View Full Version : NY last week of May

02-12-2016, 02:18
What am I looking at in regards to weather, light crowds, etc? Trying to fight out clothes purchases

02-12-2016, 09:49
Weather should be fine. You're more likely to be too hot than too cold, but late May is pretty much between the extremes.

My experience is that NY west of the Hudson River - mostly in Harriman Park - is more popular i.e. crowded. If you're section hiking all of NY, try to avoid Harriman on the weekend. To this end, you can start your hike at Greenwood Lake (Rt. 17A) on a Sunday and hike NOBO, hitting Harriman on Monday. This also has the advantage of hiking the more difficult portion of NY first.

East of the Hudson sees much less hiker traffic and the terrain is easier too. If you want to start easy and work your way up, then start at Pawling or Rt. 55 in CT and hike SOBO.

02-12-2016, 10:48
ditto to what cooker hiker said. Also remember that the end of May is the heart of bug season.

02-12-2016, 11:39
If the hike spans Memorial weekend, it will likely be busy in places, like Harriman Park. I enjoyed the section north of the Hudson more then that south of the river and that section north would likely be less busy.

As for clothes that question is impossible to answer until you know what kind of weather you'll have that week. Chances are it will be warm to hot during the day and chilly in the evening and early morning. So, probably t-shirt and shorts for the day, then a dry t-shirt, long sleeve shirt, long pants and light jacket for the evening.

02-12-2016, 18:58
I would say it can be warm or downright cold. It can be a beautiful time of year though.

02-17-2016, 00:43
Thank you! We are doing nj/ny starting the last week of May so in trying to figure out what, if anything, I need to purchase in the clothing department. Ironic considering I live in NY, but I figured I'd ask in regards to trail clothes.