View Full Version : Geography
- GPS anyone?
- Recommend a GPS unit
- GPS Preferred Format
- Parkays Site
- TOPO Maps
- Printable appalachian trail maps
- Planning Our Summer Hike
- What to do with 100s of old maps?
- Garmin's Mapsource program to the Hike....
- AT and PC Trails in Google Earth
- pre owned maps/guidbooks for md-penn
- Trail maps on Google Earth
- Amicalola Falls State Park Map
- US Forest Service Maps of the Georgia AT in PDF
- Waterproofing
- Mass. maps...
- Google adds elevation data to maps
- Oregon Garmin Series... oh boy
- The latest Mantracker...
- Best Place to Get Used Maps?
- Oregon model GPS map for foothills trail?
- Expect larger Errors.
- Dreed Cracks a new feature on Garmin Oregon
- GPS & Map Resources
- GPS waypoints in Pa.
- Map/Compass/Orienteering
- Using old trail map and trail guide
- magellan explorist 100 is it good enough?
- gps question about maps
- Map Recommendations for Springer Through Smoky Mountain?
- Playing With My Magellan
- Trailhead GPS Coordinates
- The Compass Store
- Discovery on Garmin's Altitude -
- Water Source Waypoints?
- Suggestions for New York State A.T. maps
- OK!!! I give up!!!
- Garmin Mapsource Question
- DeLorme overlay?
- 4000fters on Garmin 60csx?
- Gmap4 - Enhanced Google Map viewer with topographic maps, free, display GPS files
- Newbie question
- If you thought Orienteering was geeky see this!
- Protecting topos
- Lost My Centerline Info For the A.T. In Virginia
- Has anyone got a gps or KML of the Approach Trail?
- GPS Data Files? YIKES!
- Tricking the Garmin Nuvi 500t to display the AT.
- A.T. GPS Device?
- Pennsylvania WB Members on Garmin
- Interactive AT Map with mile markers, shelters and parking lots!
- Maps for a thru-hike
- Delorme PN-40
- Geocaching on the trail
- .gpx of Shenandoah NP
- Garmin 24K maps on Android Phone
- Google Earth
- instructions to setup free offline topo maps for your android phone
- Creating a gpx file to share
- Maps accross multiple devices
- kml to gpx to gps transfer = fail
- Compasses!
- Garmin Nuvi 755 with Topo
- Anyone have a better way to display hikes than this?
- Most complete NJ Trail Overlay for GPS
- download maps on iphone
- Japan moved - Geography
- Has anyone ever bothered to figure out the total elevation gain?
- GPX file for entire thru hike PN-60
- Groundwater readings in Florida show Japan earthquake
- The old road walk thru Cumberland County PA
- Best Portable GPS Device?
- Is there a map/data combo to be found?
- looking for cheap maps
- lost at road crossings
- NY/NJ Maps
- looking for AT section maps for employer and family
- Trail or road at Chattahoochee Gap in Ga?
- thur-hiker handbook updates
- Map Measurements: Meandering Trails
- NY/NJ Map Set for 2011 have arrived
- The Roller Coaster (VA)
- Free Garmin Topo for AT ??????????????????????????
- Half Way Marker,
- I have an extra AT VA map 3 - New River Valley
- mileage to Fontana Dam
- point to point section map
- North Carolina Profile Map
- Good GPS for the AT
- What is miliage from Vt12 to Happy Hill Shelter
- 1978 Maps
- .KMZ of ALDHA Membership for GE
- Free Maps for non-AT trails
- Updating Google Maps with Smart Phone apps
- Setting the Altimeter on Garmin...
- AT elevation data
- Backpacker gps pro app - have you tried it?
- Move from NYC to TN
- Delorme PN-60
- **FOR SALE** Complete set of AT Maps
- Set of maps (2000-2007), Southbound-oriented
- National Geographic TOPO question
- Will guidebooks do?
- PATC iOS App
- want to buy Maine AT maps
- Text-based tracking system with Google Map updates
- For my freinds Pinnicle the Pulpit and HAWK MOUNTAIN PA.
- Geographical Terms on the Appalachian Trail.
- Print durable maps on a plastic trashbag
- Best elevation map for GSMNP
- looking for a map set
- looking for input on best maps to use for Scout trip?
- Good Compass
- Why are maps one-sided?
- compass and book on how to use it
- Map Set Available
- The AT is on Google Maps
- steepest 1/4 miles between Springer Mtn and Damascus
- Help Me! GIS Final Project
- Expanding Waypoint Database
- EZ parts of trail
- helping with mileage
- Appalachain Trail on a subway map
- Good time to update your GPS devices
- gpx file sources
- Magellan GPS Units on sale at Amazon
- Map of Life
- Device to update Google Maps in real-time?
- mapsource for used gps
- AT flyover video
- Map of
- GPS help - is there a GPS that'll handle a gpx file with more than 500 trackpoints
- Georgia AT profiles
- Advice on an Appalachian 10-14 day in October
- Looking to buy a set of maps
- 2 Day sale on GPS & software.
- Charlies Bunion in TN or NC?
- Google maps to GPS POIs
- Wayah Gap to the NOC.
- Online route planning
- GIS project ideas
- AT on Google Maps?
- Water sources between Stecoah Gap to Fontana
- Free offline AT topo maps for Android
- Postholer maps
- Has anyone tried the new maps yet?
- Map question
- super cool app compass in 4G...
- SPOT Satellite GPS Messenger!
- Where to get an out of stock map?
- Excellent Videos on PLB Rescue and why SPOT may not be in your best interest.
- Mileage on the AT
- Appalachian Trail Elevations by States and Sections...
- Interactive map
- Trimble / Backpacker PRO App has changed, you might want to upgrade.
- Post holder maps
- Purchasing a GPS device
- old trail route on anthony's nose?
- looking for simple gps/weather/clock device
- Closest AT point to Greenfield, MA?
- Anyone own the AMC BaxterSP-100 MW map?
- The A.T. Guide
- GIS data for AT lands?
- Lensatic vs base plate what do you use??
- North Carolina Historic Overlay Maps
- Specific geography question for you
- Is there such a thing as a combination mileage AND elevation gain/loss calculator?
- Need GPS for American Discovery Trail and GDMBR.
- Does TOM TOM Multi-Sport have APPALACHIAN Trail mapped on it?
- Best Map
- GPS KML Data For wordpress
- New Iphone App
- Postholer AT Maps ?
- View Ranger GPS App or MapMyHike GPS App
- GPX file resources
- PDF maps by Avenza
- AT Data Book errata?
- Geocaching on the AT
- Maine Camping
- Parking near Boiling Springs, Rt 74
- Gmap4 = View topos/aerials *offline* and your geolocation
- Confused
- As The Crow Flies
- how to get "My Trails" map on topo map
- interactive maps?? how to?
- Companion or Guide
- Maps with shelters / towns, too?
- Southern states vs northern.
- At guide book question
- Accurate digital map of AT?
- the dreaded roller coaster
- Pens for Waterproof Maps
- Anyone Know When The 2016 AT Guide Comes Out
- How to make pdf trail maps starting with a kml or gpx file?
- Is there a map..........
- GPS questions
- First Section. GA
- ATguide shenandoah section
- How do you protect and carry your maps?
- National Park Service Map ... (not just AT, PCT, or hiking).
- Shuttle Service in Georgia
- GPS for Trail Mapping of Mason Dixon Trail
- Map accuracy
- Tomtom Trailhead Parking POI files?
- Your personal SPOT Gen3 "OK" and "Custom" messages
- Anyone Familiar With These Maps?
- What's up with the A.T. Data Book 2016 elevation data Fontana Dam?
- Guthook's maps for Android
- Good map of Baxter Park?
- 2007 AT topo maps
- AT shelter lat/lon list that I can import into CalTopo
- Where to Buy ATC Maps
- 6 foot rock stacks in virginia
- Roan area map question
- Discussing Maps
- Friday the 13th
- what3words
- Does anyone use the Map My Hike or AllTrails app for your training hike?
- Best features when using a Compass ?
- Short hike in GA/NC/TN
- Looking for AT map of Virginia only
- Overview maps of the WMNF showing all Forest Protection Areas
- European Galileo GPS satellite system just went live
- Iphone App.
- Middle East maps for BN
- usgs charts
- Android App with Backtracking Capability
- Maps Questions
- "what-iffing" with Google maps
- eTrex 20x Key Protector/Cover
- Google Earth down?
- The PATC trail map apps
- Guthooks: Why can't you search for a specific shelter/peak/waypoint?
- GPS question - First time segment hiker
- AT over lay
- AT Data
- A helpful hint.
- Cheap Spot
- Hiking project app
- OSMANS+ / Guthooks Question: How to use vector maps from SD Card
- Guthook vs. AWOL Guide
- AT data and elevation profiles app
- Any one know about this AT map?
- tricky water spots between hot springs and damascus?
- Topo maps for unpopular areas?
- How to start writing a guide book
- KMZ or KML file of AWOL?
- Map of Long-Distance Hiking Trails in the USA