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  1. Fastest Recorded Thru-hikes for men and women?
  2. The Wild Cowboy will...
  3. Speed hike my a@#
  4. Speedgoat Karl faces wet start to record attempt
  5. Meltzer slightly ahead of schedule as quest for record continues
  6. Speedgoat update: Day Six underway
  7. Meltzer spending Tues. night in Gorham
  8. Injury ends Meltzer's record shot, but his hike is not over yet
  9. Future return of Speed Goat
  10. Trail Running
  11. Current speed record?
  12. First
  13. Trail Running and Speed Hiking (sticky)
  14. Running blog
  15. Distance training the Kenyan way
  16. 160 mile Alaska bushwack race, time of 3days17hr
  17. The baddest: 135 miles,120 degrees,23 hrs
  18. Born to Run by Christopher McDougall
  19. Speed attempt May 2010-Nobo
  20. Kenyan distance running - inspirational videos
  21. Getting started
  22. Running and blowing chow on the Cumberland
  23. Runner found -- let's be careful out there
  24. Trail runners -- what do you carry?
  25. trail speed records
  26. Born to run far, but KISS
  27. Common gels and nutritional values, Updated
  28. One Year Triple Crown
  29. 3 state challenge (Mass to NY)
  30. 2010 Thru-hike run/possible yo yo/Looking for running partner
  31. How fast can you walk
  32. And we thought some hikers were eltist. :)
  33. VA Mtn Masochist, 50miles, 6:27
  34. Brush with greatness -- 09 USATF Trail Champion
  35. JFK 50mileUltra, 13miles of which on the AT
  36. Mountain Masters Trail Race
  37. 3,063 miles in 52 days (with no toenails)...
  38. LT unassisted speed record?
  39. leg injuries: an ounce of prevention
  40. Marathon training plan
  41. West Virginia Trail Run
  42. trail running gone bad
  43. 100-mile race (maybe?), White Mts, AK
  44. Running Times, Jan2010; marathon numbers
  45. Green, Gray, White
  46. Unsupported Thru Hike Record Attempt
  47. Waiver for 50-mile trail run in NC
  48. Diane Van Deren
  49. Bare feet in the news
  50. Another nonrunner dies while not running
  51. New white mountain winter record
  52. Trail Days Half Marathon May 15 2010
  53. Yukon Quest trail, 420 miles, no resupply
  54. First time trail running
  55. ischial tuberosity pain
  56. New Record Attempt
  57. 100 in 24
  58. AT thru hike speed record
  59. Shutin Ridge Run
  60. Overtaking hikers
  61. Anton Krupicka Blog and film "Indulgence."
  62. any news on karls 2011 attempt?
  63. the barkley
  64. One tough dude, 100 miler runner
  65. Static stretching vs. Dynamic stretching
  66. I trail ran the PCT this weekend
  67. Lightweight Mid Boots/Shoes
  68. Chattanooga trail marathon/half marathon
  69. Am. Trail Running Assoc, "Rules on the Run"
  70. Tarahumara -- Simply incredible!!!
  71. Running(not marching) to Zion; new record
  72. South Beyond 6000
  73. SCAR - Smokies Challange Adventure Run
  74. U.S. Highpoints World Speed Record attempt
  75. AT sub40 2011
  76. Trail running
  77. 100 Mile Wilderness in one push
  78. Keen Targhee II
  79. Iron Mt. Trail run
  80. apalachicola, florida, info request
  81. They say I'm not fat, I'm a Clydesdale
  82. Winter Park athlete breaks Long Trail speed record - Sky Hi Daily News
  83. Near total dominance by Kenyans in the marathon
  84. Question about a 50km run
  85. AT record attempt
  86. The Georgia Challenge in 24 hours
  87. Mountain Masters 16 mile trail run
  88. another record attempt
  89. Nature Boy considering record attempt
  90. I Bet Against It
  91. What is an unsupported hike..??
  92. Barefoot/Minimalist Running
  93. Naked trail running
  94. Biking
  95. Trail Running Group - Pennsylvania
  96. Sue the Trail Running Queen
  97. Fifty Mile Day, best stretch to attempt?
  98. The Ironmaster's Challenge & March for the Mansion
  99. '11 US half marathon, Houston
  100. Never been on the AT
  101. The Quick Way
  102. Running on ice/snow -- cleats?
  103. AT record hikes
  104. New marathon record
  105. 100 miles in 12:44, and that's not a typo
  106. "Death Race"; part trail running, part survivor
  107. Registered for 50M
  108. Knee Pain
  109. Crazyhair's new dare2care website
  110. running and hypothermia -- suggestions to avoid
  111. Runners World trailrunner shoe picks/reviews
  112. Unsupported Record Attempts 2011
  113. The Barkley - maybe the toughest trail race
  114. Supported AT Speed Record Attempt - Jennifer Pharr - 2011
  115. Trail running near Boone, Spruce Pine, Roan Mtn and Grandfather Mtn area?
  116. Gonna do my first trail run - Mountain Mist.
  117. Sub-2:00 hr marathon?
  118. Thru-hiking for Leadville 100 training
  119. Running with a Pack
  120. Massie Gap to Damascus Trip Report
  121. Stormwater easements
  122. Yet another record attempt! Nature Boy
  123. Running The Appalachian Trail
  124. Running, sweating, and using an iPod
  125. Jenn Pharr speed hiking interview
  126. Trail Running Packs
  127. Damascus, Iron Mt. Trail Race, registration open
  128. Born to run barefoot? NYTimes, Tara Parker-Pope
  129. hmmmm. is this legal?
  130. Article on Jennifer record attempt thru hike
  131. Orange, VA? Anyone been there
  132. Old Fart's Opinion
  133. Possible new womans unsupported record soon
  134. Fastest Known Times
  135. Scott Wiliamson New Unassisted Record on PCT Attempt
  136. Weather and Peter Palmer's Successful 1999 AT Speed Hike
  137. Daily Logs of Andrew Thompson's 98 and 01 Record Attempts
  138. The record has been broken.....
  139. Is Jilian Kornet Human?
  140. Unsupported semantics
  141. Survey for final thesis of students from University of Bayreuth, Germany PLEASE spac
  142. Georgia Loop trail run this past weekend 8/20/11
  143. Minimalist running
  144. Sgt runs marathon a week to benefit comrades
  145. Sam Fox's PCT record attempt has begun!
  146. Iron Mountain trail run, Damascus, Sept 3
  147. AT Running Record Broken in GSMNP
  148. Wall Street Journal article, traversing the Whites
  149. not hicking but.................
  150. new record attempt
  151. Speed Hike 2012
  152. Meltzer's Pinhoti 100 Time!! SICK!
  153. Why, oh why.... Speed Record
  154. Stupid questions but want serious answers...
  155. Strongest AT Record Contender?
  156. Hiking Poles: Benefits for Endurance
  157. Trail running hydration
  158. 46 days
  159. Support the JFK 50 Mile Memorial
  160. Icy-8
  161. AT speed record
  162. issues with jfk race resolved
  163. Coyote Rob Attempting Calendar Triple Crown
  164. Most AT miles in 24 hours?
  165. 48 hours, 65 miles, Keys Gap to Caledonia
  166. PCT Speed Attempt - Tuna Helper
  167. Using Trail Runner shoes for normal backpacking?
  168. Inov8 Horizontal Bladder...Anyone tried it?
  169. Fastest Unsupported Thru-Hike?
  170. AT Unsupported Speed Record Attempt
  171. Help two former thru-hikers with the Trans Rockies Run!
  172. Speed Attempt Sponsor Idea
  173. JPD is amazing
  174. Pros and Cons of speed hiking?
  175. NOBO or SOBO?
  176. New Western States 100 Record
  177. Setting Speed Records?
  178. Emergency kits
  179. Speed Hiking Food Drops
  180. Mish Popov passes on....
  181. 4,000 cumulative miles running
  182. LT unassisted Speed record?
  183. What does a good trail race need?
  184. Trail Running Backpacks that will hold enough gear for a thru
  185. The last thru hiker!!!!
  186. Anyone run ultras?
  187. Running the AT
  188. No zeros
  189. Shoe question for Runners
  190. Why afraid of speed and distance?
  191. NOBO Thru in 90 days?
  192. Self Supported AT attempt sub 60 days
  193. Is running still natural?
  194. Long distance race in Iceland next year. Need advice
  195. Self Supported In Under 60 Days
  196. Swami -Calendar Year tRiple Crown!
  197. 4:08 marathon, Alaska, -30 degrees
  198. Triple Crown Yo-Yo attempt.
  199. Running southern portion of trail
  200. Running Hills
  201. Should I go Streaking
  202. Triple crown hike, starting date
  203. Can it be done?
  204. Karl "Speedgoat" Meltzer
  205. Georgia Death Race Report from a friend
  206. Allegheny 100 mile challenge.
  207. Boston Marathon explosion
  208. Trail runners and traction
  209. MPH. What can you do?
  210. 2013 Self-supported record attempt.
  211. Former Trail runner Ray "Wall" in RAAM
  212. PCT Female FKT Attempt -- Anish the Ghost
  213. real runner
  214. Another !!#$%*@!!! 60 day record attempt?
  215. Genuine Help Requested
  216. map man and other number geeks- is this right?
  217. Sub 3 month efforts?
  218. White Blaze Speed Hiker Espresso Express
  219. Privacy on a Speed hike
  220. The Home Stretch
  221. The Terrible and Wonderful Reasons I Run Long Distance.
  222. New JMT FKT
  223. Congratulations matt kirk on your record setting hike
  224. Can unsupported beat supported?
  225. New PCT record, Josh Garrett, article
  226. Williamson 2013 PCT Record Attempt
  227. 6th Annual Ella's Run, Right to Hike
  228. Your perfect balance between speed and smelling the roses.
  229. How common is it for speed hikers to team up with people met on the trail?
  230. anish sets speed record for lunch at aldha west gathering
  231. Polite way to pass
  232. Long Trail Speed Hike- trip report
  233. Who has right of way? uphill hiker or trail runner?
  234. I'd Like To See An AT Race
  235. How to Log Fastest Known Time?
  236. Did You See That
  237. Hiking further by hiking less?
  238. It's Just Cool...
  239. Will the next AT record holder be tall and slim like JPD and Mathew Kirk?
  240. Safety Concerns put Badwater and Death Valley Endurance Races on Hold
  241. Smoky mountain relay
  242. Karl Meltzer 2014 AT FKT attempt
  243. Going mainstream (sorta)
  244. Simple Hydration - Hands free running
  245. Tj100k
  246. Jennifer Pharr Davis will be speaking in Charlottesville, Virginia
  247. Ultra run practice trail
  248. Tray to Springer
  249. Women ultra runners any advice helpful!
  250. The greatest jerky on the planet-