View Full Version : Great Plains Trail Alliance Board Takes Next Big Step

08-06-2017, 19:59
On Saturday, August 5, 2017, the Board of Directors for the Great Plains Trail Alliance held our annual "in person" meeting with most of the members in attendance. The Board decided on a Great Plains Trail Founders Club fund-raising plan (https://greatplainstrail.wordpress.com/2017/08/06/announcing-the-gpta-founders-club/) for moving ahead with the next major phase of trail development.

We would love to hear your feedback either through comments on the GPTA website or here on Whiteblaze forum. A big thanks to all of you who have shown your support through comments in the last Great Plains Trail thread.

As always, there were diverse opinions about various trail users such as bicyclists, equestrians & hikers. But keep in mind, we all share a common love for the great outdoors in general and long-distance trails specifically. Rather than looking at it through the lens of a hiker or biker or horseback rider, I hope that the GPT becomes known as a welcoming and enjoyable trail for all outdoor enthusiasts. There is plenty of room on the Great Plains for all of us.