- ST Information
- ST Hike #1 Burnt Mill Bridge to Charit Creek
- Sheltowee Trace Coming to Guthooks Soon
- ST Hike #2 - Charit Creek to Peters Mountain
- ST H:ike #3 - Peters Mtn to Yamacraw Bridge
- Trail Reroute From Peters mountain to Yamacraw
- ST4 Yamacraw to Cumberland falls
- ST6 Pond Ridge to 49er Truck Stop
- ST7 - 49'r Truckstop to S-Tree Campground
- Sheltowee Trace Now on Guthooks/ Farout!
- ST8 - S-Tree CG to Arvel, Ky
- ST9 - Arvel to Hollerwood
- ST10 - Hollerwood, KY to Clear Creek, CG
- ST11 - Clear Creek CG to Eagle Lake TH
- ST12 - Eagle Lake TH - Northern Terminus