View Full Version : FREE FOR KINDLE 03/12 - REPEAT The Best Way: El Camino de Santiago

03-12-2015, 06:39
REPEAT OFFER (Bill Walker's books are available free so often I might not always post them in the future)
The Best Way: El Camino de Santiago

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I have no connection with this or any of the books or authors I post links to, nor do I have a financial interest in Amazon.com. I simply find free books that I think/hope might have some connection to backpacking and post the links. I have no control over what books are available. I do not have time to read/review every book I post. Not everyone will enjoy every book. Most books are free for a limited time, then return to their previous price.

Hot Flash
03-12-2015, 09:15
Noting free books here is nice of you.

However, I would say to take a pass on all of Walker's books. His writing style is disjointed and rambling, and offers very little useful information about long distance hiking. His constant comments about and attention to women less than half his age (who want nothing to do with him) makes him seem desperate and lecherish. These aren't books about long distance hiking, they're books about a self-absorbed, socially offensive misogynist who is desperate for women to notic

Hot Flash
03-12-2015, 09:17
Well, that didn't post so well. :D Last sentence should have been "...desperate to notice him."

03-13-2015, 08:09
I'll fill in here too. After enjoying great audiobooks like Bill Bryson's and AWOL's..and many others, listening to Bill Walker's rambling is almost as bad as listening to Bill Walker's voice. He's a horrible writer and an even worse narrator.