View Full Version : Barefoot hiking boots

12-14-2016, 22:08
I was thinking about trying Feelmax Kuuva boots.
Does anybody have experience with this brand?
How waterproof are they?
How long did it take you to adjust to the sole?

12-15-2016, 13:18
I was thinking about trying Feelmax Kuuva boots.
Does anybody have experience with this brand?
How waterproof are they?
How long did it take you to adjust to the sole?

I have not tried those, but have been wearing Vibram Fivefingers for about five years. My observation about barefoot hiking is that it is a very individualized experience. Some people love it. Most people don't. I have recommended Fivefingers to many people. Most of those who have followed my recommendation, don't stick with them.

Vibrams Fivefinger has a waterproof version. I have a pair, but seldom wear them -- when water can't get in, it can't get out either. My feet sweat, so my socks get wet.

Getting used to the barefoot feel didn't take long. One learns quickly to avoid stepping on sharp rocks, etc. I originally used the barefoot shoes as camp shoes. I was hiking with very expensive traditional boots and my feet were killing me. I took off the boots and tried the barefoot shoes. I have never gone back to traditional boots. My feet have become accustomed to the thin soles. I have not problem hiking on broken rocks.

My advice is to try a pair. You won't really know whether they will work for you until you try them.

12-16-2016, 16:16
I'm with you on the waterproofing. I much prefer well oiled leather boots to Goretex.

I am interested in barefoot boots because I tend to plod and pound my feet in heavy lugged boots. Anyway, the Kuuva boots are not terribly expensive. I think I'll try them for a few months and see how it goes.

Thanks for the input