View Full Version : How Tough to Hike is the Trail in Southern PA--Pine Grove Furnace to Penn Mar?

07-11-2014, 10:31
I'm working on planning a section hike of this stretch with one other person in mid-October. Our normal length of section hikes on the AT averages 12 miles a day.

Thinking of covering this 37 miles in 3 (full) days? Is this stretch harder than average?

We'd plan to have done our car spotting the day before starting, to make sure to get a full day of hiking on the day we start.

07-11-2014, 10:45
Sounds from the previous straightforward thread that the rocks won't be any worse than in the Maryland stretches just to the south.

My impression that this stretch is average to a little easier than average. I just want to make sure that I'm not missing something before getting out there with only about 11 hours of daylight.

07-11-2014, 11:29
I did that stretch nobo this year with plantar fasciitis and made it in three. Your first day should be a long one, the terrain is flat with few bumps and small hills NO goat paths, I did a 17.1 in the area, the second day is a little tougher and the final day will hardest of the three but not to bad only the final climb will be toughest part steeper and rocky but you will be doing shorter days so the will help. Remember this is IMHO and YMMV because I am slow and old and broken. PS Also I thought Maryland was wonderful to tread on most of the time.

ENJOY27704 PEN-MAR area view

07-11-2014, 11:41
Thanks, Busky! Enjoyed the Penn Mar view at the end of my northbound walk into there a couple of years ago. Good tip on the easier stretch being south from Pine Grove.

I'm a long way from young myself, but we will have had a weeklong hike a couple of weeks earlier, so should be in decent condition.

07-11-2014, 14:20
Footingwise, the rockiest stretch is the aptly-named Rocky Mountain south from Rt. 30 leaving Caledonia SP. On the whole, your 37 miles is easier than the "average" AT and I think your 3 days is entirely attainable.

Hang R
07-11-2014, 15:36
You should have no problem doing this section in three days. I felt that this a much easier than average section of the AT. I hiked it in two days early this spring in the rain. The water was decent in this section and the AWOL trail guide and map in this section was accurate. Easy places to park vehicles at both ends of the hike.

07-11-2014, 22:44
HangR and Cookr,

Thank you both! Good to have the confirmation that my planning is realistic.


Rain Man
07-12-2014, 09:04
I'm working on planning a section hike of this stretch with one other person in mid-October. Our normal length of section hikes on the AT averages 12 miles a day.

Thinking of covering this 37 miles in 3 (full) days? Is this stretch harder than average?

I did this about two years ago in October, I think it was. I'd describe it as fairly average and three days to do 37 miles a good plan.

If you want pics, I'll post a link to my photo album of the trip.

Rain Man


Teacher & Snacktime
07-12-2014, 13:23
Snacktime and I hiked this section with no problem at all, so how hard could it be? Make sure you enjoy the pool at Caledonia State Park!

(of course we hiked it in 5 days of 7+ mpd, but we took the "leisurely stroll" approach :))

07-12-2014, 16:04
Rain Man, thanks! I'd enjoy the photo link.

T&S, we'll miss the pool season, but shouldn't be too late for decent weather. See you're from my wife's home state!

Rain Man
07-12-2014, 22:29
Rain Man, thanks! I'd enjoy the photo link.

Here ya go. Enjoy.

Oct '12 PA hike to Swatara Gap from MD line. (http://www.meetup.com/NashvilleBackpacker/photos/all_photos/?photoAlbumId=11518222)

Rain Man


Teacher & Snacktime
07-13-2014, 00:41
Rain Man, thanks! I'd enjoy the photo link.

T&S, we'll miss the pool season, but shouldn't be too late for decent weather. See you're from my wife's home state!

From what part of RI does she hail? Perhaps you should check out the RI Ramble hike group page & consider joining us this September!

07-13-2014, 17:25
Rain Man, Thanks!

Two comments and a question. You folks covered a lot of ground, and I liked your taking pictures of the other groups.

More importantly, how big WAS that spider?

07-13-2014, 17:30
T&S, she's from Pawtucket, but hasn't lived there in 35 years.

I noticed your group and it looks like fun, but have enough going on that dedicating week and a long weekend to hiking is pushing the limits this fall already!

I have taken note of the cliff walk for future reference, though!

Rain Man
07-14-2014, 06:52
More importantly, how big WAS that spider?

LOL ... two or three inches from tip to tip, I guess. Just wait till you walk into an orb-weavers web at face level in the dark. You'd swear such a spider was a foot across and weighed half a pound!!! LOL

Rain Man


10-20-2014, 18:29
After talking with my hiking partner, we just went from PennMar to Pine Grove Furnace in 3 1/2 days. Started early afternoon Thursday, finished early afternoon Sunday. We used the extra time for a resupply (and car camp) at Caledonia so we only had to carry one night's food at a time. Nice hike, mostly good walking weather, and beautiful shelters.

Could have done it in 3 without much trouble, but we enjoyed the easier pace.

10-20-2014, 22:22
this is one of the easier sections of the entire trail.

10-21-2014, 15:42
I did this section with my (now) ex-wife, who was then my long-time girlfriend, in June 1979. She had never backpacked before and wasn't in great shape, and we were able to cover 12 mpd without an issue, despite the sometimes rocky terrain. Of course, that was the last backpacking trip she ever joined me on, so take this with a grain of salt.

10-21-2014, 15:56
this is one of the easier sections of the entire trail.

Agree. ....

10-21-2014, 20:10
just did pen-mar to shippensburg rd in may and shippensburg rd to boiling springs 2 weeks ago. we're very slow hikers and we did the section you're talking about in about 4 days. We found it much easier than Maryland even. Hope you have a good time!