View Full Version : Pack Question

07-20-2014, 10:33
I have bought an REI Flash 62. I have no experience with real pack on my back. I have been to this point a day hiker.

As I was playing with my gear, I realized I will need to put my tent under my pack on the straps. The straps, however, are small and likely won't have the strength to deal with the tent weight over the long haul. I was thinking about reinforcing the straps at the bottom of my pack just for additional security?

Any ideas for modifications I can make to add additional weight bearing security to those straps below the back.

Thanks all.

07-20-2014, 11:11
I have the same pack. I think your underestimating the straps. They are plenty strong enough. However of you're worried about then you can buy thicker straps and have them sewn on.

07-20-2014, 11:26
That's a hard question to answer. Different people will find different solutions acceptable.

You can sew on heavier duty straps with dental floss. Although some strips of nylon or shoelace kinds of things can work to attach things to the outside of packs and not add a lot of weight.

You can put different parts of your tent in different pockets... like the fly in one pocket, tent body in another place and poles in another pocket. You don't have to keep the tent all together in the stuff sack it came in.

Once you get out there and use your pack, you may find that you have bulky jackets or other items that can be easily/cheaply replaced with smaller items or even removed completely. This will free up room so that you will have enough room for your tent and belongings inside the pack. If I was in your living room, I think that I could get your tent in your pack, but you might have a pile of stuff I would decide, "You won't use this. Don't pack it!". :)

Best wishes and have fun figuring it out! Many people really enjoy this part of the process and figuring it all out like a puzzle.

07-20-2014, 11:33
I too have the same pack. I frequently carry a 3 man tent with the bottom straps with no worry about them breaking.

HOWEVER, I have found them difficult to cinch at times. I sometimes have a problem with the tent trying to slide to the side and out of the straps. So it takes a little bit of practice to get things cinched tight enough to keep from loosing the load. I've taken to having the loop of the tent cinch sack going thru the clip (I've had a situation where the tent slipped out of the straps and went sliding down a hill).

07-20-2014, 11:41
Separate tent body and fly from tent poles and stakes. Fold/roll the tent body and fly as small as possible so it fits in the top of the main pack. Poles and stakes go in their own long skinny bag. Lash vertically on the outside of the pack. Under the side compression straps is a good place.
Use the pad straps on the bottom for your tent fly if it is wet. Don't strap anything heavy or bulky to the bottom of the pack. You will make a mess of the weight distribution and center of gravity. If it is possible to get your tent inside the main pack bag, place it on top of the pack bag and hold it down with the top lid. Only as a last resort. You can get your tent in that pack. Or you have too much stuff.


Sent from somewhere around here.