View Full Version : Put in My Notice Today

Austin 2014
01-31-2014, 18:10
I just told my boss my last day of work will be February 28. I hit the approach trail on March 22. It's officially official! Woo hoo! Good luck to all of you quitting your jobs in the coming weeks. It's scary but feels so liberating once it's done!

01-31-2014, 18:28
Best of luck to you. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other - It's only 5 million steps, give or take a few :)

01-31-2014, 19:38
Congrats!!! I am putting in mine on the 12th and will start hiking March 17-18

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

David Heller
01-31-2014, 19:44
Wishing I could go, it's just not my year. Happy trails!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

01-31-2014, 19:45
Good luck! In a way, you have only left one job for another...the job of hiking : ) Have fun and be safe!

Wild Blue
01-31-2014, 19:48
Congrats and good hiking!

01-31-2014, 20:37
Have fun Austin 2014! :)

01-31-2014, 20:43
I just told my boss my last day of work will be February 28. I hit the approach trail on March 22. It's officially official! Woo hoo! Good luck to all of you quitting your jobs in the coming weeks. It's scary but feels so liberating once it's done!

Good for you! Any future bosses will have to make do with a new and improved you after this experience. May your time on the trail reward you greatly for your well wishes and adventurous spirit. Pretty sure it will,:).

01-31-2014, 20:46
Excellent, all the best and enjoy!!! Hope to see you out there, I hit the approach 3 days after you. Just left my job on Cayman Islands to do this - just got back to US today to get some semblance of trail legs back beforehand.

01-31-2014, 20:48
nice! see you on the trail!

01-31-2014, 20:54
Best of luck on the hike and have a great time

01-31-2014, 21:01
Good luck on your hike. You may bump into Comet Omega. He's starting earlier than you and he's from Austin as well. Give Austin another good showing this year. Hook 'em!! (Or should I say, "Hoof 'em") :)

Zman GA-ME 2013 3/21 to 8/19/2013

01-31-2014, 21:09
Hey, I gave my notice today as well. Last day of work is Feb 14th and I start on March 6th.

Austin 2014
01-31-2014, 23:54
Thanks for the kind words and encouragement! Looking forward to meeting some of you out there!

01-31-2014, 23:57
Curious if they knew it was coming or if you sprung it on them?


02-01-2014, 05:25
Congrats! I remember doing the same. What a great feeling.

02-01-2014, 09:29
And so the journey begins!

"It's dangerous business, [] going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet there's no knowing where you'll be swept off to."

Damn Yankee
02-01-2014, 09:45
Excellent, all the best and enjoy!!! Hope to see you out there, I hit the approach 3 days after you. Just left my job on Cayman Islands to do this - just got back to US today to get some semblance of trail legs back beforehand.
You left a job in the Caymans? You must have the AT fever bbbbaaaaddddd. Good luck to all, wish I was joining you.

Austin 2014
02-01-2014, 16:32
Curious if they knew it was coming or if you sprung it on them?


My bosses didn't know about my plans, but I gave them four weeks notice so that we could start interviewing for my position and hopefully make a smooth transition.

02-01-2014, 20:24
Have a great hike, Austin, and all of you!

One Brown Mouse
02-03-2014, 11:39
Congrats! I'm putting my notice in on the 14th, gonna give them 4 weeks also but hopefully they wont need me for that long.

See you out there!

02-03-2014, 12:04
My bosses didn't know about my plans, but I gave them four weeks notice so that we could start interviewing for my position and hopefully make a smooth transition.

Good for you giving them 4 weeks. As a boss I can tell you it very much appreciated.

02-03-2014, 12:09
Nice - I wish I could do that - good luck on your hike!

02-04-2014, 03:52
Congrats! I'm being laid off this week...so kind of the same thing I guess.

Happy hiking! Ill be starting the 11th or 12th of March from Springer.

Damn Yankee
02-04-2014, 06:49
Austin, I am envious. Please be safe, enjoy your time and take in every minute and do keep us updated along the way if possible. I'm not going to wish you luck because I know you'll make it.

02-04-2014, 06:52
Congrats and best of luck on the trail!

02-04-2014, 07:55
A 2014, your doing what I should have done 35 years ago. Now I can only hope I can do it after I finish up my career as I'll be near 70. godspeed

02-04-2014, 08:39
I just told my boss my last day of work will be February 28. I hit the approach trail on March 22. It's officially official! Woo hoo! Good luck to all of you quitting your jobs in the coming weeks. It's scary but feels so liberating once it's done!

Awesome! Congrats! I put in for a leave of absence 3 weeks ago and amazingly my work is allowing me to go. Not only that, they can't wait to follow me on trailjournals! I'm starting April 3 but maybe I'll catch up to you! HY-OH!

02-04-2014, 09:15
28 years with the same company & was hoping to retire in 5 years (I'll be 60). Was hoping to attempt a thru hike then. But the wife springs on me that her parents will be moving in with us this year so that means at least another 10 years of working. I don't think its gonna happen. Sure wish I knew about the AT 29 years ago.

02-04-2014, 09:23
28 years with the same company & was hoping to retire in 5 years (I'll be 60). Was hoping to attempt a thru hike then. But the wife springs on me that her parents will be moving in with us this year so that means at least another 10 years of working. I don't think its gonna happen. Sure wish I knew about the AT 29 years ago.
http://www.whiteblaze.net/forum/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBwgHBgkIBwgKCgkLDRYPDQwMDRsUFRAWIB0iIiAdHx 8kKDQsJCYxJx8fLT0tMTU3Ojo6Iys/RD84QzQ5OjcBCgoKDQwNGg8PGjclHyU3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nz c3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3N//AABEIAFoAhwMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAbAAACAwEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAADBAIFBgABB//EADcQAAIBAwMCBAQFBAAHAQAAAAECAwAEEQUhMRJBBhNRYSIyg ZEUI3GhwRVCUrEWQ3LC0eHwB//EABgBAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAgQD/8QAHREBAAMAAgMBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAECESExA1FhEv/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8A+aGMNgEDHr61yW6A7bVDrI7nqNEiZVOXO 9aQaCIEnP3qDoFyR2qSSBmIFcw+PDcUEYfmLNuK9eRerj70zqe nXulPCt5bvD5y9SdRG4+h96FHouo3Ony6lDCz2kRw7hhkY5OOc VNa/M7mJW0q9Y3FOeYgPb60Gx0TUntknSyuWjkGUfyzhv0PevZ7G6g dFnt5kLbr1xlc/pmjI3RGxyAPtUHt0O4OKi0JAwT0t3GN6iI34zVEZLcY2YUFUQH GQf0okiSZwo6h+maEiu0gVVZm46QN6gOIUYbCuNkOc5/SiSxyW7BZo5I2IyFkQrkfWoiTHpQLtCsfAH0pScld+xqwkHX33 qsu1NFJTrniuqDE5rqgZ80lsngcV3WTJk/QUNVOMDORRY4WIB59qqG1XYEEk1a6FYvqGuWlrynUHl9kXc/fj60jGpSLLAbcVsfAsSWel6jrEw4/KU47D4m/7aT09PFXbRp3xyI9W0W4niwZdNugrEf4kDP+x9qHNG+n+Abe1C/nXCgdOdyXOf5pXwdci8/rFpdElbtPMI9SSQf9itBfWwvNY0myBJVZBMwHYIM/7xWfjptfaz5PcK/x9IkOmaVpEb5S1AAX/pXFZzQnNtrNhKclEuEJB4+YVceINelGqzxJBp8qI5CyTWyu49R mqiS7aSdJ/KiRwQfylCjb2rUdOKFz41smi8VTrGoZp+lgF5LHbH3q6uLC0tN S0PQoo45JrLM95LjPUzYbp9wMCrG6t4H1WHXbv4obO2L47s/K/wA/UCs5o0srNqmt3mQ7kgH3O+B+wq17S/So1y+nn1G7ENzMsJlboRZCFAye1W3/AOW2wfxHc31x+Y9vbkhpN/iY4zv3wDVLPfWIHS2mLkj5hO2c1pfAsyWOlavqUUTAouVMh6sF VJA99zWPNzWVrxwT0ifVNdh1KXXmL6IIJZBPOuBE4+Tyz69sCs ECcbjNa/xLPNq1rFqdvcTS2Rwstq0hItJe4A/xPY/SsjKCsu3FSntZTz2AP3oFzGGOw+hok0bHcE7e9LNKVOGOa2FJo CN8b11OD49gM15UCEbEDHOTvVnZAdQB+tVcI+IYq2sQBuaqGrx FVEVTzuaJb3d0lo1olw4t2+aLOx70C/b4gR2GKtdB0y0eyk1XWLiWGwjfy0SEDzbiTGelc7D3JoulLO5m 065S5tsCRQcEqD+1WKeKdQg1H8bG0ayMhQjywRg8jHajR23h+/hl8m6utOuUQtGt30yRSED5epcEHbuKoCuRnamGzmLxvEt/OzMHijCjP5cCD+KTutQutRmAuJfM6eCyjYenFIx5VWyCQR2ron dHyFJFEaaXUrqfTPwZYLEekvj+8jjP7fYUK31ae2tRAgjKx5ZQ yBh75B5PG9V0ckjR4wR+tMW9ukml3927srw+WiKOGLdWc/RaGaHc6vPcgo/k4IIIECD+KjHrNxBp89jEIxDPjqIXBA7gfrQtGhiu9atLe5jd4 pZAjKjdJOeN8HG+O1J6nD+Gv7mBMhYpXQAnJ2JG5+lJ5IgxY6j Lp9yzxBXjdSksL7rKp5BFV91hmJRSg6j0gnOB2GaGWOferzQNL hv7XVL29kaK1sbbrJTGXkO0aDPqRv8A+6iqaV+mLcjOKqpJD1H 2NanxbokWiGxh88yXEtqstxGf+S5/tz/9xWTkG4J780DMUh5ByfSvKVicqdu1dQTg43p+Bu4pURgYxTEIw m3pVQ3J+au53FXfiDMdvoOnQKcLZJKBjd3lYlj+wrPRfEwrU31 nNrum2N1psTXVza2y21xbx7yKFz0uF5ZSD2G2N6AT+F9ThsZ7q f8ACx+QnW8X4lHkAzz0qTUP6Yj2di8E0jXF1N5QiktzGgOcbSE 9Lds+mabVRoPhidLwGK/1ORVFuww8cKnPUy8jJGADUbzVYJvCmn2STET211I3RvlQ24Pp2 opKz0i8uL26tFVY5rVJGmEjYCdHzDPrnanLbw7JLFbB7y3gu7p eq3s2VizrvgkgEKNu9Weq6pps+n6ld2lwBfaqIBLFjBjwMyb+h bP3ryTUtQvbCQ2Or6ZbwrAiTB+iKdcKARkL1MMg4wTz2qDKmZk boBwRz7VaxSH/AIdnH+V7Hv8Aoj/+az4YBzg5HqKt9MubTyZ7K/by4pSsiXAXqMLrkAkclSCQcb8HBxQd4Y6n8U6bHHh2N2uBxnG9 Oa3ptiFF9daqYJL+e4eNDbF0ULKy7uGz2z8tL6bdWHh6eTUI7+ C/1BVZbOK2DlEdhjzJGZRwCcKMknnFWP8AVINO0HQZpNOhvrhYZj C9wxZIz5hySn9x45oMre2U1hdy2tyAJYm6Wwcg+49iN602lvax eHdLs5JUX8dqZluSW4SPAwfQbg1ndSvLi/ubi8upDJczMWdyO9WMk3hyTxAjfh7pNJMQV0SU9Yk6OQTvjqwc b8ehxQC8aXq32v30obK+aUU5zsvw/wAfvWUm701cSb7E/WlGYYJoBrjOTXVPYhceldQHEnwDHHanIWAGTxiqZJ2UdNORTfD gj96qLOADqJA25qcssiOCpIxwR2pWB87q1G61Y4JH3oPAepur9/ejNjpr0eUBs65HvXdcKgDrB7cUERJj7VHdjUiYzwWP02qSqTjf 7VFAOxyT9K8bzJvYdhR54goB9a8QgR4HNAqsfSTnt3qwudQkuL HT7BkUC0DhWzuQ5yf3pSUgbCli3xZzQSeYkt09+K96+tADs3b3 pWTJPfc0cIOnLHigVuMgnNJzMekAU5Pvnek3GWoICQjAFdUulR uTivaARJzg+tMjEaA9XI4oTgdXFRbj6UFlbyjgEYrpJSr7YpOC ubc0FkshYbVJZMc7Clbb5DXkxPrQONOFIAo0dyNs1V5+KpjkUF ndz5UYO1BjfAyDS0x/I+teRk+Rz2oJyuc7Ghu+Nqg/zivJOBQSeXBBO9DeYsMg7UKbivG+UUEZJDnmoLmovxXsX91BCV sHFdQ5PmrqD//Z

02-04-2014, 09:25
http://www.whiteblaze.net/forum/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBwgHBgkIBwgKCgkLDRYPDQwMDRsUFRAWIB0iIiAdHx 8kKDQsJCYxJx8fLT0tMTU3Ojo6Iys/RD84QzQ5OjcBCgoKDQwNGg8PGjclHyU3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nz c3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3N//AABEIAFoAhwMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAbAAACAwEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAADBAIFBgABB//EADcQAAIBAwMCBAQFBAAHAQAAAAECAwAEEQUhMRJBBhNRYSIyg ZEUI3GhwRVCUrEWQ3LC0eHwB//EABgBAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAgQD/8QAHREBAAMAAgMBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAECESExA1FhEv/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8A+aGMNgEDHr61yW6A7bVDrI7nqNEiZVOXO 9aQaCIEnP3qDoFyR2qSSBmIFcw+PDcUEYfmLNuK9eRerj70zqe nXulPCt5bvD5y9SdRG4+h96FHouo3Ony6lDCz2kRw7hhkY5OOc VNa/M7mJW0q9Y3FOeYgPb60Gx0TUntknSyuWjkGUfyzhv0PevZ7G6g dFnt5kLbr1xlc/pmjI3RGxyAPtUHt0O4OKi0JAwT0t3GN6iI34zVEZLcY2YUFUQH GQf0okiSZwo6h+maEiu0gVVZm46QN6gOIUYbCuNkOc5/SiSxyW7BZo5I2IyFkQrkfWoiTHpQLtCsfAH0pScld+xqwkHX33 qsu1NFJTrniuqDE5rqgZ80lsngcV3WTJk/QUNVOMDORRY4WIB59qqG1XYEEk1a6FYvqGuWlrynUHl9kXc/fj60jGpSLLAbcVsfAsSWel6jrEw4/KU47D4m/7aT09PFXbRp3xyI9W0W4niwZdNugrEf4kDP+x9qHNG+n+Abe1C/nXCgdOdyXOf5pXwdci8/rFpdElbtPMI9SSQf9itBfWwvNY0myBJVZBMwHYIM/7xWfjptfaz5PcK/x9IkOmaVpEb5S1AAX/pXFZzQnNtrNhKclEuEJB4+YVceINelGqzxJBp8qI5CyTWyu49R mqiS7aSdJ/KiRwQfylCjb2rUdOKFz41smi8VTrGoZp+lgF5LHbH3q6uLC0tN S0PQoo45JrLM95LjPUzYbp9wMCrG6t4H1WHXbv4obO2L47s/K/wA/UCs5o0srNqmt3mQ7kgH3O+B+wq17S/So1y+nn1G7ENzMsJlboRZCFAye1W3/AOW2wfxHc31x+Y9vbkhpN/iY4zv3wDVLPfWIHS2mLkj5hO2c1pfAsyWOlavqUUTAouVMh6sF VJA99zWPNzWVrxwT0ifVNdh1KXXmL6IIJZBPOuBE4+Tyz69sCs ECcbjNa/xLPNq1rFqdvcTS2Rwstq0hItJe4A/xPY/SsjKCsu3FSntZTz2AP3oFzGGOw+hok0bHcE7e9LNKVOGOa2FJo CN8b11OD49gM15UCEbEDHOTvVnZAdQB+tVcI+IYq2sQBuaqGrx FVEVTzuaJb3d0lo1olw4t2+aLOx70C/b4gR2GKtdB0y0eyk1XWLiWGwjfy0SEDzbiTGelc7D3JoulLO5m 065S5tsCRQcEqD+1WKeKdQg1H8bG0ayMhQjywRg8jHajR23h+/hl8m6utOuUQtGt30yRSED5epcEHbuKoCuRnamGzmLxvEt/OzMHijCjP5cCD+KTutQutRmAuJfM6eCyjYenFIx5VWyCQR2ron dHyFJFEaaXUrqfTPwZYLEekvj+8jjP7fYUK31ae2tRAgjKx5ZQ yBh75B5PG9V0ckjR4wR+tMW9ukml3927srw+WiKOGLdWc/RaGaHc6vPcgo/k4IIIECD+KjHrNxBp89jEIxDPjqIXBA7gfrQtGhiu9atLe5jd4 pZAjKjdJOeN8HG+O1J6nD+Gv7mBMhYpXQAnJ2JG5+lJ5IgxY6j Lp9yzxBXjdSksL7rKp5BFV91hmJRSg6j0gnOB2GaGWOferzQNL hv7XVL29kaK1sbbrJTGXkO0aDPqRv8A+6iqaV+mLcjOKqpJD1H 2NanxbokWiGxh88yXEtqstxGf+S5/tz/9xWTkG4J780DMUh5ByfSvKVicqdu1dQTg43p+Bu4pURgYxTEIw m3pVQ3J+au53FXfiDMdvoOnQKcLZJKBjd3lYlj+wrPRfEwrU31 nNrum2N1psTXVza2y21xbx7yKFz0uF5ZSD2G2N6AT+F9ThsZ7q f8ACx+QnW8X4lHkAzz0qTUP6Yj2di8E0jXF1N5QiktzGgOcbSE 9Lds+mabVRoPhidLwGK/1ORVFuww8cKnPUy8jJGADUbzVYJvCmn2STET211I3RvlQ24Pp2 opKz0i8uL26tFVY5rVJGmEjYCdHzDPrnanLbw7JLFbB7y3gu7p eq3s2VizrvgkgEKNu9Weq6pps+n6ld2lwBfaqIBLFjBjwMyb+h bP3ryTUtQvbCQ2Or6ZbwrAiTB+iKdcKARkL1MMg4wTz2qDKmZk boBwRz7VaxSH/AIdnH+V7Hv8Aoj/+az4YBzg5HqKt9MubTyZ7K/by4pSsiXAXqMLrkAkclSCQcb8HBxQd4Y6n8U6bHHh2N2uBxnG9 Oa3ptiFF9daqYJL+e4eNDbF0ULKy7uGz2z8tL6bdWHh6eTUI7+ C/1BVZbOK2DlEdhjzJGZRwCcKMknnFWP8AVINO0HQZpNOhvrhYZj C9wxZIz5hySn9x45oMre2U1hdy2tyAJYm6Wwcg+49iN602lvax eHdLs5JUX8dqZluSW4SPAwfQbg1ndSvLi/ubi8upDJczMWdyO9WMk3hyTxAjfh7pNJMQV0SU9Yk6OQTvjqwc b8ehxQC8aXq32v30obK+aUU5zsvw/wAfvWUm701cSb7E/WlGYYJoBrjOTXVPYhceldQHEnwDHHanIWAGTxiqZJ2UdNORTfD gj96qLOADqJA25qcssiOCpIxwR2pWB87q1G61Y4JH3oPAepur9/ejNjpr0eUBs65HvXdcKgDrB7cUERJj7VHdjUiYzwWP02qSqTjf 7VFAOxyT9K8bzJvYdhR54goB9a8QgR4HNAqsfSTnt3qwudQkuL HT7BkUC0DhWzuQ5yf3pSUgbCli3xZzQSeYkt09+K96+tADs3b3 pWTJPfc0cIOnLHigVuMgnNJzMekAU5Pvnek3GWoICQjAFdUulR uTivaARJzg+tMjEaA9XI4oTgdXFRbj6UFlbyjgEYrpJSr7YpOC ubc0FkshYbVJZMc7Clbb5DXkxPrQONOFIAo0dyNs1V5+KpjkUF ndz5UYO1BjfAyDS0x/I+teRk+Rz2oJyuc7Ghu+Nqg/zivJOBQSeXBBO9DeYsMg7UKbivG+UUEZJDnmoLmovxXsX91BCV sHFdQ5PmrqD//Z
That's supposed to say Never Give Up :-)

02-04-2014, 09:35
Brave girl.

I know alot of people outside of this forum probably think you are crazy for what you are doing..... but it's mostly fear on their part and attachment to material items.

GL out there. Perhaps I'll see you on the trail around Fontana when I start in April for my next section.

02-04-2014, 11:26
Muhahaha. Me too!
Couldn't be happier about it!

02-04-2014, 11:39
It was 1 year ago today that I gave my notice, and I still feel your joy! best of luck on your hike.

02-04-2014, 18:29
So envious!happy trails,we will be sectioning again this year but that'll do for now 1500 miles to go

02-04-2014, 18:41
My bosses didn't know about my plans, but I gave them four weeks notice so that we could start interviewing for my position and hopefully make a smooth transition.


I always wonder about these kinda things because I'm in the weird position of being both an employee and an employer at the same time.

secret squirrl
02-04-2014, 19:26
That's supposed to say Never Give Up :-)
Well will you be taking a handheld with you?

Austin 2014
02-05-2014, 12:01
Thanks again for the encouragement! It feels so good to be able to do this NOW. I was going to wait until retirement, but tomorrow is never guaranteed. The stars have really aligned to make this opportunity possible. I told my family about my plans a year and a half ago and have been researching and making plans ever since. It feels so good to FINALLY be able to talk about it openly. To all of you that recently put in your notices, I share your joy! For those of you hiking in the future, happy planning! I learned so much from this forum and had a great time choosing gear, taking practice hikes, and dreaming about the trip. I'm so excited it's finally here!

02-05-2014, 13:00
Good luck with your hike! I'm hopin to hit the trail within the first couple weeks of March!

02-05-2014, 13:43
I love a good quitting story. I'll be doing the same in less than a month and hitting the trail in late March. An uncertain future sounds much more appealing than that commute to the office every day.

Green Machine
02-05-2014, 15:01
I just told my boss my last day of work will be February 28. I hit the approach trail on March 22. It's officially official! Woo hoo! Good luck to all of you quitting your jobs in the coming weeks. It's scary but feels so liberating once it's done!

My last day at work is on the 7th. I'm hitting the trail, hopefully by the 24th of February. I'm a slow hiker, so maybe we'll see each other. Best of luck to you.

Son Driven
02-05-2014, 16:18
Congrats perhaps our paths will cross.

02-05-2014, 19:24
Another 2014 AT thru-hiker taking significant specific steps towards embarking on and completing their thru-hikes. Have a great journey Austin.

02-05-2014, 19:39
Being motivated by this post and other things lining up as perfect timing, I handed in my resignation today also... I'll be out there sometime during the last week of March.

02-07-2014, 21:09
Submitted my resignation today. March 25th is my last day. Will see you all out there!

Del Q
02-07-2014, 22:27
I think that a thru hike on the AT is a BIG resume builder from my view, albeit biased

GO CRUSH IT...........plus its really hot in Austin, go out and enjoy some change of seasons.

02-07-2014, 22:36
I just told my boss my last day of work will be February 28. I hit the approach trail on March 22. It's officially official! Woo hoo! Good luck to all of you quitting your jobs in the coming weeks. It's scary but feels so liberating once it's done!
Congratz & Happy Trails!!!

02-10-2014, 15:48
I just told my boss my last day of work will be February 28. I hit the approach trail on March 22. It's officially official! Woo hoo! Good luck to all of you quitting your jobs in the coming weeks. It's scary but feels so liberating once it's done!

My resignation goes in 2/24 for an end date of 3/7. After 12 years of IT work, countless years of being woken up out of bed...its over. Retired. I've already donated virtually everything, am edging toward selling literally everything else, and living in a hammock until a new era dawns on me.

See you all out there!

02-10-2014, 19:25
28 years with the same company & was hoping to retire in 5 years (I'll be 60). Was hoping to attempt a thru hike then. But the wife springs on me that her parents will be moving in with us this year so that means at least another 10 years of working. I don't think its gonna happen. Sure wish I knew about the AT 29 years ago.

Get your boots on and get out there! They have managed so far, hopefully they can manage a few more months so you can live your dream! Maybe you just don't want it bad enough....no disrespect meant, just believe people should live their dreams. Good luck with it!

02-10-2014, 20:57
Good for you. There is power in your dream, and it can define your future. I wish you all the best! I start 2 days behind you, so I will be reading your log entries all the way to Maine!

02-14-2014, 18:37
Woo Woo!!! That's awesome. I told my job I was going to quit right around this time...and it was AWESOME. If you are serious about doing the trail, you'll love it. Just keep on pushing. Every day is amazing.

02-14-2014, 18:43
You'll be out there a couple weeks ahead of me, so I doubt we'll cross paths, but I wish you the best.

02-20-2014, 09:17
Just gave my notice in yesterday - last day of work on March 7 - leave for Georgia on March 21 -

Holy Crap - it's happening!

02-20-2014, 21:16
My resignation goes in 2/24 for an end date of 3/7. After 12 years of IT work, countless years of being woken up out of bed...its over. Retired. I've already donated virtually everything, am edging toward selling literally everything else, and living in a hammock until a new era dawns on me.

See you all out there!

today I retired . 21 years I did my time. in my forties, still, and gonna try to do this thing while I can. I still have a month of part time consultation., but I leave for springer in April. today was my last more than 3 hour day, maybe ever . gonna feel weird.
we will see you out there

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02-23-2014, 14:22
today I retired . 21 years I did my time. in my forties, still, and gonna try to do this thing while I can. I still have a month of part time consultation., but I leave for springer in April. today was my last more than 3 hour day, maybe ever . gonna feel weird.
we will see you out there

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Congrats on joining us Old Folks ...but I don't see you as a retiree ..maybe more of an inmate
at the Doyle .....good luck on the trail

02-23-2014, 17:30
Congrats on joining us Old Folks ...but I don't see you as a retiree ..maybe more of an inmate
at the Doyle .....good luck on the trail

thanks friend. this time I have the time to make it. and leaving in April increases my chances. I hope to see u out there, if you have that place in Maine still, love to swing by

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02-23-2014, 21:48
I agree, quitting my job and training for this hike is liberating. I start my hike March 1

02-23-2014, 21:51
I agree, quitting my job and training for this hike is liberating. I start my hike March 1. Fun times ahead for us.

02-23-2014, 22:45
I too am envious of both your freedom and panache.

Hike well. Take your time. Enjoy every step.

double d
02-24-2014, 02:05
My bosses didn't know about my plans, but I gave them four weeks notice so that we could start interviewing for my position and hopefully make a smooth transition.
Good luck on your hike!

03-06-2014, 13:16
Good for you. I just got some pretty crappy news from my employer which makes me want to put my 2 weeks in right now and leave April 1st. I been saying "this is the year" for the past 3 years or so but never seems to happen. Think I just need a swift kick in the a$$. Good luck on your hike! MAYBE I'll gather enough courage to do the same.

03-06-2014, 13:17
Good for you. I just got some pretty crappy news from my employer which makes me want to put my 2 weeks in right now and leave April 1st. I been saying "this is the year" for the past 3 years or so but never seems to happen. Think I just need a swift kick in the a$$. Good luck on your hike! MAYBE I'll gather enough courage to do the same.

EDIT: I didn't know what year it was.... I've been saying that for about 6 years :/

03-09-2014, 11:10
I just put in my notice at the beginning of last week, unsure of what my employer's response would be but prepared for the worst. To my surprise, not only are they very supportive of the idea and giving me a leave of absence, but they've also offered to pay my rent for the months I'm gone to keep me from having to find a new place to live when I get back. The best of all worlds, and amazing trail magic before the trail!.

03-09-2014, 11:15
I got 3 weeks left. your boss seems amazing Cozaar!:)

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03-11-2014, 07:48
I just told my boss my last day of work will be February 28. I hit the approach trail on March 22. It's officially official! Woo hoo! Good luck to all of you quitting your jobs in the coming weeks. It's scary but feels so liberating once it's done!

"What do you mean you're leaving??" "You're leaving your job to do WHAT?!" "But...but..."

Just this morning, I've been called crazy, insane, irresponsible, loco, and baddass. I'll take baddass and run with it.

Good to see some more dirty-30's doing the same thing. :)

03-13-2014, 09:58
"What do you mean you're leaving??" "You're leaving your job to do WHAT?!" "But...but..."

Just this morning, I've been called crazy, insane, irresponsible, loco, and baddass. I'll take baddass and run with it.

Good to see some more dirty-30's doing the same thing. :)

I brought up the idea to a few friends the other day and was scolded like I had just murdered someone. Irresponsible was definitely the word of the night.

07-17-2014, 11:10
Hello Austin 2014- Congrats My last day of work will be in 3 years. Good Luck on your adventure and hope to see your name in the 2000 miler club!!!

07-21-2014, 22:04
rock on remember dont get locked in on the miles each day take it all in it really is the journey not the destination good luck stay focused even on a sucky day you can find something cool about it