View Full Version : best shelter journal entry...

12-16-2015, 21:44
that you read on your thru? yep, we all read them and laughed..or scratched our head..or simply yawned. But of all of them I read on my hike several years ago, this is the only one that I can still remember word for word. maybe it's a reflection of the profound nature of the words..or perhaps may speak more to my faulty memory in that I simply cannot recall the really good ones. But somewhere, in one of those northern states that are all bunched up and that you pass through every 3-4 days, someone wrote these 3 words in a journal...."Embrace the pain".Nothing else and no signature or trail name. I loved that, and remember it to this day.

your favorite?

12-18-2015, 17:53
"Embrace the pain".Nothing else and no signature or trail name. I loved that, and remember it to this day.

"Suffering builds character; the more I suffer, the more of a character I become"

Tipi Walter
12-18-2015, 17:59
I remember two:
Entry signed, "OB MOAT" "Only Black Man On Appalachian Trail".

Another on the BMT and atop Big Frog Mt: "F*** THIS MOUNTAIN!!!!!!"

12-18-2015, 19:35
a well illustrated entry of a downcast looking hiker lamenting being bitch slapped by 10,000 wet roto leaves - the next frame was a dog playing a shrink, giving the treatment: "take 2 nero's and call me in the morning"

12-18-2015, 20:25
I dont look at many trail registers, because they are probably the last item on the trail you want to touch (wash your hands after). I have enjoyed a few cartoons by gifted individuals.

Mr. Bumpy
12-18-2015, 22:32
As seen at Jerry Cabin this past summer