View Full Version : Podcasts

01-08-2017, 13:49
Hey all.

I had a quick question regarding some of these daily podcasts I see people make when they day, section, or thru-hike. Hopefully it's nothing to complex, but can anyone break down exactly how to make a podcast while hiking, such as what type of gear you need and can you do it on the fly? Or do you have to have a computer and software and all that? I think it's quite neat when I see people doing this and would like to know more about it. I appreciate any information you got and if you have done podcasts that would be even more helpful. Thanks everyone!

01-08-2017, 16:11
I think it all depends on the final quality level that you are looking for.

01-08-2017, 16:28
It would be for social media to give daily updates. I can do it without a computer and all that I'd assume, but just have no idea where to even start, IE: Apps, creating the actual podcast, edit/publishing, and cross posting it. Any videos or advice you have of how to get started?