View Full Version : Just saw this in this in the grocery store

11-30-2014, 20:05
Powdered peanut butter... Idk if this is old news, but it looks like some good weight saving


Black Wolf
11-30-2014, 20:08
85% less fat calories ... Did you happen to catch how many calories per oz. ??

11-30-2014, 20:08
Just mix equal parts with peanut oil and enjoy:)

Black Wolf
11-30-2014, 20:19
You first Dave ..

Odd Man Out
11-30-2014, 21:26
Regular PB = 16 g / 100 cal
PB2 = 27 g / 100 cal

PB2 is 63% heavier!!!


11-30-2014, 21:32
You first Dave ..

I get mine pre-mixed.

11-30-2014, 21:35
Old news. We've hashed this out several times already. I think the general consensus is that it's great for use in things like smoothies or protein shakes while at home, but doesn't make much sense to take on the trail.

11-30-2014, 21:51
But it's DRY?!?! :-)

11-30-2014, 23:23
We've talked about it here on WB. It's tasty and may offer some convenience. This product goes great in Smoothies. They have a chocolate PB powder version too; this version is OK as far as chocolate/PB combination flavor but the combined taste didn't exactly blow me away. IMO, the tastiest nut butter/chocolate combo becoming readily available is the creamy already constituted set to go in convenient 1.15 oz squeeze tubes is Justins Chocolate Almond and Chocolate Hazlenut Butters. http://justins.com/our-products/ All these nut butters are great additions to trail food.

The biggest gripe among the backpacking crowd in Bell Plantations Powdered PB is that the fat is decreased(PB oil partially removed) making it lower in fat content and cals/oz ratio compared to regular creamy PB. I get the gripe in that context. That has been where the unimaginative have left it and walked away. I say have some imagination and consider: not everything in trail food has a super high cal/oz ratio yet few complain about it or even notice it. I guess it's the perception that PB always has to have a very very high fat content or the unimaginative drop ANY consideration of it for backpacking food. I simply like the flavor of PB and convenience in a powdered form - at times. *CONSIDER, it's not all that low of a cal/oz ratio anyway especially when considered in context of some of the dismal cal/oz ratios of some typical trail foods. Even with SOME of the fat removed it still packs about 100 cal/oz and decent protein content. Bell Plantations Powdered PB STILL GETS 29% OF IT'S TOTAL CALORIES FROM FAT - PEANUT FAT! This powered PB, even with the lowered fat content, STILL has a decent amount of fat! Compare that fat content and cal/oz ratio to your tuna fish or chicken packets(even if packed in oil), pretzels, some candy, some sports bars, Knorrs Pasta/Rice sides, rice, cous cous, beans, etc or the DISMAL cal/oz ratios of sodium, sugar, spices, preservatives, artificial additives, etc that are included, sometimes in significant amounts, and ignored in many trail foods. Consider powdered PB in a larger context in your trail food by losing the perception of PB or every single ingredient in a trail food needing to have a high/the highest cal/oz ratio. Most hikers already are doing this and probably don't realize it.

Consider also many PB brands have added hydrogenated oil(not in real peanuts/PB!) that raises the cal/oz ratios, some brands significantly so. Bell Plantation's Powdered PB has no hydrogenated oil and a minimal amount of sugar. You can add back a great amount more fat AND TASTE by adding fat and taste back in of your choice. To up the cals/oz ratios and put a new twist on taste try reconstituting with creamed coconut(solid at just below room temp) or coconut oil or powdered coconut milk instead of just water. I've also reconstituted with olive oil to do the same. Here is a creamed coconut I take with me during winter hikes. It's pretty cheap at about $2.25 for a 7 oz package that stays solid(like a large bar of soap) below room temp. Double Ziploc it anyway. http://www.edwardandsons.com/ldo_shop_coconut.itml Personally, I dislike congealed EVOO in very cold weather.

http://ri.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0LEVzw3w3tUQUkAEgVXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEzM2ltZGt rBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDNQRjb2xvA2JmMQR2dGlkA1ZJUDU0OV8x/RV=2/RE=1417425848/RO=10/RU=http%3a%2f%2fwww.bellplantation.com%2fnutrition/RK=0/RS=DB8KPYXB1UpY7qLQZmJsLz_7vMk-

If still complaining consider there are other powdered PB versions that may contain more fat; they aren't as defatted having a higher cal/oz ratio. Outdoor Herbivore offers a a powdered PB like this. http://outdoorherbivore.com/instant-peanut-butter/

11-30-2014, 23:44
Thanks for the input! Darn, I thought I had finally found an interesting topic. Oh well, carry on 💃

12-19-2014, 08:03
Here is a creamed coconut I take with me during winter hikes. It's pretty cheap at about $2.25 for a 7 oz package that stays solid(like a large bar of soap) below room temp. Double Ziploc it anyway. http://www.edwardandsons.com/ldo_shop_coconut.itml Personally, I dislike congealed EVOO in very cold weather.

I like the creamed coconut product, and use it in my paleo muffin recipes. I warm it up to the liquid state, then make individual packages to carry in my trail meal recipes. Creamed coconut with dried quinoa (or couscous) with dried fruit and some sweetener is verrryyy yummy!

Hot Flash
12-19-2014, 10:44
Your muffins may be tasty, but "paleo" is completely bogus.

12-19-2014, 11:38
I just take nuts, chew 'em up, and voila!... peanut butter

01-01-2015, 08:02
Your muffins may be tasty, but "paleo" is completely bogus.

Not for those of us that detest wheat flour!

01-01-2015, 22:57
you can find it at wally mart

01-02-2015, 00:17
I just take nuts, chew 'em up, and voila!... peanut butter
Yea, but trying to spread that on bread to make a sandwich is a pain.