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View Full Version : Perhaps I should stop hiking and/or getting out into the woods?

Different Socks
09-11-2014, 20:39
Since the beginning of the season, many unfortunate things have happened during my outings this year:
--Backpacking in the Snowies, I forgot my headlamp at the trailhead, lost my stove bag to the local wildlife, had low fuel in my stove bottle, fell in an ice cave and badly scraped up one leg, completely lost the trail and had to find my own way back to the road--successfully!
--First trip to Glacier, my scooter began stalling.
--First overnight scooter tour with new girlfriend, I lost my wallet.
--2nd visit to Glacier the weather turned from good to bad to worse, the pass was fogged in, girlfriend suffered hospital injuries, the attachment straps on the scooter side bags completely ripped out, we lost a set of keys for over an hour(they were found to be in my GF's pants pocket the whole time), the scooter fell over w/o any warning while I was attempting a turn, AND the muffler completely fell off 70 miles from home.
--We camped on a butte south of town and woke up to the tent collapsed onto us and then returned to the car only to discover I had a flat tire.
--Lastly, we camped in the Little Belts south of Great Falls. I discovered I'd grabbed a solo tent for the 2 of us to sleep in(very uncomfortable night of sleep for me), the stove valve broke(so dinner was cooked on a fire), we forgot my GF's riding jacket, the scooter completely stalled 50 miles from our campsite, and lastly, the car hit a deer on the way to retrieve the scooter. Then to top it all off, after limping back home the entire 160 miles, some idiot pulled out into an intersection and we just about broadsided him only 8 blocks from my front door.
Perhaps it's the end of the season for outdoor adventures this year?

09-11-2014, 20:40
Since the beginning of the season, many unfortunate things have happened during my outings this year:
--Backpacking in the Snowies, I forgot my headlamp at the trailhead, lost my stove bag to the local wildlife, had low fuel in my stove bottle, fell in an ice cave and badly scraped up one leg, completely lost the trail and had to find my own way back to the road--successfully!
--First trip to Glacier, my scooter began stalling.
--First overnight scooter tour with new girlfriend, I lost my wallet.
--2nd visit to Glacier the weather turned from good to bad to worse, the pass was fogged in, girlfriend suffered hospital injuries, the attachment straps on the scooter side bags completely ripped out, we lost a set of keys for over an hour(they were found to be in my GF's pants pocket the whole time), the scooter fell over w/o any warning while I was attempting a turn, AND the muffler completely fell off 70 miles from home.
--We camped on a butte south of town and woke up to the tent collapsed onto us and then returned to the car only to discover I had a flat tire.
--Lastly, we camped in the Little Belts south of Great Falls. I discovered I'd grabbed a solo tent for the 2 of us to sleep in(very uncomfortable night of sleep for me), the stove valve broke(so dinner was cooked on a fire), we forgot my GF's riding jacket, the scooter completely stalled 50 miles from our campsite, and lastly, the car hit a deer on the way to retrieve the scooter. Then to top it all off, after limping back home the entire 160 miles, some idiot pulled out into an intersection and we just about broadsided him only 8 blocks from my front door.
Perhaps it's the end of the season for outdoor adventures this year?

Sounds like you need a LONG WALK.

Different Socks
09-11-2014, 20:52
"Sounds like you need a LONG WALK"

More than you know!!! Already planning 1000 mile walk of the Ice Age Trail, then Superior Trail after that.

09-11-2014, 20:59
I'm reminded of the owner of White House Landing, who liked to say that he did not hike because he preferred to avoid "prolonged misery". We just laughed because we knew that doesn't happen to everybody.

09-11-2014, 21:19
Since the beginning of the season, many unfortunate things have happened during my outings this year:
--Backpacking in the Snowies, I forgot my headlamp at the trailhead, lost my stove bag to the local wildlife, had low fuel in my stove bottle, fell in an ice cave and badly scraped up one leg, completely lost the trail and had to find my own way back to the road--successfully!
--First trip to Glacier, my scooter began stalling.
--First overnight scooter tour with new girlfriend, I lost my wallet.
--2nd visit to Glacier the weather turned from good to bad to worse, the pass was fogged in, girlfriend suffered hospital injuries, the attachment straps on the scooter side bags completely ripped out, we lost a set of keys for over an hour(they were found to be in my GF's pants pocket the whole time), the scooter fell over w/o any warning while I was attempting a turn, AND the muffler completely fell off 70 miles from home.
--We camped on a butte south of town and woke up to the tent collapsed onto us and then returned to the car only to discover I had a flat tire.
--Lastly, we camped in the Little Belts south of Great Falls. I discovered I'd grabbed a solo tent for the 2 of us to sleep in(very uncomfortable night of sleep for me), the stove valve broke(so dinner was cooked on a fire), we forgot my GF's riding jacket, the scooter completely stalled 50 miles from our campsite, and lastly, the car hit a deer on the way to retrieve the scooter. Then to top it all off, after limping back home the entire 160 miles, some idiot pulled out into an intersection and we just about broadsided him only 8 blocks from my front door.
Perhaps it's the end of the season for outdoor adventures this year?

Somewhere in there is a couple a trail names ;)...could it get much worse? :sun

09-12-2014, 05:32
Somewhere in there is a couple a trail names ;)...could it get much worse? :sun

Yep, such is life, sometimes up and sometimes down. Nothing lasts forever either way :)

09-12-2014, 05:59
If there's a given amount of bad karma blowing around, THANK YOU for taking more than your share. Maybe the rest of us can worry less. ;)

09-12-2014, 06:47
my grandfather used to say the difference of a catastrophe and an adventure is your attitude, sounds like you have had one heck of an adventure!

RUNT ''13''

09-12-2014, 07:45
Its all the scooter's fault. The rest is called Adventure.

lemon b
09-12-2014, 07:46
All I have to say is that thru is going to be interesting. You can always take a break.

09-12-2014, 07:47
Your last name wouldn't happen to be "Murphy"?? :D

Another Kevin
09-12-2014, 14:46
my grandfather used to say the difference of a catastrophe and an adventure is your attitude, sounds like you have had one heck of an adventure!

G. K. Chesterton once said that adventures are called inconveniences when you are having one.

09-12-2014, 15:16
great trips otherwise, many adventures 99% of peeps don't even think about....

09-12-2014, 15:44
--First overnight scooter tour with new girlfriend, I lost my wallet.

I seem to recall a new girlfriend posting here asking about hiking as a couple, using your ID, and everybody told her, "hey, no worries, DS is a pro and everything will be fine." :)

Or was that somebody else? :)

Anyway, everything will be fine.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Traffic Jam
09-12-2014, 16:21
If your girlfriend is still with you after all that, then she is a keeper. :)

Feral Bill
09-12-2014, 17:00
Sounds to me like you used up years worth of bad luck in one trip. Now you can be fearless.:)

09-13-2014, 08:51
Since the beginning of the season, many unfortunate things have happened during my outings this year:
--Backpacking in the Snowies, I forgot my headlamp at the trailhead, lost my stove bag to the local wildlife, had low fuel in my stove bottle, fell in an ice cave and badly scraped up one leg, completely lost the trail and had to find my own way back to the road--successfully!
--First trip to Glacier, my scooter began stalling.
--First overnight scooter tour with new girlfriend, I lost my wallet.
--2nd visit to Glacier the weather turned from good to bad to worse, the pass was fogged in, girlfriend suffered hospital injuries, the attachment straps on the scooter side bags completely ripped out, we lost a set of keys for over an hour(they were found to be in my GF's pants pocket the whole time), the scooter fell over w/o any warning while I was attempting a turn, AND the muffler completely fell off 70 miles from home.
--We camped on a butte south of town and woke up to the tent collapsed onto us and then returned to the car only to discover I had a flat tire.
--Lastly, we camped in the Little Belts south of Great Falls. I discovered I'd grabbed a solo tent for the 2 of us to sleep in(very uncomfortable night of sleep for me), the stove valve broke(so dinner was cooked on a fire), we forgot my GF's riding jacket, the scooter completely stalled 50 miles from our campsite, and lastly, the car hit a deer on the way to retrieve the scooter. Then to top it all off, after limping back home the entire 160 miles, some idiot pulled out into an intersection and we just about broadsided him only 8 blocks from my front door.
Perhaps it's the end of the season for outdoor adventures this year?

..... and answers to the name, "Lucky" ......

09-13-2014, 09:09
You're not doing the AT next year are you? I might hike behind you to stay safe and healthy. LOL

Different Socks
09-13-2014, 13:44
If your girlfriend is still with you after all that, then she is a keeper. :)

Yes, still attached and she can't wait for our next hike and/or outing.

Different Socks
09-13-2014, 13:46
You're not doing the AT next year are you? I might hike behind you to stay safe and healthy. LOL

Plan to do another AT thru in a few years. Use up all the bad karma before then.

09-13-2014, 16:08
Sounds like you need to start using check lists - and have your vehicles checked out before you leave on a road trip :)