View Full Version : Shinrin-yoku: the Medicine of Being in the Forest

12-05-2015, 13:20
Japanese Forest Bathing - walking in Nature - has medical benefits! Nature is HEALTHY! Unnecessary ignorant fear of and human separation from Nature is NOT HEALTHY! Science is FINALLY affirming what has been surmised for eons.

Japanese researchers have found that leaving the civilized world behind for a few hours could be the healthiest thing you do all day.

Read more: http://www.oprah.com/spirit/Shinrin-Yoku-Health-Benefits-of-Walking-Outside#ixzz3tT4Ik1cRhttp://www.shinrin-yoku.org/



I've been reading Your Brain on NATURE: The Science of Nature's Influence on your Health, Happiness, and Vitality by Eval M. Selhub and Alan C. Logan which I highly recommend especially during this Holiday season when we tend to stay cooped up indoors gorging on unhealthy degrees of food, TV, electronics, and a more sedentary but stressed lifestyle. The authors discuss research on the positive affects of Nature involving Shinrin-yoku.


12-06-2015, 20:43
Thanks for the recommendation. Just picked it up and have started reading it.