View Full Version : Tom Thwaites, PA hiking icon, passes

01-04-2015, 18:43
Among other things, he started PA's longest and wildest footpath, Mid State Trail http://www.hike-mst.org

The Mid State Trail and the hiking community has lost a great friend and mentor. He was an inspiration to several generations of hikers and trail care volunteers and his wit and wisdom will be grievously missed. As you crest the next ridge, listen in the wind for the sound of his voice tangled with the breath of the earth, and hike on. Ed Lawrence, President, MSTA

Story from Keystone Trails Association website: http://www.kta-hike.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1071&Itemid=26

Article from State College, PA newspaper: http://www.centredaily.com/2015/01/03/4536266_chris-rosenblum-blazing-the-final.html?sp=/99/116/&rh=1

Blog post from Appalachian Outdoors (State College outfitter): http://www.appoutdoors.com/blog/five-on-friday-honoring-the-life-of-tom-thwaites/

Someday's blog post: http://www.gethiking.net/2014/12/tom-thwaites.html

And, 20 year old article concerning his (still) early-adopter position regarding the metric system: http://news.psu.edu/story/141504/1995/03/01/research/go-metric