View Full Version : Springer Mountain to Dicks Creek Mid-July

03-24-2016, 14:51
I will be hiking Springer Mountain to Dicks Creek in Mid-July. Was wondering about weather, water, bugs and any other input you can give. Thanks!

Gambit McCrae
03-24-2016, 14:54
Hot, dry, humid, bugs...yes.

03-24-2016, 15:21
Better than august for water is the only compliment I can give July in GA

I dont mind the day temps, its the night temps, humidity, and stickiness that makes for sweaty, itchy, sleeping ( or lack thereof)

03-24-2016, 16:05
Almost daily afternoon/evening thundershowers...sometimes gullywashers. Hiked from Woody Gap to AFSP in late June last year. After one torrential afternoon thunderstorm, most all the surface water sources were heavily silted up. Hard to get clean water that day. :)

03-24-2016, 16:05
I hiked from Springer to Nells Gap / Mountain Crossing in June of last year. There was plenty of shade and water along the trail. Only had 1 day of rain. Bugs weren't too bad, although I wear sunscreen and wore a long sleeve shirt. I did sweat a lot, stay hydrated.

03-24-2016, 19:59
What kind of bugs? What did you try and did it work?

Uncle Joe
03-24-2016, 21:12
FWIW, I spent a relatively chilly night up on Gooch in Aug. Into the 50's over night which was enough to wake me and force me into a jacket. But yes, the daytime temps were hot.

Bugs? Didn't have a big issue with them, though I carried Deet. Permethrin on the shoes, socks, and pants for ticks.

03-24-2016, 21:13
Thunderstorms most every afternoon - but you won't always get hit. You'll hear them in the distance. Warm during the day, maybe even hot, but cooling off at night. I never found the bugs all that bad in July in the Southern Appalachians. I don't carry a head net or anything, maybe a little DEET.

Best advice I every got for summer hiking was "ten before ten and five after five" -- hike ten miles in the morning, starting as early as possible, then hole up somewhere during the heat of the day, then hike several more in the evening before making camp.