View Full Version : Class of 2009

  1. First
  2. 2009 Thru-Hike Registry
  3. I might be able to start in Middle of August....
  4. Getting Spousal Buy-In
  5. College Graduates Starting in May?
  6. Getting Ready
  7. MinnesotaSmith's 2009 redux AT thruhike
  8. Game Cubed
  9. Upcoming surgery..
  10. Feb 1st starting date
  11. Gear Questions, Blowgun, Pager, and Camera
  12. My Gear List for 2009 NoBO, published for Critiquing
  13. Need a pocketmail for 2009 thru?
  14. Sleeping Bag Question...
  15. Prep Questions
  16. Class of '09 Facebook Group
  17. Toilet Paper?
  18. What's your reason?
  19. Looking for Best Bug Juice Recommendations
  20. April Start and sleeping bag
  21. traptents
  22. Why a slow thru is better than a fast thru.
  23. Anyone starting around 22 FEB 09?
  24. Shakedown hikes in Florida
  25. Food???
  26. Travel Plans
  27. Workshops? Gatherings?
  28. Am leaving Maine in June of 2009...
  29. Start time?
  30. How do you plan on getting home from Maine?
  31. Who's going South?
  32. New To The Forum
  33. Looking for Thru-Hiking partners
  34. health insurance
  35. Leaving-Virginia
  36. Starting in May too late?
  37. how busy is the trail pre march?
  38. shakedown hike pre AT - Foothills Trail 7-8 days
  39. Website name Ideas?
  40. Tarptent Fall Sale Inventory (10/19/08):
  41. Decided to Thru-Hike October-08, Is this too late to prepare?
  42. Random Questions
  43. Feelings about starting and other stuff
  44. Gear Critique
  45. Are Canister Stoves Leave No Trace?
  46. changing departure date
  47. Windscreen for canister stove
  48. photo website recommendations
  49. photo website recommendations
  50. Shelters
  51. Helpful Websites
  52. Gear List for 09 NoBo, JUDGE ME!
  53. which guide book?
  54. Thinking of a Alternative Hike - Any thoughts
  55. 2009 guides, when?
  56. Decided..Camera for the AT 2009 NoBo...Canon XSi
  57. Seam sealing new tents
  58. Congrats Guys we're one step closer
  59. Pack Help
  60. Trip timing?
  61. Training
  62. What I am bringing.
  63. In search of partner
  64. Super Excited! 2009 here I come!
  65. How are you getting in shape?
  66. Calendar
  67. I am so tired of thinking about gear, save me
  68. Help!
  69. Ran into a weather issue today, suggestions?
  70. Atlanta to Am. Falls Shuttle
  71. Hiking Partner Fears
  72. how to plan but not plan?
  73. Economy driving people to the AT?
  74. sole custom footbeds
  75. Damascus-North?
  76. Shuttle to Springer
  77. plans for day one, getting to springer
  78. How many leaving prior to Feb 20th?
  79. minnesota smith and faithwalker and matthewski update thread
  80. 2009 - This is Your Year
  81. Are y'all taking Gore-tex or non-Gore-tex shoes?
  82. Dream Big
  83. Those hiking this year...(or those that have hiked recently)
  84. Do I Really Need a Guidebook?
  85. umbrellas?
  86. How many people hiking this year?
  87. Thru hike Northbound 2009
  88. (Life+A.T.)-work=Variable X
  89. Hiking poles
  90. Economy Sucks- Great time to Hike !
  91. Everything is falling into place...kind of
  92. Prescription medicine
  93. Clothing list
  94. Maybe I can ease some gear anxietys
  95. april 09 working gear list for critique
  96. REI Guidance
  97. 2009 Thru-hike transportation to GA Booked
  98. Extra map #2 Wythe Ranger District. Free
  99. Has anyone heard from anyone on the AT...
  100. Gear list critique needed
  101. starting mid march
  102. Lyme disease
  103. Things you can do to increase success rate..
  104. Feb. 2009 Starters
  105. Concerning Sleeping Pads...
  106. Southbounders?
  107. Approach Trail???
  108. Bulking up?
  109. At it AGAIN
  110. Special Items
  111. Help!! Obsessing over gear.
  112. Any Thoughts On Otter Boxes?
  113. Starting Points
  114. ipod movies?
  115. Ta-Da! Gear List 2009
  116. Fire
  117. Giving Notice at Work
  118. starting soon
  119. Good Luck 09ers
  120. Whopppeeeeee!!!! Its almost Springer time!!!
  121. 2009 Hiker Sightings
  122. inspiration for 09ers
  123. Perfectly Calm
  124. Number of Total Mail Drops?; Anyone buying Mountain House #10 cans/pouches in bulk?
  125. Boots too big?
  126. Cheapest way to get to the trail?
  127. Fuel?
  128. ANyone heading South this week?
  129. 2009 Companion Question
  130. Food on the Trail
  131. Possible Snow on Springer March 1st!!!
  132. Another gear list to pick through! :)
  133. Maildrop List for review
  134. NOBOs leaving mid-April
  135. May 09 Damascus North!
  136. Where I stand on my 2009 NoBo Hike
  137. off the trail for a spell
  138. chances of snow..
  139. Ride Needed : New England to Georgia ?
  140. about one month to go...
  141. 9 days ... gear review
  142. Passover on the trail
  143. Springer to Asheville
  144. Mail Drop ?
  145. New England To Springer mt , GA
  146. Mountain Crossings
  147. Broken Leg
  148. Tomorrow It Starts!
  149. Gainesville to Amacalola Falls
  150. Brothers and sisters of the woods...
  151. Monday Monday Monday!!!!!!!!!!!
  152. This weekend?
  153. Pool Of Blood...
  154. Yet another gearlist...
  155. Whats with the smokies?
  156. Frenchies NOBO looking for accomodation in Atlanta
  157. So this is me less than 36hrs from springer
  158. Tuna Off The Trail
  159. Less than 24 hours to go
  160. Off to the trail. THANKS!
  161. Time Frame and Likelihood to complete?
  162. Gentle Ben
  163. Anyone see Armegedon and Jack Straw
  164. Ride from Texas to trail , 15 April
  165. Head count?
  166. Damascus to Harpers Ferry section hike
  167. last minute questions
  168. Help!!
  169. NoBo south of Daleville
  170. Any one seen Orion?
  171. Zolton sightings
  172. 5 days left!
  173. Man, it got hot out!
  174. 7 Days to Neel's Gap
  175. new thread- more replies?
  176. SOBO in 6 days
  177. Quick update on my front
  178. how far is it?
  179. The Trail Heroes hit Maine
  180. Leaving the 19th
  181. Pack Test
  182. Aqua Blaze
  183. Trying to link up with some friendly hikers in july
  184. Running Late- where to start
  185. Where is the pack
  186. Flip-Flop Ouestion
  187. Greedy ****ers
  188. lost my SD card
  189. some facts from my thru-hike
  190. Who's pissing everyone off?
  191. Where's my SD Card (it actually works!)?
  192. Looking for FIDO
  193. Who has summited in the Class of 2009
  194. stink's postscript
  195. Nobo flipping to maine this week--need guidance
  196. one more flip flop question
  197. sobo sept 26th
  198. SOBO Rock Plopper
  199. Running out of time... ankle/leg issue
  200. Way to go CBass
  201. Shuttle from Bangor to Caratunk
  202. looking for friend
  203. southbounders
  204. Any Class of 09ers planning to run the NYC Marathon?
  205. looking for a 09 nobo hiker i gave a ride to in delaware water gap pa????
  206. "I found it in a hiker box"
  207. finished sobo nov 9
  208. Thanks, folks.
  209. There are still a few SOBOs's in N.VA
  210. In Search Of - Braid
  212. Trying To Locate These 2009 AT Friends
  213. Trying to Find The Smith Brothers
  214. Any 2009 alumni on PCT this year ?
  215. Props to Braid , 2009 AT hiker
  216. 2009 AT photos and videos ONLINE FINALLY!!!
  217. Why is there a symbol next to class of 2009?
  218. How BlackBird became legend
  219. Trail Names of 2009
  220. Trail Days 2013 - Who is going to be there?
  221. Five year reunion next year
  222. Five Years Ago Today
  223. Any 09'ers planning a thru or trail days 2017?