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View Full Version : Pen-Mar to Harpers Ferry and back in 4 days

David B B
07-25-2014, 09:10
Hi all,

Monday will be the start of my first time on the AT. I've got the week off, and I've decided to do something crazy. I'm going to drive to the Mason Dixon line, and hike the 41 (or so) miles to Harpers Ferry WV. Then I'm going to turn around, and hike back to my car. Thankfully the weather looks like it's going to be perfect for the trip, unusually cool for the end of July, with minimal chance of rain.

While I've done a lot of hiking, and a fair bit of camping, I've never done backpacking. Last night my new light weight sleeping bag arrived in the mail, so I packed my pack with everything I'm planning on bringing. Even before I finished packing I'd already cut a few things out. As it is, the pack weighs about 30lbs, including water. This is what's in it.

Hooded rain jacket
1 quick dry synthetic t-shirts

1 pair of shorts

5 pair wool socks


Plastic poncho
Backpack3 liter waterskin
1 liter UV water bottle w/filter

light sleeping bag
camp stove+steno

Small Cookpot


LED flashlight
Cell Phone
Solar Cell Charger
First Aid kit
Emergency Kit (Whistle, Rope, Compass, Mirror, Matches, Duct Tape)
Toothbrush & Toothpaste
Bug Spray

Trash Bag
8 power bars6 packets of oatmeal
3 Sandwich bags homemade trail mix

4 instant coffee packets
3 dinner packets

I've got an extra day built in that I can take if I need, and several people I can call to rescue me if I need it. I really really don't want to need it, but I'm worried that 20 miles a day with 30lbs might be beyond me 4 days in a row.

Any thoughts or advice? Am I missing anything? Am I crazy?


Vibes Man
07-25-2014, 09:20
Best of luck on your hike. I'll be in that section next week. Will keep an eye out for you. See 'ya up there.

David B B
07-25-2014, 09:22
Look for the miserable guy in the O's cap. :)

Gambit McCrae
07-25-2014, 09:50
I revized

Hooded rain jacket If this is heavy leave it, its july august.
1 quick dry synthetic t-shirts
1 pair of shorts
2 pair wool socks

Backpack 3 liter waterskin

light sleeping bag
camp stove+sterno

Small Cookpot


LED flashlight
Cell Phone
First Aid kit
Toothbrush & Toothpaste
Bug Spray

Trash Bag
8 power bars
6 packets of oatmeal
3 Sandwich bags homemade trail mix
4 instant coffee packets
3 dinner packets

I've got an extra day built in that I can take if I need, and several people I can call to rescue me if I need it. I really really don't want to need it, but I'm worried that 20 miles a day with 30lbs might be beyond me 4 days in a row.
I packpack almost every single weekend, and I would be hard pressed to pull 4 20 miles days with a pack, I can pull 24 mile days day hiking, but then sunday im hurtin.

Any thoughts or advice?
Am I missing anything?
Am I crazy? idk


Vibes Man
07-25-2014, 09:59
Look for the miserable guy in the O's cap. :)

Okay. I'll keep a lookout. You'll probably see me on my way back. I'm starting tomorrow: Pen Mar to Front Royal, then back to Pen Mar. Be safe up there.

Jethro Tull

David B B
07-25-2014, 10:01
No tent? Really?

And yeah, I think I'm agreeing with you on the jacket. It is kinda heavy, even without a liner.

David B B
07-25-2014, 10:02
Okay. I'll keep a lookout. You'll probably see me on my way back. I'm starting tomorrow: Pen Mar to Front Royal, then back to Pen Mar. Be safe up there.

Jethro Tull

Glad to know I'm not the only one doing a down and back.

Thanks, and you be safe too!

Vibes Man
07-25-2014, 10:11
Glad to know I'm not the only one doing a down and back.

Thanks, and you be safe too!

Look for the guy with the Belgian Malinois.

David B B
07-25-2014, 10:19
Definitely! They're beautiful dogs. I decided not to bring my corgis.

Jack Tarlin
07-25-2014, 11:44
David: Have a great trip. Come see us at the Outfitter in Harpers Ferry if you need anything!

07-25-2014, 13:53
Water purification of some sort?

07-25-2014, 14:03
I definitely think that it is possible in four days. I was averaging over 20 miles per day in that area during my section hike this spring and found the hiking in Maryland to be quite easy overall.

Why not send your food for the return trip down to HF - either to the ATC office or the hostel? That would lighten your pack by at least a few pounds starting out from Pen Mar.

David B B
07-25-2014, 14:04
Water purification of some sort?

The 1 liter UV water bottle by CamelBak.

David B B
07-25-2014, 14:07
I definitely think that it is possible in four days. I was averaging over 20 miles per day in that area during my section hike this spring and found the hiking in Maryland to be quite easy overall.

Why not send your food for the return trip down to HF - either to the ATC office or the hostel? That would lighten your pack by at least a few pounds starting out from Pen Mar.

I think with a little more prep time, and had I thought of it, I would have. At this point... Also, since I'm not really sure how much I'll be eating on my way down, aside from a couple of packs of oatmeal and freeze dried dinner, I don't really know how much to send.

07-25-2014, 14:23
The 1 liter UV water bottle by CamelBak.

Totally missed that! Sorry!

07-25-2014, 14:43
Is the lack of tent in the second list an oversight, or are you really leaving shelter at home?

Gambit McCrae
07-25-2014, 15:15
Lol people are reading my revised list...I forget to be prepared, take the tent if its light, if its heavy, take a light tarp for emergency and hike early in the day, in order to get a shelter spot

David B B
07-25-2014, 15:54
Lol people are reading my revised list...I forget to be prepared, take the tent if its light, if its heavy, take a light tarp for emergency and hike early in the day, in order to get a shelter spot

I specifically bought a light tent. Plus I'm leaving all the packaging, the welcome mat (really??) and the storage mesh shelf behind.

David B B
07-27-2014, 16:35
I did a test hike at Oregon Ridge yesterday. 5 mile loop with full pack. Stopped, set up camp. Took a picture. Broke camp, and repacked pack. Then did the loop over again from the other direction.

Managed to maintain an average pace of a 21-22 minute mile. Shockingly this is about the same speed I go when I'm going with my corgis. So I guess a 30lb pack is about equal to 45lbs worth of corgis that want to stop and sniff everything.

My hips and shoulders are definitely feeling it, but not too bad. Thank goodness for advil! I'm planning on repacking everything again tonight, including topping off the gorp and snickers I ate, and the water I drank. At this point I'm feeling really positive about the trip, and I think I'll definitely be able to hit Harpers Ferry by Tuesday afternoon, well in time to hit the AT Conservancy HQ and to get a burger before camping down for the night. As to whether I'll make it back to Pen Mar on Thursday... we'll see. I'm not going to kill myself trying to make that happen.

liberty lover
07-27-2014, 20:55
Did the four state challenge in September.Great shelters to hunker down in,with great tent sites.The Dahlgren Backpack Campground has great tent sites with a shower.Annapolis Rocks has great tent sites with a great view.Good ascents before the Raven Rock Shelter and Washington Monument,but nothing major.There is faucets with water after you pass the Washington Monument and at Gathland State Park(near the restrooms right after you cross Gapland Rd with the War Correspondents Memorial on your left.),so you can plan how much water you want to hump.I loved that section so much,my kids and I did it again in November over 3 days.I hope you have a great trek.

07-27-2014, 21:40
I just did Greenbrier SP to HF 2 weeks ago...took 2 days and took lots of stops for pictures along the way...beautiful area this time of year...have a wonderful hike!!

David B B
07-28-2014, 04:52
I'm off! See you on the trail!

Gambit McCrae
07-28-2014, 10:28
Good Luck Weather looks great!

07-28-2014, 20:34
This is a great stretch!!!!

David B B
02-03-2015, 18:33
It's been forever since I last logged on!

I made the trip, and did it in 5 days. Could have pushed through, but I took my time and enjoyed myself over the last 3 days. Day 1 was 26+ miles from Pen-Mar to Rocky Run. Can you say blisters? I was NOT prepared for the punishment my feet would take. But I pushed on. I'm extra glad I read about using duct tape, otherwise I don't think I'd have made it.
Day 2 from Rocky Run to Harper's Ferry, and then back on the trail where I camped at the top of the cliff. The burger and beer at Potomac Grill were everything I wanted! The thick slice of apple pie at the conservatory HQ was amazing and unexpected, and the new insoles I picked up at the outfitters felt like heaven!
Days 3-5 were much slower and shorter distance but equally rewarding.

Unfortunately my solar powered cell phone charger didn't get nearly the sun necessary to keep my phone charged, and as that was my only camera, I didn't get nearly the pictures I wanted. Lesson learned. Bring a small digital camera in addition to the phone. Also turn off ALL auto-updating features of the phone!

My plan now is to take a couple of weeks in April and tackle Pennsylvania... What's 269 miles in 14+ days as compared to 90 in 5?

02-06-2015, 22:34
It's been forever since I last logged on!

I made the trip, and did it in 5 days. Could have pushed through, but I took my time and enjoyed myself over the last 3 days. Day 1 was 26+ miles from Pen-Mar to Rocky Run. Can you say blisters? I was NOT prepared for the punishment my feet would take. But I pushed on. I'm extra glad I read about using duct tape, otherwise I don't think I'd have made it.
Day 2 from Rocky Run to Harper's Ferry, and then back on the trail where I camped at the top of the cliff. The burger and beer at Potomac Grill were everything I wanted! The thick slice of apple pie at the conservatory HQ was amazing and unexpected, and the new insoles I picked up at the outfitters felt like heaven!
Days 3-5 were much slower and shorter distance but equally rewarding.

Unfortunately my solar powered cell phone charger didn't get nearly the sun necessary to keep my phone charged, and as that was my only camera, I didn't get nearly the pictures I wanted. Lesson learned. Bring a small digital camera in addition to the phone. Also turn off ALL auto-updating features of the phone!

My plan now is to take a couple of weeks in April and tackle Pennsylvania... What's 269 miles in 14+ days as compared to 90 in 5?

Try a newtrent battery back up.....works great and fairly lt..

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

02-07-2015, 07:38
Glad to hear your hike was a success.

I was tempted to comment earlier about your plan and your prep. Thought about pointing out that doing a one day, high mileage backpack was MUCH DIFFERENT then attempting three or four of them in a row. Figured, however, that you seemed relatively experienced and prepared, plus your hike was in a pretty forgiving area, so you would figure it out. The lessons we learn by experience are usually better learned and more effective than the ones we learn from someone else's experience.

Glad you adjusted and enjoyed yourself - best attitude to carry forward in your backpacking endeavors.

David B B
02-09-2015, 09:22
Glad to hear your hike was a success.

I was tempted to comment earlier about your plan and your prep. Thought about pointing out that doing a one day, high mileage backpack was MUCH DIFFERENT then attempting three or four of them in a row. Figured, however, that you seemed relatively experienced and prepared, plus your hike was in a pretty forgiving area, so you would figure it out. The lessons we learn by experience are usually better learned and more effective than the ones we learn from someone else's experience.

Glad you adjusted and enjoyed yourself - best attitude to carry forward in your backpacking endeavors.

Relatively experienced? More-so now! It was definitely a lessons learned type experience, and I'm planning to carry those lessons forward to PA this spring.