has made changes to the Dog Wisperer.
  217. Help in training a dog to hike
  218. Dogs and Porcupines... nuf said!
  219. Dog boarding at GSMNP
  220. Special considerations this year for dogs
  221. Feral Dogs on Trail--Anyone Lost a Great Dane?
  222. Dog Claws and Sleeping Bags
  223. ASPCA Animal Poison Control-(888) 426-4435
  224. "Roamer" type leashes
  225. How do you re-supply dog food?
  226. Giving a dog a shave
  227. acclimating a dog to a pack
  228. 70# dog on a 44 mile hike?
  229. 10 year old dog, GA>ME 2011
  230. Dog gear list for a 4 day 48 mile hike
  231. Trail Name For Dog
  232. Polly Want A Cracker on the AT?
  233. Ticks!
  234. looking for a New England trail angel
  235. Cold dog at night
  236. Split from THru-Hikers Q&A: Dogs in the Shelter?
  237. Rhodesian Ridgebacks
  238. Kelly and I have made it to Harpers Ferry
  239. Anyone read AT Troll's trail journal/dog
  240. Drying up an ideal dog treat
  241. Bernese Mountain Dog on a thru-hike
  242. dog freindly terrain
  243. Dog Gear Video
  244. Dogs and Hammocking
  245. Dogs, feeding, and special needs
  246. doggie paws
  247. Tale of a dog.........
  248. my dog needs a new backpack
  249. Dog food resupply in Shenandoah NP
  250. water supply etiquette