View Full Version : Hiker feed

Sojourner 70
01-30-2016, 18:10
:-?AT TRAIL ANGELS of Noah's Ark Ministry (facebook) will serve lunch and pass out quart-sized goody bags to ALL HIKERS, Saturday April 9, 2016 at Fontana Hilton and Sunday April 10, 2016 at Waterville Power Station Picnic Shelter 11AM--3PM. Would love to see you! Y'all come! Yes, we have bananas!

The Cleaner
01-30-2016, 21:45
Please pass out some trash bags too.....

02-01-2016, 12:00
Eh, one's at the Fontana Hilton. Not like they'll be clogging the trail for that one. Is the picnic shelter even directly on the AT? I don't have my trail map for that section yet, and don't see it in the guide.

As for "dumping" on threads, he's just stating an opinion. When there's something that one person enjoys, and another person feels detracts from the trail experience, then both people should be able to express their opinion. As long as everyone is respectful, that would seem to be within the TOS of this website.

I don't enjoy crowds, I don't enjoy ministry groups, I don't enjoy this kind of activity. I fail to see why my voice should be stifled, and yours should be heard.

Maybe between all of our opinions there can be compromise reached, and concerns can be addressed. Reasoned debate is a wonderful thing. Internet forums are a great place for such debate, as long as we keep within the terms of service.

No one said anything about stifling discussion or debate, but as in all things there is a matter of the appropriate time or place -- not every original post is an invitation to debate or share a contrary opinion. Had the OP originally posted in the General folder seeking opinions on hiker feeds and ministering to hikers then it would seem that all is fair to share all opinions about such things. Don't you think? In turn respecting our fellow posters I think would call for us to skip on by without comment an announcement such as the OP's. No different than a post in the Dogs on the AT folder is not an invitation to share opinions against dogs being on the trail. But hey that is just my opinion.:)

02-01-2016, 13:50
No one said anything about stifling discussion or debate, but as in all things there is a matter of the appropriate time or place -- not every original post is an invitation to debate or share a contrary opinion. Had the OP originally posted in the General folder seeking opinions on hiker feeds and ministering to hikers then it would seem that all is fair to share all opinions about such things. Don't you think? In turn respecting our fellow posters I think would call for us to skip on by without comment an announcement such as the OP's. No different than a post in the Dogs on the AT folder is not an invitation to share opinions against dogs being on the trail. But hey that is just my opinion.:)

Forum: Get TogethersThis is to dicuss meetings, gatherings, and events

02-01-2016, 14:26
No one said anything about stifling discussion or debate, but as in all things there is a matter of the appropriate time or place -- not every original post is an invitation to debate or share a contrary opinion. Had the OP originally posted in the General folder seeking opinions on hiker feeds and ministering to hikers then it would seem that all is fair to share all opinions about such things. Don't you think? In turn respecting our fellow posters I think would call for us to skip on by without comment an announcement such as the OP's. No different than a post in the Dogs on the AT folder is not an invitation to share opinions against dogs being on the trail. But hey that is just my opinion.:)

+1 Well said.

02-02-2016, 13:14
Hi all, this is the GET TOGETHER thread. Have a comment about directions to it, what you can contribute or need more specific information? Cool.

Want to discuss the impact of hiker feeds on the trail? Go here...


Don H
02-02-2016, 13:23
We need a LIKE or THANKS button!

Sojourner 70
02-07-2016, 13:56
Good Idea--Thanks, will do!

Sojourner 70
02-07-2016, 14:02
Fontana Hilton is directly on the AT--we actually set up next to the picnic area parking lot where hikers get shuttle rides; we walk down to the "Hilton"to let hikers know we're there. Then those who don't like hiker feeds or ministry groups are not encroached upon! But we haven't met one yet!

02-07-2016, 14:42
Noah's Ark Ministry

I'm curious as what organization your group is with.

A Google search for Noah's ARK Ministry shows some unusual results.

Sojourner 70
02-07-2016, 20:44
Noah's Ark Ministry is a multi-denominational widows group sponsored by the First Baptist Church in Ethridge, TN.