View Full Version : Availability of Cell Servicee

04-17-2015, 13:56
Is cell service available at Shenandoah National Park?

04-17-2015, 16:21
Sawnie, I have always found it to be unreliable with Verizon. I could usually get a signal once a day, but the places were not at all obvious. For example, the amphitheater at Loft Mountain has good reception (sitting high up, facing west). Sorry.

04-17-2015, 16:22
I found good service in places and none at all in others with Verizon.

04-19-2015, 16:48
As you get further along in the Shenandoahs the service improves, that is as you are getting closer to DC. My cell coverage was horrible for most of the trail as I just use cheapie Virgin mobile, but from what I witnessed Verizon ruled supreme on the trail.

04-19-2015, 18:16
My ex-wife & son use credo. Works fine here in St. Louis. And on the trail they float from 1 company's tower to another. So I should have access to Verizon towers, on the trail.I wouldlove to hear about your experience on this subject.

05-05-2015, 14:08
I have Verizon and get ok coverage, What I invested in is the DeLorme satellite communication unit. It allows two way texting.