View Full Version : Lake City Daily Shuttle in July/August

05-03-2014, 17:24
It looks like a group of trail angels have organized a daily shuttle to/from Spring Creek Pass with planned departure from Lake City at 12:00 noon and from the pass at 12:30:


I've been waffling between doing the ten mile roadwalk into Creede from San Luis Pass where a hitch is reportedly unlikely or trying to hitch into Lake City. With the scheduled shuttle materializing, I'm now planning to opt for Lake City. It works out pretty well for back to back neros: Short day getting to Spring Creek pass around noon, spend the afternoon and night in Lake City, a leisurely morning in town and back to the trail by 1pm for another short day! Also Lake City has a hostel whereas Creede does not so this should save some money as well.

Just FYI in case anyone else is making the Creede vs. Lake City resupply decision.

05-03-2014, 20:25
Lake City is a great trail town and Ravens Rest Hostel is the place to stay. I got a hitch in within a half hour and split a $20 ride back to trail with another hiker from someone staying at the hostel. There are lots of tourists from TX there and they don't give rides.

05-03-2014, 23:04
Lake City is a great town for a re-supply and a little down-time... great news that they will have a shuttle service!

05-05-2014, 10:23
I wouldn't do that 10 mile roadwalk into Creede. Hitching from Spring Creek Pass is definitely the way to go. Lake City and Creede are both awesome towns, you can't go wrong with either choice.

05-07-2014, 07:57
Most people I hiked with last season went to Lake City; fair selection of resupply places and a few different places to eat.

Lucky run's a nice Hostel (he kindly shuttled us back up to the trail).