View Full Version : Earliest start date noob from NY on AT

11-27-2015, 10:51
Would like to start April. Have finished HF to NY train station. Or would I b better going S from HF that early.


11-27-2015, 12:46
When in April? April and early May are considered "mud season" in the Northeast and is not a good time to be on the trail. It will also put you in the peak black fly season a bit farther north. But it all depends on the weather. If it's a dry spring it might not be too bad, if it's a wet spring you'll not get far. If you want to hike in April, go south, way south.

Spirit Walker
11-27-2015, 13:24
I would go south from Harpers Ferry. You'll meet a lot of hikers, but won't be starting out with the hordes. You can take your time. You'll avoid the mud, possible snow and black flies up north and you won't be heading south in the full heat of summer.

Spirit Walker
11-27-2015, 13:24
Plus you'll get to finish your hike at Katahdin.

11-27-2015, 14:42
You're better off down south in April. Trial might be wet and muddy wherever you are (between GA and ME) but winter ends later the further north you are.