View Full Version : Just to let you know: EMS

12-08-2005, 22:28
4 weeks ago i looked at thier gaiters in the local store. they were selling for $55.00

Thier website now says save up to 20% on all gortex items.

Looks like they might have jacked up thier fake price on these same gaiters becuase now they now claim they sell usually sell them for $69.00.

http://www.ems.com/index.jsp;jsessionid=DYqiq9eyNx6bOoXbTcdD0jew13c1x sDaQX2Ci795I4FqxOdEcfbt!-306250387!174391830!7005!8005

12-09-2005, 11:50
Nothin new. All the major retailers do this. Perfectly legal, though infuriating.