View Full Version : questions about returning to AT

10-03-2015, 16:57
Hello to all!
Please forgive me if this has been covered before. I hiked the AT with my dog, Barney, starting in Maine in 2001. Because of some health issues (and lack of credit card to rent a car) I had to rent a 'uhaul' in Luray, VA to get back home. Over the course of the last 14 years, I've tried getting the health issues under control so Barney (trail name Dino) and I could finish the hike we started. Unfortunately, Barney died last year. But his little buddy (he raised and trained from a pup) is in the proper shape to take up his dad's mantle and finish it with me. So, my plan is to head to Virginia next summer and finish what I started.
Sorry for all the unnecessary background... just kind of makes it nicer to tell the world about Barney... anyway here's my big question. I pulled all my gear out of the basement, it's been sitting down there for the last 14 years... still packed the way I left it in 2001... and everything stinks horribly... like mildew and general nastiness. Also the elastic bands are dry rotted and lost all elasticity. Can anyone tell me how I can go about getting all me gear clean and 'destinkified' and maybe get all the parts in proper working order?
Your advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

10-03-2015, 17:00
Rainy Pass did an excellent job of cleaning my down sleeping bag, and also provide repair services. Try Mirazyme to clean your other stuff, it is great at killing odors. Obviously, you wouldn't want to attempt a long distance hike with rotted-out gear.

Good luck!

10-03-2015, 17:52
Bought a bottle just now. Thank you.

Water Rat
10-03-2015, 18:55
:welcome to White Blaze!

I am very sorry to hear about Barney - It is always tough to lose such a close buddy. May you have wonderful adventures with his son!

For most of the gear, you can absolutely attempt to get the stink out. For a sleeping bag you might want to consider professional cleaning. If you already have any kind of health issues, you do not want to put yourself in a bag that still has any residual mold/mildew. That can lead to other potentially nasty respiratory issues.

If I might ask - Do you mind listing your gear? If you list the type of gear and brand, people might be able to offer specific instructions to work magic. :) Lots of us have had to clean gear at some point. Some gear requires a lighter touch than others.

Good luck with that task and I hope you have a wonderful return to the trail!