View Full Version : 2015 thru hiker community location?

09-06-2015, 18:05
Hello, I am about to finish my 2015 thru hike. I was wondering besides the 2015 form section that we have on this website, are there other places that present hikers can fellowship with current and already finished 2015 thru hikers? I know that they have a Facebook community involving 2015 hikers, but all it shows is how many people liked the community and not those that are actually part of the community. I guess what I am trying to find is a place where 2015 hikers congregate so that I may stay in touch with various people that I had come across on the trail home at the time I did not decide to get their phone number or Facebook information from. Long story short, I am looking for a place to reconnect with others so that this experience and memories with others may continue on even after the hike is over for me this year. Thank you for any information that can be presented by those that are more knowledgeable than myself.