- Fastest Recorded Thru-hikes for men and women?
- The Wild Cowboy will...
- Speed hike my a@#
- Speedgoat Karl faces wet start to record attempt
- Meltzer slightly ahead of schedule as quest for record continues
- Speedgoat update: Day Six underway
- Meltzer spending Tues. night in Gorham
- Injury ends Meltzer's record shot, but his hike is not over yet
- Future return of Speed Goat
- Trail Running
- Current speed record?
- First
- Trail Running and Speed Hiking (sticky)
- Running blog
- Distance training the Kenyan way
- 160 mile Alaska bushwack race, time of 3days17hr
- The baddest: 135 miles,120 degrees,23 hrs
- Born to Run by Christopher McDougall
- Speed attempt May 2010-Nobo
- Kenyan distance running - inspirational videos
- Getting started
- Running and blowing chow on the Cumberland
- Runner found -- let's be careful out there
- Trail runners -- what do you carry?
- trail speed records
- Born to run far, but KISS
- Common gels and nutritional values, Updated
- One Year Triple Crown
- 3 state challenge (Mass to NY)
- 2010 Thru-hike run/possible yo yo/Looking for running partner
- How fast can you walk
- And we thought some hikers were eltist. :)
- VA Mtn Masochist, 50miles, 6:27
- Brush with greatness -- 09 USATF Trail Champion
- JFK 50mileUltra, 13miles of which on the AT
- Mountain Masters Trail Race
- 3,063 miles in 52 days (with no toenails)...
- LT unassisted speed record?
- leg injuries: an ounce of prevention
- Marathon training plan
- West Virginia Trail Run
- trail running gone bad
- 100-mile race (maybe?), White Mts, AK
- Running Times, Jan2010; marathon numbers
- Green, Gray, White
- Unsupported Thru Hike Record Attempt
- Waiver for 50-mile trail run in NC
- Diane Van Deren
- Bare feet in the news
- Another nonrunner dies while not running
- New white mountain winter record
- Trail Days Half Marathon May 15 2010
- Yukon Quest trail, 420 miles, no resupply
- First time trail running
- ischial tuberosity pain
- New Record Attempt
- 100 in 24
- AT thru hike speed record
- Shutin Ridge Run
- Overtaking hikers
- Anton Krupicka Blog and film "Indulgence."
- any news on karls 2011 attempt?
- the barkley
- One tough dude, 100 miler runner
- Static stretching vs. Dynamic stretching
- I trail ran the PCT this weekend
- Lightweight Mid Boots/Shoes
- Chattanooga trail marathon/half marathon
- Am. Trail Running Assoc, "Rules on the Run"
- Tarahumara -- Simply incredible!!!
- Running(not marching) to Zion; new record
- South Beyond 6000
- SCAR - Smokies Challange Adventure Run
- U.S. Highpoints World Speed Record attempt
- AT sub40 2011
- Trail running
- 100 Mile Wilderness in one push
- Keen Targhee II
- Iron Mt. Trail run
- apalachicola, florida, info request
- They say I'm not fat, I'm a Clydesdale
- Winter Park athlete breaks Long Trail speed record - Sky Hi Daily News
- Near total dominance by Kenyans in the marathon
- Question about a 50km run
- AT record attempt
- The Georgia Challenge in 24 hours
- Mountain Masters 16 mile trail run
- another record attempt
- Nature Boy considering record attempt
- I Bet Against It
- What is an unsupported hike..??
- Barefoot/Minimalist Running
- Naked trail running
- Biking
- Trail Running Group - Pennsylvania
- Sue the Trail Running Queen
- Fifty Mile Day, best stretch to attempt?
- The Ironmaster's Challenge & March for the Mansion
- '11 US half marathon, Houston
- Never been on the AT
- The Quick Way
- Running on ice/snow -- cleats?
- AT record hikes
- New marathon record
- 100 miles in 12:44, and that's not a typo
- "Death Race"; part trail running, part survivor
- Registered for 50M
- Knee Pain
- Crazyhair's new dare2care website
- running and hypothermia -- suggestions to avoid
- Runners World trailrunner shoe picks/reviews
- Unsupported Record Attempts 2011
- The Barkley - maybe the toughest trail race
- Supported AT Speed Record Attempt - Jennifer Pharr - 2011
- Trail running near Boone, Spruce Pine, Roan Mtn and Grandfather Mtn area?
- Gonna do my first trail run - Mountain Mist.
- Sub-2:00 hr marathon?
- Thru-hiking for Leadville 100 training
- Running with a Pack
- Massie Gap to Damascus Trip Report
- Stormwater easements
- Yet another record attempt! Nature Boy
- Running The Appalachian Trail
- Running, sweating, and using an iPod
- Jenn Pharr speed hiking interview
- Trail Running Packs
- Damascus, Iron Mt. Trail Race, registration open
- Born to run barefoot? NYTimes, Tara Parker-Pope
- hmmmm. is this legal?
- Article on Jennifer record attempt thru hike
- Orange, VA? Anyone been there
- Old Fart's Opinion
- Possible new womans unsupported record soon
- Fastest Known Times
- Scott Wiliamson New Unassisted Record on PCT Attempt
- Weather and Peter Palmer's Successful 1999 AT Speed Hike
- Daily Logs of Andrew Thompson's 98 and 01 Record Attempts
- The record has been broken.....
- Is Jilian Kornet Human?
- Unsupported semantics
- Survey for final thesis of students from University of Bayreuth, Germany PLEASE spac
- Georgia Loop trail run this past weekend 8/20/11
- Minimalist running
- Sgt runs marathon a week to benefit comrades
- Sam Fox's PCT record attempt has begun!
- Iron Mountain trail run, Damascus, Sept 3
- AT Running Record Broken in GSMNP
- Wall Street Journal article, traversing the Whites
- not hicking but.................
- new record attempt
- Speed Hike 2012
- Meltzer's Pinhoti 100 Time!! SICK!
- Why, oh why.... Speed Record
- Stupid questions but want serious answers...
- Strongest AT Record Contender?
- Hiking Poles: Benefits for Endurance
- Trail running hydration
- 46 days
- Support the JFK 50 Mile Memorial
- Icy-8
- AT speed record
- issues with jfk race resolved
- Coyote Rob Attempting Calendar Triple Crown
- Most AT miles in 24 hours?
- 48 hours, 65 miles, Keys Gap to Caledonia
- PCT Speed Attempt - Tuna Helper
- Using Trail Runner shoes for normal backpacking?
- Inov8 Horizontal Bladder...Anyone tried it?
- Fastest Unsupported Thru-Hike?
- AT Unsupported Speed Record Attempt
- Help two former thru-hikers with the Trans Rockies Run!
- Speed Attempt Sponsor Idea
- JPD is amazing
- Pros and Cons of speed hiking?
- New Western States 100 Record
- Setting Speed Records?
- Emergency kits
- Speed Hiking Food Drops
- Mish Popov passes on....
- 4,000 cumulative miles running
- LT unassisted Speed record?
- What does a good trail race need?
- Trail Running Backpacks that will hold enough gear for a thru
- The last thru hiker!!!!
- Anyone run ultras?
- Running the AT
- No zeros
- Shoe question for Runners
- Why afraid of speed and distance?
- NOBO Thru in 90 days?
- Self Supported AT attempt sub 60 days
- Is running still natural?
- Long distance race in Iceland next year. Need advice
- Self Supported In Under 60 Days
- Swami -Calendar Year tRiple Crown!
- 4:08 marathon, Alaska, -30 degrees
- Triple Crown Yo-Yo attempt.
- Running southern portion of trail
- Running Hills
- Should I go Streaking
- Triple crown hike, starting date
- Can it be done?
- Karl "Speedgoat" Meltzer
- Georgia Death Race Report from a friend
- Allegheny 100 mile challenge.
- Boston Marathon explosion
- Trail runners and traction
- MPH. What can you do?
- 2013 Self-supported record attempt.
- Former Trail runner Ray "Wall" in RAAM
- PCT Female FKT Attempt -- Anish the Ghost
- real runner
- Another !!#$%*@!!! 60 day record attempt?
- Genuine Help Requested
- map man and other number geeks- is this right?
- Sub 3 month efforts?
- White Blaze Speed Hiker Espresso Express
- Privacy on a Speed hike
- The Home Stretch
- The Terrible and Wonderful Reasons I Run Long Distance.
- Congratulations matt kirk on your record setting hike
- Can unsupported beat supported?
- New PCT record, Josh Garrett, article
- Williamson 2013 PCT Record Attempt
- 6th Annual Ella's Run, Right to Hike
- Your perfect balance between speed and smelling the roses.
- How common is it for speed hikers to team up with people met on the trail?
- anish sets speed record for lunch at aldha west gathering
- Polite way to pass
- Long Trail Speed Hike- trip report
- Who has right of way? uphill hiker or trail runner?
- I'd Like To See An AT Race
- How to Log Fastest Known Time?
- Did You See That
- Hiking further by hiking less?
- It's Just Cool...
- Will the next AT record holder be tall and slim like JPD and Mathew Kirk?
- Safety Concerns put Badwater and Death Valley Endurance Races on Hold
- Smoky mountain relay
- Karl Meltzer 2014 AT FKT attempt
- Going mainstream (sorta)
- Simple Hydration - Hands free running
- Tj100k
- Jennifer Pharr Davis will be speaking in Charlottesville, Virginia
- Ultra run practice trail
- Tray to Springer
- Women ultra runners any advice helpful!
- The greatest jerky on the planet-