View Full Version : Help me finish my GearGrams list?

04-25-2014, 15:21

Im hoping to start next year after school and this is just a very rough list. Suggest anything for me to improve on or try. I have a good amount of time to try new things, so I'm way open. I know that I'm missing things on this list, the things I left out are the things I already own. Thanks in advance for everybody who contributes. Happy Hiking guys :sun

04-27-2014, 21:35
You're off to a fair start, I'd say. You can learn a lot from scanning down other, similar posts on this thread-- many people, many ideas, many suggestions for gear lists.

Here's a well-planned, UL gear list (originally posted on backpackinglight.com by Broken Arrow): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0ArJqvkAUzncXdGEzYk9WcUFYcXF0cWhhUkptT3lZQ nc&output=html