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View Full Version : New Lyme Disease Ailment

The Old Chief
06-28-2016, 17:39
Just read this article online. I've never heard of this ailment associated with Lyme disease before.


06-28-2016, 22:43

That news report seems to blow things a little out of proportion. according to cdc 4 cases in 23 years. 1% of all lyme diease cases. NOt very common at all. From what I remember, I think its a late complication of untreated lymes

06-29-2016, 10:46
Thanks for this story and link.

06-29-2016, 11:24
From the comment section

"Like in the old days they need to burn off the woods more and kill out these critters"

07-07-2016, 07:47
Bump for a friend

07-07-2016, 08:29

That news report seems to blow things a little out of proportion. according to cdc 4 cases in 23 years. 1% of all lyme diease cases. NOt very common at all. From what I remember, I think its a late complication of untreated lymes

Those numbers don't add up. 1% of all Lyme disease cases is a heck of a lot more than 4 in 23 years.

07-07-2016, 10:48
I haven't read it too in depth, but is this a "new" strain of Lyme or is it just a side-effect some people have (like being allergic to bee stings)? If I'm not mistaken, the Lyme disease (in these cases) attacks the heart for some unknown reason? That being said, anyone out there have any thoughts on taking Doxycycline prophylactically if headed out into the tick hot-spots (probably more practical on a section-hike than thru-hike)? It's old, cheap, very minimal SE. Though there is the thing about ABX resistant strains R/T over-use of ABX. Thoughts?