View Full Version : Policy/date for closing trail up Mt. Katahdin in the Fall?

01-18-2015, 12:33
After reading some posts about trail congestion, I'm thinking of delaying my NOBO start into April, maybe in the range of 4/8 to 4/15. Have also read that Baxter State Park closes the trail up the mountain sometime in September, due to weather I believe. Don't know how long it will take me to get to Baxter, but would hate to arrive after the trail is closed. Prefer to do a thru without flopping, to minimize travel expense.
Anyone know what the policy at Baxter is on closing this part of the trail in the Fall, or how the decision is made?

01-18-2015, 13:08
O"RYAN, I, too, am planning to start mu thru around 4/8. RE: Baxter-I think you'll have plenty of time to complete your hike by the traditional closing time (10/15, give or take) without pushing too hard. I haven't read anywhere that Baxter was closed in Sept., and I've done a lot of reading about the AT. I suppose that in severe conditions, it could be closed earlier. That being said, hope to see you on the trail and have a great hike.

map man
01-18-2015, 13:31
Traditionally Baxter State Park closes to overnight camping on October 15, but in 2014 and 2015 they are experimenting with making a few camping spots available for a few days after the 15th. See their web site for details. Park officials, due to weather, can close trails, including the Hunt Trail, to the top of Katahdin any day of the year. But the frequency with which they have to do this increases as October goes along and varies from year to year. Some years there are several days after the 15th when the Hunt Trail is open and some years the trail is closed for many days even in early October. (And during the winter season climbing Katahdin is only allowed to expereinced mountaineers by special permit.)

There is one common misconception. The Hunt Trail does not automatically close when overnight camping stops within the park. Hikers who want to hike the AT within Baxter State Park can be dropped by vehicle within the park and hike (as long as trails have not been closed) as long as they leave the park later in the day. People can get shuttled by vehicle in and out of the park as long as roads remain open, as I understand it. Maybe Teej can correct me if any of this is wrong.

mountain squid
01-18-2015, 13:34
Just to clarify, the trail does not necessarily close on 15 Oct. The trail closure is dependent on weather. What closes on 15 Oct is Katahdin Stream CG. Which means there is nowhere to camp within Baxter SP (http://www.baxterstateparkauthority.com/hiking/at.htm). If the weather is still good on the 20th, you either have to hike from Abol Bridge (an extra 10 or so miles - which I wouldn't suggest) or be shuttled in from Millinocket.

Assuming a 6 month hike, starting in mid Apr should give you enough time. But don't be afraid to Flip if you need to. If you are not in HF by July you might need to consider it.

See you on the trail,
mt squid

01-18-2015, 13:47
I started an AT NOBO in the same time frame as both of you on April 13 as a Newbie long distance hiker not in hiking shape and certainly not in long distanace hiking condition carrying a 58 lb load having the same initial concerns. I initially wondered whether or not I would make it to the summit of Mt K before it was closed on Oct 15. Many AT NOBOers that year also got themselves stressed out over this. At some point I saw the futility and ignorance in this.

First, Mt K doesn't close per say on an the exact date like some mistakenly claim of Oct 15. That date is a general recommendation, and a good one IMHO, as to when a NOBOer wants to have finished their thru as the weather tends to get increasingly unpredictable beyond that date and MT K is more frequently closed to summitting for awhile because of this.

Second, I, and a good many others, were allowing ourselves to again fall victim to one of the very things we were intending to get away from when we decided to thru-hike - unnecessary stress and adherence to often frantic runaway non self directed questionable lifestyle choices. Thru-hiking can be a vehicle for decompressing. I realized, as many others, it was time to decide how I wanted to hike and direct my life without so much of the external forces keeping me in chains. You can decide to do that too. It's my illusion that if you do that you'll be generally more joyful, aware, directed, and successful in not only your hiking but life endeavors.

Eventually, after a ton of neros and zeros, having met great people and experienced fabulous places, that most U.S. citizens don't know even exist, not runaway freight training the hike, engaging in much laughter, overcoming countless trails and tribulations, and having fallen flat on my arse more than a few times I, as well as 1000's of others, have made it 2180 miles.

Embrace your hikes. Joyfully embrace the understanding that a whole bunch of experiences will out of necessity be have to worked out along the way as you evolve, both as long distance hikers and as people on this thru-hike.

01-18-2015, 15:08

http://www.whiteblaze.net/forum/image/png;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQEAYABgAAD/2wBDAAoHBwgHBgoICAgLCgoLDhgQDg0NDh0VFhEYIx8lJCIfIi EmKzcvJik0KSEiMEExNDk7Pj4+JS5ESUM8SDc9Pjv/2wBDAQoLCw4NDhwQEBw7KCIoOzs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Oz s7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozv/wAARCAByAHEDASIAAhEBAxEB/8QAHwAAAQUBAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAECAwQFBgcICQoL/8QAtRAAAgEDAwIEAwUFBAQAAAF9AQIDAAQRBRIhMUEGE1FhByJ xFDKBkaEII0KxwRVS0fAkM2JyggkKFhcYGRolJicoKSo0NTY3O Dk6Q0RFRkdISUpTVFVWV1hZWmNkZWZnaGlqc3R1dnd4eXqDhIW Gh4iJipKTlJWWl5iZmqKjpKWmp6ipqrKztLW2t7i5usLDxMXGx 8jJytLT1NXW19jZ2uHi4+Tl5ufo6erx8vP09fb3+Pn6/8QAHwEAAwEBAQEBAQEBAQAAAAAAAAECAwQFBgcICQoL/8QAtREAAgECBAQDBAcFBAQAAQJ3AAECAxEEBSExBhJBUQdhcRM iMoEIFEKRobHBCSMzUvAVYnLRChYkNOEl8RcYGRomJygpKjU2N zg5OkNERUZHSElKU1RVVldYWVpjZGVmZ2hpanN0dXZ3eHl6goO EhYaHiImKkpOUlZaXmJmaoqOkpaanqKmqsrO0tba3uLm6wsPEx cbHyMnK0tPU1dbX2Nna4uPk5ebn6Onq8vP09fb3+Pn6/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwD2aiiigAoorM1fxBYaKqi5kLzycRW8Q3S SH2Wmk27ITdtzTqOa4ht03zzJEvq7BR+teWaz8QfEl3Lfiy0ya ystMYC+ZSvnxqT/ALXf6Cuih0vwqbvT4rgT395qcJmtnvS8u4Bc5P8ACOvSq5Yrdk 819jdm8W+HrdismsWgI9JA38qYnjLw3IcLrNr+L4/nXnfhrw9pFjrKaP4p0i6g1S5aZI7nzD5F2rZ4GDxgdBU/gbRvD2nr4g1q/hUQ6deTQoZWLKkQ7bTwT+tK8BXkeoW1/Z3i7rW6hnHrHIG/lVivHNAsBrfjeOa/s/sFlqtpJPYw2zeW0aqwCsdv8RGT+NWR4r8U+HPFV1okccmrQQSL hSTKyIx+XcwAKnkdeKdovZhzvqj1qiuf8PeM9K8QHyYpBDdqSG gdhnI67SOG/CugqWmtGWmnsFFFFIYUUUUAFFFY/iPWX0qzjitVEl/dv5VrGe7H+I+w600m3ZCbsrmN438dw+HEWxswJ9SmIVUAz5eem R3PoK4m5trjwz46S61m1vdavLpVk0oh9gaY9Q/PBBP/ANbmtbwz4X0bxJDq1vr9vu1q1ne3uJvNOeTuWRff39qoa02pLY t4L1mGXUL+LbLo+owEZIBwGc/w4HU//WNU39mJk/5mL8QNKU6pZaneXn9mR6iiW2rLbyB1hlAyhcfxL/QVraF4x8SSWr2p0OG9EPyW9+rG2jkXpnawyPwFVdA8G2ekn7Ve Ob/UHO95pTuAb2B/mea6q3s57pWaNQQvUk1vHD2V5uxzOu27QRxdn4f8UpqVrf3euw 3DWTO1t***8yxFvfjJ96ik8Iay1s1q+pWlzaS3pvZ7Z4njWdzj gkEnbx0r0mDRkwrySb+OUHAz9akk0e3MJKb0cDOSc0WobDUa7V zy9YJfDXiSw1qDw1LbQWqyi4W0uTcRsCpA2qeV561FYalcvoBs tLuYp/Eniud5LhxIB9nj5+UnscZ49zXeOjxSFHG1h1Fc7r/g/TtbBnRfsl8vKXMQwc9t2Ov86c8NpeDIjiGnaQ/QvBGhNb2smoWNxoWo4NsIDcj99IoH71PU9+K39J8SSaZrR8Na5 eRTXCgeRdKwzID0Dj+Fv51z9/4ovb4WGiQaCH8TxHEEso3xQjGDOrnqMevQ9ffAt/CGo3F/aWd7pF3aXqXDyanrE82Y5kP90ng9sVzqVvdlsdd+sT22iuY8Ia 4915+jXtzHPe2J2iZHDCePs2R39a6elKPK7Gqd1cKKKKkYVw39 g2fjzULvUdT85rKCTyLJYpSmQv3nyPU/yrovFN+2m+G724jP73y9kf8AvN8o/nXlWoQ+JPB7m01fxDqNnpvlE2c9kgaMvgny27qc1a0jfuZyeti x4r8H6B4T1yxupbO9uNLu43iaNJ33+eOU5znnp+dbHhbw9FoVi WZMXdx80pLFtg6hAT2H61laVpeo3Gs6a2raxeag0Vml7NDPJuS KR8+WAPUDJrfs9ZgvNWurCMjNuBhgfvev5V0YeKXvP5HFXld8q NKt3TLZ4YSkg/1g3fT2rm7nVrHRgl1fyFUB+VUGWY+wrlNc+JGq6iXi0/Nhbt3U5kP49vwrepGU/dQqHLH3meia54t0fw9tS7mLSscCGEBmA9SOwrmL/wCK9qk4Sw0154g3zSSvs3Dvgf415kzM7F3YszHJYnJNJSjh4Lf U2daT2PbbXU9N8UWP2rTZgZUHzwtw6k44I/rVUjBwe1eR2d7daddJdWc7wTJ0dDg13Gh+Lob8eTfYhuAPvj7r/wCBrSMHHToc9X3tUtTQ13SX1Syzazva38ILW1xGxVkbHTI7Hoa 4m50+3eW0Ihu9buNThaCK2u7ti9rdqcPvAIynOa9EN3AtxFAZV 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jHTZX3fJ/y7Pnp/u56H8K9MhZrdX8L66wdZkKWN5IoIlXsDnjevH1wKzbWdfB12fD 14EvbC5KO8jxFQgk+Uk9Q5LjpxjcKUo2M3Zo4Twn4tv7+90vQ/IiZ5J8T3bgySOpbcep47jPvXs0dlpLKqpaQYB4GzivLfHfgay8 IyR+JNIvDaxpcL/ohPO7PSM/TPBro4PGtpBII79Z9Kkf5vJvoiinPo3Q/nWlNX0bM5ScN0W/EelaY2sIn2eNCyQKQFzkGdTn6fKR/wACFWbXRLOf+3riWwi2zSNGoVj0RAuMfmfxqrLeQ6pdrdw6pbM FRRGu9SMhs5zn+la8Wt2Fl5zT3Ntbxbi+TOoLMeTx9aHCSHGpF jdOstOm8NWzzxwhZLdVaZGK54xnJ5B/lXjUHjKfQNRlt7VLbULWG5PlTSrlzGMjaG645Bz14rsr/wAd6VY6XLaxTm+aFWwLZdycngtxtUZOO9ZPw68A2/iQy61rccwhWX5LfyvLSbvnP932FTPS1mJSc3oil4H8HjX7+TxH reLfRoZDKzTsFEzZzjJ/hz1P4V6BOY/Gmu/2fNbmTRrbzQk1uDtdgqjBcj5T8xxt6461PqgvNX1NfDsGnyQ6O kqRyyxw7du0b8c/KUPC8DrRPIwij8H+GpHJiXbc3bNu+zoTyM93OaUY3ZpokTQ48T +KUdPm0vRmwp7TT/1C11tVNM0220jT4rG0TZFEuB6k9yfc1bok7vTYuKtuFFFFSUFF FFAFTUtMtNWsntL2ISRN+BU9iD2I9awRd6r4YHlakkmp6Yv3Ly Nd0sI/6aL3A/vCupoqlK2j2JavqeNeN7hvGUGr6tFIw0jQ41S27edMzLubHoAc flTWutS8U+L/AA7Lq0IttJ2tPBaS8/uo1yZHH+1j8q9G1jwRousCRjC1rLJ957c7Q3cbl6Hn1Fc14g8A eIdQuHuYtaiuHa1NoC8flsIickDHGT0z6Gnyp7Mzal1OY0zTdM 1fxtband6RaJo2svPBZQqmwAoBtcgYwWwf1rFs9HeJPD17p9pb TXM93cW5juVDRyurfKrZ9QcV2F14Jv7c2U+k+FY7K8s545Vmiv 8AerBTyCrHv60lv4T8TjSbSyTSkiltNUN/FM9wuBk52YH86Xs3/TQivHdaV4h8bw2YtRY/2npstje2RTabeVeRx+AINL4V8UR+Hr4weJda1Ca+tnNgLJY/3MMakASH14HXrXR3ngvWNd1221u9lsdLu7b7slmrO59NxPBxW3 p/grSLO6a9uEe/vXO57i6O4k+uOlPlS3ZSUuhTfUNX8VZh0hJNO01uHv5VxJIP+m a9vqa39J0iy0WyW0sotiDlmPLOe5Y9zV0DAwKWhyurLYtR6sKK KKgoKKKKACiiigAooooAKKKKACiiigAooooAKKKKACiiigAooo oA/9k=

January 10, 2014

Baxter Park Tests Extended Camping Season at Selected Sites

Over a two year trial period, Baxter State Park will extend the Park camping season to October 25, 2014 and October 24, 2015, at selected sites at Daicey Pond, Katahdin Stream and Abol Campground.

Selected sites:

Katahdin Stream: sites 20, 9-12, 16 and 17 and the Birches

Abol: sites 24, 18, and 9

Daicey Pond: cabins 4, 5, 7 and 10

This trial camping season extension will allow Park management to assess the interest and use of available campsites in the latter half of October. This trial does not constitute a permanent change to the Park’s camping season, but will allow Park management to evaluate the actual visitor camping use during this period.

01-18-2015, 15:08
Katahdin Stream CG was open to Oct 28 last year with a limited number of sites. I climbed Katahdin on Oct 16 on a day hike and only saw one person on the summit. I think you will have plenty of time to get there.

01-18-2015, 15:11
oops, that didn't copy/paste well. Anyway, hope this is usefull. I've climbed Katahdin in the 2nd week of November before.

01-18-2015, 18:19
About 1 year out of three there will be a snow event that will deposit snow on the summit in late September. Even if there isn't snow, there can be an icing event. The trails up to the summit can be closed if those conditions exist even if its before October 15th. Two days later it can be 60 degrees and sunny and the trails may be reopened. This can happen on and off until the end of October. The park used to close to overnight campers on October 15th. It was still open for day use after October 15th, the trails conditions/closures were posted at the gate and rangers sere still around but to far lesser extent. They do keep an eye on KSC especially if the trails are closed. There are now limited overnight spots that can be reserved after October 15th.

The thing that most thruhikers don't plan on is the weather and hiking conditions can change rapidly in October and the typical thruhiker will not have the appropriate gear to safely hike the summit unless someone meets them with cold weather gear. Traction, extra layers and enough insulated gear to cover all the skin really may be needed. Someone I far better off waiting for better weather or arranging a flip.

Worse case is there are several shuttlers that will shuttle a late hiker to Katahdin to grab the summit.

01-18-2015, 18:33
I started an AT NOBO in the same time frame as both of you on April 13 as a Newbie long distance hiker not in hiking shape and certainly not in long distanace hiking condition carrying a 58 lb load having the same initial concerns. I initially wondered whether or not I would make it to the summit of Mt K before it was closed on Oct 15. Many AT NOBOers that year also got themselves stressed out over this. At some point I saw the futility and ignorance in this.

First, Mt K doesn't close per say on an the exact date like some mistakenly claim of Oct 15. That date is a general recommendation, and a good one IMHO, as to when a NOBOer wants to have finished their thru as the weather tends to get increasingly unpredictable beyond that date and MT K is more frequently closed to summitting for awhile because of this.

Second, I, and a good many others, were allowing ourselves to again fall victim to one of the very things we were intending to get away from when we decided to thru-hike - unnecessary stress and adherence to often frantic runaway non self directed questionable lifestyle choices. Thru-hiking can be a vehicle for decompressing. I realized, as many others, it was time to decide how I wanted to hike and direct my life without so much of the external forces keeping me in chains. You can decide to do that too. It's my illusion that if you do that you'll be generally more joyful, aware, directed, and successful in not only your hiking but life endeavors.

Eventually, after a ton of neros and zeros, having met great people and experienced fabulous places, that most U.S. citizens don't know even exist, not runaway freight training the hike, engaging in much laughter, overcoming countless trails and tribulations, and having fallen flat on my arse more than a few times I, as well as 1000's of others, have made it 2180 miles.

Embrace your hikes. Joyfully embrace the understanding that a whole bunch of experiences will out of necessity be have to worked out along the way as you evolve, both as long distance hikers and as people on this thru-hike.

Its great to hear stories like this. The point regarding decompression is my focus. I hope to laugh and sing the whole way....Albeit not to loud as to offend😝

Another Kevin
01-18-2015, 18:57
Some years there are several days after the 15th when the Hunt Trail is open and some years the trail is closed for many days even in early October. (And during the winter season climbing Katahdin is only allowed to expereinced mountaineers by special permit.)

Out of curiosity, any idea what kind of mountaineering résumé they want to see for a permit? Would a party of four, all of whom have climbed other (nontechnical) Northeast 4K's in the winter, and are coming equipped with winter gear (ascent snowshoes, ski poles, 12-point crampons, ice axes, snow shovels, probes, beacons, helmets, a safety rope and a few ice screws, and of course shelter and the requisite number of geese) need credentials beyond a simple list of peaks bagged in winter?

01-18-2015, 21:52
I am not sure of the current policy, they modified the procedure making it significantly easier in the last two year for groups going strictly for day hikes (note the roads aren't plowed so a day hike isn't that easy. Many years ago the group had to name the people who would be qualified and available to rescue them.

01-19-2015, 00:32
Its great to hear stories like this. The point regarding decompression is my focus. I hope to laugh and sing the whole way....Albeit not to loud as to offend

If you will embrace with laughter singing in the rain and splashing in the puddles you'll do even better. Have yourself a great journey and spread the abundance of all good things. It really is about a journey too as much a cliche as it sounds.

01-19-2015, 12:53
Wow!! White Blaze forum and its participants are the best. Appreciate all of the replies, the very helpful info, and the encouragement. For some reason, I had it in my mind that it was very common for the trail up Mt K to be closed sometime in Sep. Good to hear that is the exception, not the norm. Now I will see if the rest of my plans can be adjusted to work with a start in April instead of March.
Thanks to everyone for the assistance.