View Full Version : great "bear" entertainment or why you should lock car doors and close the windows

08-14-2015, 20:49

Video says it all!!!

08-15-2015, 00:08
No damage? That was one considerate bear! :)

08-15-2015, 08:39
Dumbass should have run the bear off, not allowed it to take the their food...several trips?... Jackass just wanted to film a bear. May have even baited it.

Locking car wont stop a habituated bear. It wont even slow it down.

08-15-2015, 13:52
so you're saying breaking the car door window and climbing in would be no big deal for the bear...

08-15-2015, 16:08
so you're saying breaking the car door window and climbing in would be no big deal for the bear...

Nope. Happens all the time. Videos on youtube of bears doing it in gsmnp while people watch. Bears are extremely strong and used to ripping logs open to get at food. (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fBnGe9HDGBI#) Watch how easy the window breakss at 3:20, as the door frame is flexed. Bear is going to bend the door open until window breaks.



08-15-2015, 18:02
so you're saying breaking the car door window and climbing in would be no big deal for the bear...

It doesn't look like bears find it a big deal. The big deal happens when those who thought it cute until the dashboard was casually tossed out the rear window realize the rental company will need some money soon....

08-15-2015, 19:48
omg that video is ... something. The poor folks who own that car.. how did they get down the mtn? I mean broken glass everywhere. Did seem that the car is no match for the bear. Just shake, crack and break! There must have been some tasty vittles left for bear to see along with a partially open window for easy entrance.

08-15-2015, 20:12
omg that video is ... something. The poor folks who own that car.. how did they get down the mtn? I mean broken glass everywhere. Did seem that the car is no match for the bear. Just shake, crack and break! There must have been some tasty vittles left for bear to see along with a partially open window for easy entrance.

no partially open window needed

this is often what a bear does to get into a vehicle with food,(google) they bend the door open. Their claws are immensly strong and can rip apart anything they can get them into that has a crack. They can smell it, although they have been trained in areas to sight hunt, sodas, coolers, etc. Even a trunk isnt out of reach . they will break into the car, then rip out the back seat to get into the trunk. They are a bit slow, but they are intelligent.


08-16-2015, 01:46
so you're saying breaking the car door window and climbing in would be no big deal for the bear...

In GSMNP, bears have not learned to break in to cars to get at food and so the GSMNP currently considers storing food in your car to be an appropriate practice.

The same can not be said of bears in places like Yosemite where park regulations specificly prohibit food storage in cars and instead provide bear proof lockers.