View Full Version : Bounce Boxes

02-23-2015, 11:07
Do the businesses that accept maildrops also send out boxes or do I need to plan on going to a PO??? I am asking this question because of my bounce box.

02-23-2015, 11:12
they will accept bounce boxes but you will have to mail it yourself so it would be easier to just go to a P.O.

02-23-2015, 11:16
Some businesses may forward your bounce box, but for the most part you'll need to go to a PO.

The most common drops are on the AT Mailing Label (http://www.soruck.net/at) page, along with the ability to print labels (fill in your name, address once)

02-23-2015, 12:12
The idea of a "bounce box" is to be able to forward a package at the post office, without opening it, to another PO without paying additional postage. Unless you have special needs like meds ie. a bounce box is just another distraction that takes away from your hike. Almost any hiker needs can be obtai ned in the trail towns along the way. My advise, as a past thru-hiker, is don't bother with a bounce box.