View Full Version : packing a bear canister

03-30-2014, 20:21
any advice on packing a bear canister?

03-30-2014, 20:29
Packing the canister (food being placed inside the canister) or packing the canister in your pack?

In my pack, I typically have the canister packed horizontally in my pack toward the top of my pack.

With the food in the canister, I don't pack that day's food (lunch, snacks, & dinner) in the canister. I repackage all the food so it is the smallest volume possible. I configure the food inside the canister so little space is not utilized. With any available space, I sprinkle in some peanuts or other small food to fill in the crevasses.

03-30-2014, 21:46
Depends on the cannister and how much food. If you have plenty of room, theres nothing special to do. If you dont, stick to highest calorie high density foods and pack it tight.
Repackage dinners into ziplocks. Poke holes in packaging of everything with needle, squeeze all air out, etc.

03-31-2014, 12:15
Poke holes in packaging of everything with needle, squeeze all air out, etc.

Put a tiny piece of tape over hole after air is out to prevent anything from leaking out.

03-31-2014, 16:40
i am sorry, the canister