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View Full Version : For fun " What should you really be stressing about"

10-26-2014, 07:21
Reading some of the questions being asked and seeing some of the things people are stressing out about, this post is for a bit of fun.

What should perspective thru hikers really be stressing out about?

My contributions

1. "Where is the next cold beer coming from" ? While others build a spreadsheet of where the post offices, outfitters etc are I plan to have a spreadsheet of all the best watering holes.

2. How do a appear to not be ogling the half naked male/female in the shelter, while watching their every move and jingle? My first thought was mirrored sunnies, but that could be creepy especially at night, so I've opted for a little periscope that will poke up half way down my sleeping bag!

Please add your own SERIOUS worries.

Old Hiker
10-26-2014, 09:40
1. Why don't I like beer?

2. Why do I NEVER see half-nekkid people at a shelter? Oh - I don't stay at them. Never mind.

Nope. No worries. Just waiting.

Speakeasy TN
10-26-2014, 17:35
The total count of shelter mice vs bear..............In '11 the bears outnumbered the mice but the stories were both good!

10-26-2014, 19:00
Drunk hikers with little periscopes poking up out of their sleeping bags . . .

10-26-2014, 19:03
Up Scope!


10-26-2014, 19:04
Stoned hikers with little periscopes poking into Your sleeping bag :D

10-26-2014, 19:09
Stoned hikers with little periscopes poking into Your sleeping bag :D

one eyed purple people eaters, there the worst.

10-26-2014, 19:19
one eyed purple people eaters, there the worst.

Yep especially the ones with a horn (periscope) that fly.

10-26-2014, 19:25
Yep especially the ones with a horn (periscope) that fly.

kayak karl
10-26-2014, 19:29
one eyed purple people eaters, there the worst.
you can post your age now :)

kayak karl
10-26-2014, 19:33
its a vacation, you should be stressing about nothing.

10-26-2014, 19:37

I saw one not long ago and: I said Mr Purple People Eater, what's your line?
He said eating purple people, and it sure is fine
But that's not the reason that I came to land
I wanna get a job in a rock 'n roll band"

10-26-2014, 19:46
you can post your age now :)
fer you.........and 3/4

10-26-2014, 22:21
Thruhikers really need to be careful walking into town. Maybe cut through the woods and avoid the back roads even. Best spot is probably near a pharmacy to get supplies. 'Cause a thruhiker walking into town is like the Beatles landing at JFK and with all those thruhiker groupies a thru needs to be careful!

evyck da fleet
10-26-2014, 23:31
What to do with the money you saved up to thru hike after you quit two weeks into it when you discover thru hiking isn't for you:)

10-27-2014, 00:51
What to do with the money you saved up to thru hike after you quit two weeks into it when you discover thru hiking isn't for you:)
What else...Section hike. ;)

10-27-2014, 04:36
Whether to wear shoes/boots or not on "Naked Hike Day" ?

10-27-2014, 04:50
My biggest concern, after reading journals, is how many people split hotel/motel rooms with members of the opposite sex.

I've been told that I'm better looking then the stud in the photo 28770

I have a body that a hairy, unwashed bikie would be proud of and it's well known that the sing song, melodious aussie accent is irresistible to the foreigners.

How do I tell people that I can't share with them as the temptation for them would be too great?

10-27-2014, 13:15
Who's watching you while taking a dump? That will freak out the ladies further.

2015 Lady Thru-Hiker
10-27-2014, 14:32
If I'm gonna see one of those ugly a$$ monkies you posted a picture of jjozgrunt :o

2015 Lady Thru-Hiker
10-27-2014, 14:35
Who's watching you while taking a dump? That will freak out the ladies further.

Thanks dogwood now I'll be so stressed I won't be able to go. End up in the hospital obstructed and getting 3H enemas!!! Thanks, one more thing to worry about :(

10-27-2014, 17:19
Who's watching you while taking a dump? That will freak out the ladies further.

Whether to just wave to watchers or start a conversation?

evyck da fleet
10-27-2014, 18:49
Whether or not you'll get lost and not be able to find the trail again when you go into the woods to do #2 and whether or not you walk far enough into the woods to be near the trail again because you didn't know there was a switchback ahead.

Odd Man Out
10-27-2014, 19:53
How about things that (in addition to rattle snakes and bears) don't kill people on the AT, like getting hit in the head by asteroids and Ebola.

10-27-2014, 23:48
Ebola, definitely Ebola.
Zombies and the undead would also be right up there at the top of the list. The AT passes a lot of cemeteries you know.
Attacked by a rabid rabbit?, err maybe.

10-27-2014, 23:56
when you go into the woods to do #2 and whether or not you walk far enough into the woods to be near the trail again because you didn't know there was a switchback ahead.

I just imagined this scenario, just settled down for the business and a group stops above you to admire the scenery and wildlife. HA :eek:

10-28-2014, 00:07
I just imagined this scenario, just settled down for the business and a group stops above you to admire the scenery and wildlife. HA :eek:

The rule of thumb is, if you haven't seen anyone all day, just step off the trial and drop your pants. Someone will be by shortly. This is especially effective for woman.

10-28-2014, 10:16
The rule of thumb is, if you haven't seen anyone all day, just step off the trial and drop your pants. Someone will be by shortly. This is especially effective for woman.

Yep! Happened to me on the trail in Maine this summer. Just when I thought the coast was clear, a SOBO came by. We laughed about it and I commented that now he *had* seen everything on the trail!

10-28-2014, 10:22

10-28-2014, 10:45
Leather balls...no, really, this is what I called that long-time chaffing problem during thru-hiking. Also, broken nails, toe nails to be exact. One misstep and you break a quarter of your big toenail off and it hurts like hell until it's grown back. Then, once it grows back, you jam it again! I was consistently missing parts of my big toenails ;( Leather balls and handicapped toenails...that's what people should really be worried about!

10-28-2014, 15:06
a bird making a nest in my hair.....it could seriously happen.....

perhaps I should wear a hat

10-28-2014, 16:22
a bird making a nest in my hair.....it could seriously happen.....

perhaps I should wear a hat
As the years roll by, I worry about this one less and less. :eek:

10-28-2014, 19:30
a bird making a nest in my hair.....it could seriously happen.....

perhaps I should wear a hat

Won't be a problem for me unless the bird likes nesting on a bald peak.

10-28-2014, 20:44
As the years roll by, I worry about this one less and less. :eek:

I worry my bald dome from a bird's-eye view might look like a landing strip for a poo drop.

10-28-2014, 20:52
Dang, we need to start a Mr. Clean thread... :D

10-28-2014, 21:29
Dang, we need to start a Mr. Clean thread... :D
http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTbEVU3Egt5SZavq3ezAthu8rU0sKeay Is_Mgp_MArOKsx6Rmc:static3.businessinsider.com/image/509a90026bb3f7934000000d-960/mr-clean-movember.png

10-28-2014, 21:38
I see a eyeball 'comb over' comin on...:)

10-28-2014, 21:57
I see a eyeball 'comb over' comin on...:)

28780Probly be a solid Thread,,,

10-28-2014, 21:59
I see a eyeball 'comb over' comin on...:)
...and he's got that Clark Gable Marine mustache thing going on, or is that just milk.

10-28-2014, 22:41
How many redundant flashlights that I need.

10-28-2014, 22:51
How many redundant flashlights that I need.

You seriously, carry FireFlies Ranger? Just Checkin...

10-28-2014, 22:57
You seriously, carry FireFlies Ranger? Just Checkin...

I like the lightning bug idea. If the bottle is big enough and they can fly in it, it will be lighter too. Make the gram weenies happy.

Makes me think of when old friends from New Orleans visited us in Pittsburgh. They loved to see the lightning bugs, the spraying for mosquitos in NOLA kills the lightning bugs also.

10-28-2014, 23:12
We going Ft Benning/Bragg. I wonder today the people that enjoy 'life' today actually realize the sacrifice that has been paid.

10-28-2014, 23:33
We going Ft Benning/Bragg. I wonder today the people that enjoy 'life' today actually realize the sacrifice that has been paid.

Visited Benning three times - Airborne, Ranger and Pathfinder courses. Spent three years of my young life at Bragg, 27th Engineers.


10-28-2014, 23:38
Visited Benning three times - Airborne, Ranger and Pathfinder courses. Spent three years of my young life at Bragg, 27th Engineers.

All The Way...

kayak karl
10-29-2014, 08:03

10-29-2014, 08:54
I swear I saw three little gnomes in Jerry's beard at a show one night...truth!

10-29-2014, 13:09
Reading some of the questions being asked and seeing some of the things people are stressing out about, this post is for a bit of fun.

What should perspective thru hikers really be stressing out about?

Worry about finding a job when I'm done with my hike? nah. Maybe take a big student loan and get some more schoolin'? nope. I'll be worried about how much my COLA (http://www.socialsecurity.gov/news/cola/) is going to be for the next year and what my next adventure will be:banana

11-21-2014, 01:13
Whether to just wave to watchers or start a conversation?
nothing like a good mid dump conversation lol

11-21-2014, 01:20
I swear I saw three little gnomes in Jerry's beard at a show one night...truth!

Thanks to the goony birds for seeing those.......

11-21-2014, 10:41
My trail related stress tends to be in towns. Will be doing my best to minimize that time. Although doing my best to minimize that time also tends to increase that stress...

11-21-2014, 11:06
Emptying my night time pee bottle in front of someone else's tent.

11-21-2014, 15:10
Emptying my night time pee bottle in front of someone else's tent.

I stress over that loose cap on my night time pee bottle leaking when using it as a body warmer inside my ridiculously high priced untreated down sleeping bag after having just taken a melatonin.

2015 Lady Thru-Hiker
11-22-2014, 00:55
I stress over that loose cap on my night time pee bottle leaking when using it as a body warmer inside my ridiculously high priced untreated down sleeping bag after having just taken a melatonin.

Multi-purposing the pee. I like it!!

11-22-2014, 02:03
If I keep my pee bottle in your tent I won't have to worry about it leaking. But seriously will probably keep it in the vestibule just in case.
I'm an older guy and I pee a lot, early prostate issue, such is life.

01-16-2015, 19:17
I really hope that the phone works at the shelter that has the Pizza Delivery Service. Is it too ealy to call them and alert the staff that I like extra pepperoni on my pizza?

01-17-2015, 11:00
Arriving at the right time at a post office to get my box (food, cash, meds, stuff you really need aka TP) only to find it change hours/closed early and it is Friday an a holiday weekend thus being s c r e w e d till Tuesday at 11:00 am. :(

01-17-2015, 11:27
Hoping my wife didn't throw out my well-worn, La-Z-Boy recliner.

01-17-2015, 17:56
That a group of eight-year olds will pass me like I'm standing still.

I've done 1095 miles on the A.T. over the last twelve years, and in that time I've passed a grand total of FIVE people -- two of them being a couple that had just given up backpacking due to leg pains.
I've thus given myself the secondary trail name of "Snail's Pace."
And I used to pride myself as a fast walker, at least on city streets.
So I'm now a little embarrassed at how slowly I walk on The Trail, although I'm reconciled myself to the simple fact that I'M SLOW!

Anyway, the most embarrassing moment was when a group of pre-pubescent Girl Scouts passed me, with some of them mentioning that they had gone further in a day, and in a week, then I could (at the time) imagine myself doing. For the record, I've since improved my abilities, to the point that I could probably backpack as well as an eleven-year old girl.

ANYWAY, despite my acceptance of my slowness, I'm still worried that some even YOUNGER group of kids will race by me.

To all of you that I've slowed down while you're trying to get around me -- sorry!

Another Kevin
01-17-2015, 22:55
That a group of eight-year olds will pass me like I'm standing still.

You're welcome to hike with me anytime!

01-19-2015, 16:13
I'm stressed thinking about using the privy. Not all of the privies though. I'm talking about the privy that you walk into... sit down... start going about your business... and then you look up only to see about 1000 big fat spiders looking at you while you're in your most vulnerable state.

01-19-2015, 17:12
I imagine that there is a lot of "worry" over who has the best looking "Metro-lumberjack" look going for them once they hit the mid-atlantic states. It takes careful planning to look like you are care-free.

01-19-2015, 17:14
I'm stressed thinking about using the privy. Not all of the privies though. I'm talking about the privy that you walk into... sit down... start going about your business... and then you look up only to see about 1000 big fat spiders looking at you while you're in your most vulnerable state.

It ain't the ones above you, it's the ones hanging out on the downside of the hole that need your attention.

01-19-2015, 18:24
Golden Bear, you're my hero!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

01-20-2015, 07:19
What to be worried about? Nothing at all, the trail will provide. Ive been i a few ****ty spots/predicaments on the trail and this has always been the answer.

01-20-2015, 16:42
I imagine that there is a lot of "worry" over who has the best looking "Metro-lumberjack" look going for them once they hit the mid-atlantic states. It takes careful planning to look like you are care-free.

I believe the term you're looking for is "lumber-sexual".

Papa Al
01-20-2015, 23:11
At my advanced age lots of times I leave the Kitchen, head towards the bedroom and when I get there can't remember why I went. My worry is when I leave Springer I will forget where it is I'm heading.

01-20-2015, 23:50
At my advanced age lots of times I leave the Kitchen, head towards the bedroom and when I get there can't remember why I went. My worry is when I leave Springer I will forget where it is I'm heading.

Just enjoy the trip to the bedroom/springer, it's the journey, not the destination. At home, jus follow the hallway, on trail just follow the blazes.

01-21-2015, 11:34
What to do with the money you saved up to thru hike after you quit two weeks into it when you discover thru hiking isn't for you:)

haha I admit this thought has crossed my mind a few times!