View Full Version : Tahoe Rim Trail?

05-28-2016, 16:14
I got laid off in California and have a month to kill until my lease is up. I'm thinking of thru hiking Tahoe Rim Trail as early as this coming weekend.

Any recent TRT thru hikers that can recommend a "guidebook?" I saw Mags had something posted but the link is dead.

Is first week of June too early?

Hoping I can do this, that it goes well, and I can follow up with the CT.

Thanks all!

05-28-2016, 16:22
Damn, TRT is very Sierra. Too early. Can anyone recommend a nice 1 week PCT section that is doable now?

05-28-2016, 21:12
TRT will have a boatload of snow as will everything north of mile 700. You could start at Big Bear and head north. That would give you some pretty good trail and spending on your pace you have the potential of going to or even into the Sierra.

05-29-2016, 00:17
TRT early June = snow. You may try the the east side which faces westward and tends to melt a little faster overall other than for the highest pts.

05-29-2016, 01:05
Muir Trail Ranch south past Evolution Lakes, Muir Pass and exit out at the ranger station (I think it is called the Bishop pass trail or something like that) I am not sure about the snow.