View Full Version : Trail Journals Withdraw

09-10-2014, 17:40
Is it just me or is anyone else out there suffering from trail journals withdraw. Now that basically all the NOBOs have summitted there isnt anything to read anymore. I been trying to read some of the SOBO journals but I've only seen Moxie's being updated regularly.

09-10-2014, 18:00
It won't be a Thru but elray and luckcharm will back on next week as we continue north, our hike was cut short just south of Erwin. Like to hear from you, you can't imagine how encouraging it is to know that people are reading our journal.

09-10-2014, 18:34
...just the oppisite, "trail journal overload" for me, haven't followed one in over a year, but for the occasional entries.

09-10-2014, 18:50
Look Up Puma Ghostwalker on youtube, His A.T. videos are the best.

09-10-2014, 19:19
There have only been a few I could stomach.

09-11-2014, 10:25
I feel ya on the withdraw. I read Reset's and Figgy's journals from the time they started and they were both well written to me. I tried to find some SOBO journals that seemed as appealing but haven't seen anything solid.

lemon b
09-11-2014, 12:39
Not following any this year. Just lost interest.