View Full Version : Underwear for warm wx trekking

04-30-2016, 11:20
I need to have a clean pair of underwear (pants only) each day I am out on the trail. Last trip, which lasted 6 days/5 nights I carried 5 pr polyester briefs. My pack was far too heavy, so I'm now in the process of winnowing it down for longer hikes.
For underpants, I need something that dries fast - so I can carry only one pair besides what I am wearing, rinsing out and drying the used pair overnight in my tent or outside if weather permits.
I know that polyester and some other synthetic fabrics get really smelly, even if they're rinsed out, so I'm looking elsewhere. What about Merino wool? I have a short sleeved and a long sleeved shirt of Merino wool, which I like for hiking. They seem to dry pretty fast, but I've never had experience using Merino wool as underwear.
Would you recommend it, or should I look elsewhere?
Since I will only buy two pair, I can spend the $30 or so what they will cost me.

Thanks for your help.


04-30-2016, 12:36
Having personally spent 2+ weeks in same compression short undies without washing a few times, I have to ask what is the hangup about a spare pair? Just rinse them if they ever need it, and put back on. One can make it town to town without changing undies along the way. Then laundry day and fresh undies....is like christmas morning.

04-30-2016, 12:54
My problem is chafing. I sweat a lot, and have problems if I don't put on a dry pair when I go to sleep.

04-30-2016, 14:06
I hike in Duluth Trading Co. Buck Naked Boxers or Boxer Briefs. I sleep in Patagonia Stretch Board Shorts sans underwear. This gives both me and my undershorts an opportunity to air out. I wear the same pair day after day rinsing as necessary but, carry a spare pair anyway.



Good Luck finding what works for you.

04-30-2016, 14:29

04-30-2016, 17:55
Thanks guys; Looks like the magic formula is nylon + spandex. I have other nylon underwear which I liked at first, but because it didn't have a good waist band it feels very loose on me now.
I would love a pair of those Patagonia shorts, but at $70/pr I'll have to put that on my wish list for now.

04-30-2016, 18:01
...I would love a pair of those Patagonia shorts, but at $70/pr I'll have to put that on my wish list for now.

I got a year old version at REI for less than $40 at a Spring clearance sale

Wise Old Owl
04-30-2016, 19:30
There is nothing wrong with what you are currently using... I would suggest a clothes line and two pair. one drying while wearing the other. If the smell is bad for you change your detergent to this... put it in a small squeeze bottle

CLICK (http://www.amazon.com/Scent---Way-Deodorizing-Liquid-Soap/dp/B002L9DRLM/ref=sr_1_2?s=sporting-goods&ie=UTF8&qid=1462058990&sr=1-2&keywords=hunters+scent+away)

04-30-2016, 21:41
Ex-Officio all the way!

Lightweight, durable, breathable, washes easily and dries quickly. Expensive (about $25 per pair), but well worth the price.

Yes, they make women's underwear too.

https://www.exofficio.com/search/underwear?&mkwid=s5wMk8KF5_dc|pcrid|107254297874|pkw|ex%20off icio%20underwear|product||pmt|e&gclid=Cj0KEQjwr5G5BRD_n-T0pf7x4ucBEiQAlxHOP1Zwlw-Fv7JNir5zC626A2SOX1S76lAL7r7rXFr89l8aAp_38P8HAQ


04-30-2016, 21:45
My problem is chafing. I sweat a lot, and have problems if I don't put on a dry pair when I go to sleep.

If your problem is chafing, try washing before bed and going commando. The chafing is caused by dirt and dried, salty sweat rubbing your skin raw that then gets infected. Washing the salt and dirt off will go a longs way to preventing chafing.

04-30-2016, 23:00
You know what dries the fastest? Nothing.

Wear a kilt. Then your junk can roam freely like the illustration below. Just be sure to wear a lot of Body Glide.


04-30-2016, 23:37
Nothing but a kilt makes for uncomfortable situations around the campfire, man or woman.

04-30-2016, 23:39
Though I do prefer to go commando, in zip off shorts.
note: beware of ticks!

05-01-2016, 08:08
I don't know why we are hung up (pun intended) on a nighttime laundry cycle. Most nights on the trail, relative humidity is too high for any drying to occur. Stop during the warm late afternoon, find a private place to remove and wash your shorts, put them back on and wear them dry. Or put on the spare pair you washed yesterday and hung on your pack to dry. That way you've only had a couple of hours in clean shorts and can go to bed dry and mostly clean. You can do a little sponge bath with a cloth if needed.

You can carry a gallon ziplock and a few drops of soap to do your washing well away from water sources.

On my first long hike I was struggling with chafing issues after 1000 miles or so in the summer heat. I still can't believe I spent $40, in desperation, for a pair of Ex Officio briefs. Those, along with daily hygiene as noted above, solved the problem. Since I wore out those briefs, I've been able to find other lesser brand names for a much lower price, and carry two pair on long hikes.

This daily cycle got me through a cross-country bike ride a couple years ago, where the "area" is much more important than in hiking--combine the chafing issue with pressure.

Everyone struggles with different issues out there, and tends to find his/her own solution. Good luck finding yours.