View Full Version : 2017 GET 10th Anniversary

12-04-2016, 18:38
A space to share thoughts or news of events surrounding 2017's 10th Anniversary of Great Eastern Trail.

12-06-2016, 12:22
Someone in the Great Eastern Trail Hiking Facebook group suggested holding a challenge similar to North Country Trail's Hike 100 https://northcountrytrail.org/get-involved/special-events/hike-100-challenge/

The GET Association has no office or staff, and seems not to attract volunteers of an administrative bent, so getting anything like this organized might be a challenge in and of itself.

One variation offered on Facebook would be to have something for folks who hike 10k on any GET portion (some areas don't have 10 mile continuous sections, plus 10k makes it more accessible to "locals", and one long section of the GET is measured in km anyway ;) ), and maybe something extra for those who hike 10k on 10 different parts (different component trails, or different named/numbered sections)

02-01-2017, 09:28
GET brochures are needed in shelters and trail-register boxes and at businesses along the route.